Official - I have a Hopper 3 Thread!

I had a HIC, and the installer was a little nervous weather it was compatible with H3, so want to take it out. I have a network switch in my entertainment center, connected to my home network, so I just hooked the H3 up to that. I may try the HIC again later.
HIC works just fine.
My day finally came on Thursday. I think it was this past Tuesday when I finalized and scheduled my order through DIRT - they are GREAT, BTW! Anyway, my installer arrived around 130PM - this was his first H3 install. (of course!) He was great though - friendly, knowledgeable and oh, such a talker LOL. I think we spent far more time just yakking than we did installing. I was also getting 2 new Wireless Joeys to replace my old H2K and Joey 1.0. (the wireless Joeys are awesome - I wish I had thought of them long ago). He had almost everything for the job but somehow couldn't find a WAP on his truck. In talking, he realized that I knew much more about what he was doing than the average customer (thanks almost entirely to Sat-Guys) so while he took off for about 30 mins to pick up an Access Point, I went ahead and unpacked everything, put batteries in remotes, and placed the equipment at the appropriate places. When he returned, everything was prepped and ready to go, so we went outside (still yakking) while he spent maybe 10 mins or so swapping out the LNB and replacing my node with a hub - piece of cake. Inside we replaced the HWS with the new H3 and began the setup with software install, etc. Then we swapped out my H2K and old Joey with the 2 new Wireless Joeys. He offered me 1 or more of my old remotes but I had one that I owned so I decided I had enough with the 3 new ones. He managed to talk me into a new surge protector which was a nice one and seemed like a good price, as well as a set of Bluetooth headphones and a Bluetooth adapter for one of the Joeys. He had a nice Pol Audio sound-bar, but I passed on that for $$$ reasons - at least for now. The whole meeting took maybe 2 or 2 1/2 hours and went without a single glitch. It helped that there was no wiring to do - it was all a simple matter of disconnecting and re-connecting. I'm going to give the new 52.0 remote a few more days of trialing but so far, I'm not too impressed. I do like the smaller size and the feel of it, but fewer buttons seems to translate into more button-presses than before to do the same thing(s). I paired both the new remote and one of the old 40.0's with the H3 and I'm glad I did - something to fall back on. One other thing that I do really like about the new remote: the buttons are flat and do not protrude as high as the old ones so there are far fewer unintended "selections". I was at least a little apprehensive about my upgarde because of all the issues that people here were encountering but it turned out that it was unnecessary concern. All in all a very positive experience and I'm thoroughly enjoying my "new friend" (the Hopper 3 that is). Here's hoping that those of you who haven't taken the plunge yet have as easy a time of it that I did.
My day finally came on Thursday. I think it was this past Tuesday when I finalized and scheduled my order through DIRT - they are GREAT, BTW! Anyway, my installer arrived around 130PM - this was his first H3 install. (of course!) He was great though - friendly, knowledgeable and oh, such a talker LOL. I think we spent far more time just yakking than we did installing. I was also getting 2 new Wireless Joeys to replace my old H2K and Joey 1.0. (the wireless Joeys are awesome - I wish I had thought of them long ago). He had almost everything for the job but somehow couldn't find a WAP on his truck. In talking, he realized that I knew much more about what he was doing than the average customer (thanks almost entirely to Sat-Guys) so while he took off for about 30 mins to pick up an Access Point, I went ahead and unpacked everything, put batteries in remotes, and placed the equipment at the appropriate places. When he returned, everything was prepped and ready to go, so we went outside (still yakking) while he spent maybe 10 mins or so swapping out the LNB and replacing my node with a hub - piece of cake. Inside we replaced the HWS with the new H3 and began the setup with software install, etc. Then we swapped out my H2K and old Joey with the 2 new Wireless Joeys. He offered me 1 or more of my old remotes but I had one that I owned so I decided I had enough with the 3 new ones. He managed to talk me into a new surge protector which was a nice one and seemed like a good price, as well as a set of Bluetooth headphones and a Bluetooth adapter for one of the Joeys. He had a nice Pol Audio sound-bar, but I passed on that for $$$ reasons - at least for now. The whole meeting took maybe 2 or 2 1/2 hours and went without a single glitch. It helped that there was no wiring to do - it was all a simple matter of disconnecting and re-connecting. I'm going to give the new 52.0 remote a few more days of trialing but so far, I'm not too impressed. I do like the smaller size and the feel of it, but fewer buttons seems to translate into more button-presses than before to do the same thing(s). I paired both the new remote and one of the old 40.0's with the H3 and I'm glad I did - something to fall back on. One other thing that I do really like about the new remote: the buttons are flat and do not protrude as high as the old ones so there are far fewer unintended "selections". I was at least a little apprehensive about my upgarde because of all the issues that people here were encountering but it turned out that it was unnecessary concern. All in all a very positive experience and I'm thoroughly enjoying my "new friend" (the Hopper 3 that is). Here's hoping that those of you who haven't taken the plunge yet have as easy a time of it that I did.

Glad your new install went great. I never turn down remotes if installer offers them. Extras are always nice to have. I have had several replaced because some of the keys wear out, start sticking. Because I mirror my HWS, I have so many remotes I have them listed on a spread sheet to keep up with all of them, LOL. I have four spare 40.0 remotes incase of any failures.
Have you tried unplugging and then waiting 30 seconds to a minute, then plugging back in? Some folks report that this works. Mine took about 72 hours to start populating pics.
I have not. I will this evening if today it is still the same when I get home.
Glad your new install went great. I never turn down remotes if installer offers them. Extras are always nice to have. I have had several replaced because some of the keys wear out, start sticking. Because I mirror my HWS, I have so many remotes I have them listed on a spread sheet to keep up with all of them, LOL. I have four spare 40.0 remotes incase of any failures.
yep, in retrospect I could kick myself for not just keeping them I guess I can pacify myself by remembering how they were kind of on the grungy side. In fact, when he was packing them up I almost offered him latex gloves! LOL!
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yep, in retrospect I could kick myself for not just keeping them I guess I can pacify myself by remembering how they were kind of on the grungy side. In fact, when he was packing them up I almost offered him latex gloves! LOL!

You can always get another one for under $20. Not a huge deal.
You can always get another one for under $20. Not a huge deal.
Something else to pacify my indecision yesterday. Also, when I saw the new "old" remotes that came with the WJ's, I thought at first they looked slightly different, but in fact I think they were just new (and clean).
Today was the day, Tech arrived promptly at 9:30am, did his thing and was gone by 11:15am. This was his first H3 install. Needless to say I had all old equipment unhooked, and I unboxed the new while he was swapping the dish head. The longest part of the whole setup was the H3 downloading its software, I can not believe it has to download all the software I would imagine that a set of "base code" would be on the box and it would only need to download "slices" to merge into the base code to be current but if this is how they choose to use the sat bandwidth that is fine with me. I chose to setup as new not copying settings from my hold hopper w/sling. Looks good so far still confused why you can not setup a single favorite channel list that can be used by all view points. Its still doing its thing so will try setting up timers etc in a few hours. Overall so far a 10 out of 10! Also a hands down 10 rating to DIRT for getting me setup from the waiting list.
called on release day and got my install setup for today 02/5/16. Tech estimated arrival was 11:45-12:30 and he rang the doorbell at 10:15. I unhooked everything while he was in the attic swapping the DUO hub for the solo. He came brought the equipment in and got started setting up the H3. I unpacked the Joeys and got them all in place for him. Once the Hopper was on live TV we both started plugging in the Joeys and setting them up. All in all everything went super smooth and is running great so far. Tech wanted to take the remotes (he was in house) But a free Xbox 1st generation and 20 bucks I got to keep all 5.
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here is a pic