Official - I have a Hopper 3 Thread!

I only had the original Hopper (no sling) before, can we still use Dish Anwhere if prepare for mobile is turned off?
Yes, you can, it just takes a little longer for the transfer to your Tablet/Phone. If you don't really need a program directly on your mobile device there is no effect at all.
I am only talking about recording made after it was set to off as that is all that are left unwatched and not deleted. I delete immediately after watching.
Then you are not set to off. Since I set mine to off, and it is off, I no longer have the issue on any recording. Have you done a mobile transfer since setting it to off? Did you get a popup asking you, on your mobile device, if you want to "To make all of your recordings available for transfer to your mobile device, Select OK?" If you selected OK you reset it in your Hopper to ON again. If you select Cancel on that popup the transfer will still happen on that program but leave the H3 set to Off.
Thanks! Couldn't find the swap button on my remote (52.0) so I got the manual out and discovered it's the input button on the side (guess it pays to read the instructions after all!). I'll give it a try...
Dish has had this function for years by using the pip software. You could simply freeze the program you were watching, press the swap button without opening a PIP screen, and freeze and swap between 2 the tuners at will - my prefered way to watch 2 programs at once in lieu of the annoying (but still greatly appreciated) PIP video window - especially useful at half times. Now, on the H3, the PIP button operates the same way.

However, this swapping doesn't work on with the Joey which is not PIP capable and seems able to address only one tuner at a time. Dish should enable this freeze and swap feature by allowing it to address (not simultaneously display) two tuners ASAP.
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I had an H3 installed this morning. The install went well. Ran new cabling, added a wing (500 dish) for the 77° locals, got to keep the 40.0 remote. Signal strength is higher with the hybrid. The hub was put by the TV not by the dishes.

Checked the TV activity screen and it shows 2 tuners not 16. I then attempted to record 16 shows. Went into the guide and hit record, went up a channel and hit record. When I reached 5 recordings the H3 refused to record any more shows or set up any timers. The box said "Timer creation failed. Try again later."
TV activity displays 7 of 16 tuners: tuner 1 through 5 recording, tuner 6 available , tuner 7 has 4 options (OTA?). No matter how I tried I could only use 7 of the 16 tuners. In the signal strength screen it shows all 3 sat locations as green check marks on all 16 tuners. Called Dish Tech and they had no earlier report for this issue. They did some troubleshooting and decided to replace the unit. They are going to send another H3.
Not the best start but it does seem to be a hardware problem, so I will see in a few days if that is the case.
You really need to let the Hopper digest for up to 72 hours for everything to work correctly. There is a lot going on in that time that brings all of the software up to date.
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I understand not having icons for awhile is a waiting game. Dish considers not having over half of your tuners available a hardware issue. Waiting wont fix a hardware issue.
Thanks for the replies and advice. I thought at first that this was part of the waiting that comes with a new receiver. I went through that process with at least 3 H1s and a HWS. I called dish tech service as all indications were the install and service were correct. I talked with 2 different techs at dish and both said that this seemed to point more toward hardware than something that would work itself out. I also have not seen that issue here. The decision was to start the RA so that if it does not pan out before the new receiver arrives, I will not be starting the replacement process 5 days later. If it does pan out I can call and reverse the RA. I was actually impressed with the dish response to act in a manner to get the issue resolved as fast as possible by starting an RA action first as opposed to last.
- I still haven't figured out how to do a seek style timer. Not sure if that's the right description, but I used to have (GB Packers fan) timers set up for football; "at Packers", "Packers at", "at Green Bay", and "Green Bay at" to capture all the games without all the random fluff.

"Dish Pass" feature from VIP receivers or "seek and record" from early Hopper is missing. This is a critical feature to allow timers to be created with just a keyword.

Have either of you figured out hot to "Seek & Record" That was a great feature & I hope a software update fixes that soon!

We want to hear how about your ordering experience!
I did the ordering. I had 10 months left on my contract & had to extend it for 2 years. The rep wanted me to pay $8 per month for a service contract. He could explain why I would need that & could answer what the standard warranty period was. He seemed frustrated so I ended the call & tried later. The next person said they would cover the 1st 30 days. They also wanted an installation fee. When I balked at that they say OK, free.

We want to hear about your install how did it go?
Tech was a little late but no biggie.

We want to hear what the Techs did and upgraded at your house!
The tech needed to install a different LNB which didn't take long. It did take a while to download things before it fired up. He was at my home for about an hour to 1.5 hours.

We want to hear your thoughts on the Hopper 3!
My first impression was the picture looked darker. It took my hours to figure out how to do Picture n Picture. When I finally figured it out the receiver went haywire after about 20 minutes. It looked like several pictures were present & had lots of vertical & diagonal lines. I had to push the red rest button to fix it & no problems since.

I cannot figure out how to "Seek & Record" no could a Dish rep who in fact had no idea what I was talking about.

We want to hear what you would change about the Hopper 3?
The bottom is I don't like the remote so far. The old remote was big but overall much easier to fine things. With the new one you must dig through several buttons to do simple things. I get used to it but doubt if I'll ever really like it.
Like to add to my post above that I frequently use my receiver for better sound quality & had issues with popping & crackles last night. Both issues I"ve had seem to be when using Picture in Picture.
Have either of you figured out hot to "Seek & Record" That was a great feature & I hope a software update fixes that soon!

We want to hear how about your ordering experience!
I did the ordering. I had 10 months left on my contract & had to extend it for 2 years. The rep wanted me to pay $8 per month for a service contract. He could explain why I would need that & could answer what the standard warranty period was. He seemed frustrated so I ended the call & tried later. The next person said they would cover the 1st 30 days. They also wanted an installation fee. When I balked at that they say OK, free.

We want to hear about your install how did it go?
Tech was a little late but no biggie.

We want to hear what the Techs did and upgraded at your house!
The tech needed to install a different LNB which didn't take long. It did take a while to download things before it fired up. He was at my home for about an hour to 1.5 hours.

We want to hear your thoughts on the Hopper 3!
My first impression was the picture looked darker. It took my hours to figure out how to do Picture n Picture. When I finally figured it out the receiver went haywire after about 20 minutes. It looked like several pictures were present & had lots of vertical & diagonal lines. I had to push the red rest button to fix it & no problems since.

I cannot figure out how to "Seek & Record" no could a Dish rep who in fact had no idea what I was talking about.

We want to hear what you would change about the Hopper 3?
The bottom is I don't like the remote so far. The old remote was big but overall much easier to fine things. With the new one you must dig through several buttons to do simple things. I get used to it but doubt if I'll ever really like it.

I got mine yesterday and I will try to be as thorough as I can. Appointment was scheduled for 8am to 12pm, tech arrived at 9:15am and he was a subcontractor and electrician by trade. He is obviously not a low voltage expert and said he had only three days of training. This was not his first H3 install, but it was his first 4k joey install. I immediately informed him that I wanted to keep my old remotes from my former H2, super joey and my other joey 1.0....he said he had to call that in and I showed him my PM with Khemka discussing why which in my case were all my old settings including 67 timers and a number of home theater setting for devices in each location. He said both he and his supervising office knew nothing about the ability to transfer these settings from pairing the old remotes with the new equipment....when the software downloads were complete he could not believe his eyes when the old remotes paired and the settings and timers were transferred perfectly. I then showed him how on another tv I had an android stick with Dishanywhere on it and how perfectly the tv worked without the need for joey...LOL!....good test of the new H3 and Dishanywhere working fine! Total install time about an hour and a half including software spite of this being a subcontractor I felt he did a great job...he took the new remotes back with him and to be honest the new remote that came with the H3 is pathetic...would never want it!
The H3 performed perfectly and every function worked immediately...recognized my EHD's and I began immediately transferring back programs that were on the old H2 that were of the watch one time variety...transfer speed is great. I got 4k joeys even though I have 1080p tv's in their locations and I am glad I did because the speed of these devices is awesome...4k Sony connected to H3 working great as well. Digital audio pass through back to my Pioneer and Sony surround receivers is perfect. I do not have a single issue with the H3 or 4k joeys....all are working, my internet connection speed is 50 down and 5 up and I am directly wired from the router to the H3.
With all the good behind let me tell you how lousy I think the new UI is:
1. The guide in black and white is a joke...SD channels are marked as such which is the reverse concept as before (are you kidding!)...without color highlighting it is easy to not notice carrier VOD lines...stupid! The worst is I pay over $200/month for Dish service and the damn guide has a banner line on the bottom with a TV Guide promo which is like getting the free version of an android app with an advertising promo line!
2. What is it with the program info with a line and hash showing what looks like a volume control on time remaining and the reduction in size of the channel and program name...stupid...old display was far better!
3. At least my old remote has red, green, yellow, and blue buttons which surely save steps over that toy remote that came with the H3.
4. Having the sources under the DVR menu with a cumbersome series of boxes to move programming back and froth from the H3 to EHD's is another longer and more pathetic approach than the old UI...I would love to meet the nerd who designed this!
5. As many have said the Home screen needs to be eliminated...what a waste of time....I do not need a Dish Showcase concept!

All in all, the devices work perfectly and that is a big step forward on a new release, but I want the old UI back!
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