Official - I have a Hopper 3 Thread!

I believe we have a bug. I know it's difficult to see, but the top three episodes show that they have been viewed. We haven't touched these recordings. With most new recordings, when we select them to play them, the popup menu shows "Resume", but nobody has ever started watching them. Anybody else having this issue?


I have the same issue on all my recordings. Small bug hopefully easy to fix.
Picture quality has been greatly improved IMO. A lot better than H2. I use 4K Joey for main TV which is a Samsung 4K unit. H3 on Samsung Plasma. Used to bug me on H2 Joey that PQ was so-so. Not any more

I am having the reverse issue. My picture quality was far better on Hopper 2 than it is on my Hopper 3.
Picture quality has been greatly improved IMO. A lot better than H2. I use 4K Joey for main TV which is a Samsung 4K unit. H3 on Samsung Plasma. Used to bug me on H2 Joey that PQ was so-so. Not any more

Just a question why pay for the 4k Joey and put the 4k Hopper 3 on a none 4k TV instead of putting the Hopper 3 on your main TV?
It's been 4 days now with my hopper 3 and 4k joeys and I must say I'm impressed. Never having to worry about recording conflicts (like I did once in a while with Directv) is a huge peace of mind. I do have a couple questions:

I activated my free year of netflix yesterday and it works great on the hopper 3 but on the 4k joeys I get the message to "check back later". I thought I had read somewhere that netflix was active already on the joeys?

On directv they have a feature called doubleplay where you tune to one channel then push the down arrow to start another tuner and tune to a different program. Pressing the down arrow switches between the tuners and each tuner remains active and pauses the program when you leave the tuner and resumes it when you come back. It's a nice feature to watch 2 football games at once without using picture in picture. Does Dish have something similar that I'm not seeing?

Thanks to anyone who replies!

Not sure it's the same but similar... You hit swap and if it's set up correctly it will bring up which channel you want to swap to... From there I believe you can pause and go back and forth... With 16 tuners was hoping it would be more then the 3 tuners they allow you to open

This is off the top of the head so please forgive me if I'm off on something
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I just noticed this the other night. I have an older, maybe at the most 5 years old, Sony KBR receiver. I have the HDMI input labeled Satellite for my Hopper 3. It was labeled the same for my 722K. But when I bring up the Hopper 3, next to my label it says Hopper 3 (I think. I'll confirm this when I get home from work). Never did that with the 722K.
OK Guys, New to the forum. I joined after reading through a couple of threads. I had the Hopper 3 installed on 2/6/16. I upgraded from a Hopper 1 and 4 Joey 1.0's. I now have a Hopper 3, and 4 4K Joeys. The install was the Dish guys 1st Hopper 3 and he was professional and did a great job. He did some work on the dish and used the existing in house cables. With a little troubleshooting he got the Hopper and Joeys online. The system is lightning fast compared to the old one and I prefer the new guide as well. PQ is better than the Hopper 1.

A few issues:

Its been since 2/6 and My DVR Cover art is still not loading and Netflix is still not working. The main unit is plugged into a Sony 810C 4k TV and for some reason it does not seem to recognize that it is 4K. I have gone through the settings and made sure the 1080i, 1080p, 4k setting is on. I tried playing a 4k movie and it stated the display does not support 4k. Any suggestions. I have done a power reset and waited a few days and still not resolving the issue. I contacted customer service and they were unable to help me as well.
Netflix will be awhile before it works.
For the Cover art make sure ALL the Joeys and Hopper are in standby when you go to sleep.
For the 4K viewing make sure you are using the HDMI port that supports HDCP 2.2 or you wont get any 4K.
I just noticed this the other night. I have an older, maybe at the most 5 years old, Sony KBR receiver. I have the HDMI input labeled Satellite for my Hopper 3. It was labeled the same for my 722K. But when I bring up the Hopper 3, next to my label it says Hopper 3 (I think. I'll confirm this when I get home from work). Never did that with the 722K.
The label says "HDMI 1 Tuner 1 (Dish Hopper). This all new.
Not sure it's the same but similar... You hit swap and if it's set up correctly it will bring up which channel you want to swap to... From there I believe you can pause and go back and forth... With 16 tuners was hoping it would be more then the 3 tuners they allow you to open

This is off the top of the head so please forgive me if I'm off on something

Thanks! Couldn't find the swap button on my remote (52.0) so I got the manual out and discovered it's the input button on the side (guess it pays to read the instructions after all!). I'll give it a try...
It's been 4 days now with my hopper 3 and 4k joeys and I must say I'm impressed. Never having to worry about recording conflicts (like I did once in a while with Directv) is a huge peace of mind. I do have a couple questions:

I activated my free year of netflix yesterday and it works great on the hopper 3 but on the 4k joeys I get the message to "check back later". I thought I had read somewhere that netflix was active already on the joeys?

On directv they have a feature called doubleplay where you tune to one channel then push the down arrow to start another tuner and tune to a different program. Pressing the down arrow switches between the tuners and each tuner remains active and pauses the program when you leave the tuner and resumes it when you come back. It's a nice feature to watch 2 football games at once without using picture in picture. Does Dish have something similar that I'm not seeing?

Thanks to anyone who replies!
How did you get a free year of Netflix?
So, I'm wondering, does H3 really have 16 separate tuners or is it 4 PTAT-like tuners? Not sure that it makes a difference to me, though, as long as it works.
I only had the original Hopper (no sling) before, can we still use Dish Anwhere if prepare for mobile is turned off?
The prepare for mobile make a copy that can be transferred to your mobile device so you can watch when an internet connection to your mobile is not available
Just had a H3 and two J2's installed on Monday (Feb 22). I upgraded from an H1, SJ and J1.

Got the agent to throw in HBO, STARZ, and Cinemax for 3 months, free installation, and $5 credits for 6 months.

I was able to backup all of my timers and settings from the H1 to the 40.0 Remote over to the H3. That was a relief. I did not have to reload all of my 50+ timers. The tech did not know that was possible. What I did not know is all of my wireless settings moved too which was nice. Not sure if I am keen on the 52.0 remote, but that is just a learning curve.

The agent replace the whole dish (dish and LNB) which I did not expect. So I got new hardware all around.

Technically I do not have 4K in the home, but at the end of the day, I am happy with DISH and really do not plan on going anywhere. I do use the iPad and transfers a lot when I travel, so having the extra horse power there from the hardware and wireless will be nice. I skipped the H2 because I did not feel it was enough of a tech bump to upgrade; I thought the H3 was with the 16 tuners and 4K. I may go 4K for the main room eventually, but I do not see the need for the kids or bedroom at this time. I should be good with the H3 and J2's for a few years at least.

I am happy :)