OFFICIAL External Storage Information

Dish sure has a way of doing things in a very unbalanced way.
For one, my external HD works about 80% of the time on transfers.
However, from time to time they fail with about a minute to go. Other times they fail after the transfer, thus removing the file from both the internal and external HD. That is VERY frustrating.
And Sometimes, it screws up bad enough that the External HD keeps running the process, thus not allowing any more transfers, and giving the "an error occurred while transferring file" message on any further attempt to transfer ANY other files.
In that instance I have to have enough patience to just "back away" for a while, and hope I can get it to work later.
Anybody else have these same problems???
I'm hoping I'm not the only one.
My External is a WD 500GB My Book Essential Edition External HD. Brand new.
I have the same external drive you have on one of my 622's. So far...knock on wood...I have had no problems transfering anything. I have transferred a number of recordings at the same time..about 5 hours of transfer time.. and no problems, it was a mix of HD and SD. I have already filled my external drive with recordings so I am going to buy a few more My Books and have a theme for each one. Maybe Movies, Sports and TV shows to start with. I have many other external drives, a few Lacie, Buffalo (which is great becaus I use it for my home network and backup all the kids documents and music and I am the process of buying more drives to backup what is on there..just in case) of course the My Book. I have a mix of network storage and just the USB external storage units.

Dish sure has a way of doing things in a very unbalanced way.
For one, my external HD works about 80% of the time on transfers.
However, from time to time they fail with about a minute to go. Other times they fail after the transfer, thus removing the file from both the internal and external HD. That is VERY frustrating.
And Sometimes, it screws up bad enough that the External HD keeps running the process, thus not allowing any more transfers, and giving the "an error occurred while transferring file" message on any further attempt to transfer ANY other files.
In that instance I have to have enough patience to just "back away" for a while, and hope I can get it to work later.
Anybody else have these same problems???
I'm hoping I'm not the only one.
My External is a WD 500GB My Book Essential Edition External HD. Brand new.
I'm excited. After leaving dish because of the 921 I am back as they have it on the ball at last.

My question, can you record to a HD attached to unit 1 and then take that HD to unit 2 and play the content back on unit 2 you recorded on unit 1?

Also can you select where the recording goes (internal HD or external HD)?

Will any of the non-DVR units (211) except the USB HD and play back the content or is this planned?

I'm excited. After leaving dish because of the 921 I am back as they have it on the ball at last.

My question, can you record to a HD attached to unit 1 and then take that HD to unit 2 and play the content back on unit 2 you recorded on unit 1?

You can only move to different STBs three times right now. This seems to be to allow you to save recordings and restore them onto a replacement ViP unit, should one start to fail. Later, they will allow unlimited on the account. Not to take to watch on a neighbor's TV.

Also can you select where the recording goes (internal HD or external HD)?

Not yet, maybe later. Right now, you record onto the built in HDD. You can then move it to the external. Then you can play it from the external, or move it back to the internal.

Will any of the non-DVR units (211) except the USB HD and play back the content or is this planned?

We should see this later. Perhaps as early as December. Perhaps not that early.


Welcome back. The ViP622/722 are the BEST!
I have the same external drive you have on one of my 622's. So far...knock on wood...I have had no problems transfering anything. I have transferred a number of recordings at the same time..about 5 hours of transfer time.. and no problems, it was a mix of HD and SD. I have already filled my external drive with recordings so I am going to buy a few more My Books and have a theme for each one. Maybe Movies, Sports and TV shows to start with. I have many other external drives, a few Lacie, Buffalo (which is great becaus I use it for my home network and backup all the kids documents and music and I am the process of buying more drives to backup what is on there..just in case) of course the My Book. I have a mix of network storage and just the USB external storage units.

Well, I certainly am happy for you. That would be pretty cool to have NO problems at all.
By the way, What Software version do you have? I have 4.41.
Anybody else have the same problem I'm having? I can't be the only one. There must be a work around. Now it's not allowing Any transfers. I got lucky with one, now nothing. I can only watch what's currently on the external. And I have over 260GB left to use.
Hey Cloudy,

Sorry to hear about your problems. I am using a 500GB external drive which I have filled completely up now and I haven't run into any problems except that occasionally it tells me that I have to subscribe to be able to manage the drive, and if I click OK and click to do it again it works. Maybe it is something flaky with the specific 622 you have?
My 500 GB is 99% full. It's about 85% mpeg4 HD movies off Starz/Cinemax/Voom and 15% mpeg2 HD movies off HBO/Sho or HDNET.

I anticipate to have 85 full length HD movies on this $90 500 GB drive.. that's about $1 per 2-hour HD movies.

Fantastic! Much better than the old D-VHS way to archiving HD movies!
Will this be available later for DVR 625 or PVR 721 or are they going to offer and exchange/upgrade to a different receiver


Hi, I just got off the phone with a CSR just a few minutes ago. I went through the options to make sure I talked to the tech department and she told me the engineering department IS working on an update so this external storage capability WILL be available in the future for the 625's.

So unless she just flat out lied to me I'm hopeful.

She couldn't tell me exactly when though. Because I asked how I would find out when it was available and she said I could register at and keep checking there.
Welcome. We'll be gentle.

In the world of gambling known as CSR roulette, you will, from time to time, encounter someone who really knows what they are talking about, and provide accurate information. Sometimes it seems that people like this are hunted down and fired. Because, more often, you will discover CSRs with truly poor math and recognition skills. They will tell you the "622" is better than the "722" - and it is most likely they have never heard of the 722, and they are thinking of the 721, but they don't bother to keep the model #s straight. Or they just wish to tell you what you want to hear, to keep you happy, a customer, and most of all- off the phone quickly.

The 625 does not have a USB 2.0 port. It has a USB 1.1 port. As it is now, it seems to take about 35 minutes to transfer 60 minutes of programming to the external storage, and that's with USB 2.0. Transfer times vary wildly. Think about the speed rating difference between the two: 12 Mbps for USB 1.1 vs. 480 Mbps for USB 2.0. Imagine how slowly a file transfer would be. Imagine the complaint calls to Dish. Imagine the costs to implement and support it on a receiver that may have only 2 or 3 years of life left, since it is not MPEG-4 capable.

Let us be kind, and merely state that she misinformed you, at a 95% confidence level. And yes, you can keep checking the web site, until you see this sign.........
I have two wd 500gb essentials, one filled (75 hd movies) and the other 1/3 full and no real problems other than an ocassional freeze of the 622 live services (program guide/browsing/channel changing) for a few seconds every so often.
I misinterpreted this following quote.

"You can only move to different STBs three times right now. This seems to be to allow you to save recordings and restore them onto a replacement ViP unit, should one start to fail. Later, they will allow unlimited on the account. Not to take to watch on a neighbor's TV."

I have a 622 and 722. I just had the 722 installed. I spoke to a Dish technician after I payed the $40.00 to have the My Book Western Digital 750GB turned on by a service representative. I told him I wanted to transfer video from my 622 to my 722 and I was worried that I could only transfer back and forth more than three times. He said I could connect and disconnect the hard drive (via the USB2) between the two receivers as many times as I wanted. If I had a third receiver I could even switch it back and forth to all three as long as I wanted. However as soon as a fourth (different receiver than the three) was attempted the drive would be reformatted.
It sure would be nice. But that's not what we've heard. Maybe Scott can clarify.

Meanwhile, I wouldn't be the first to try more than 3 moves.
It sure would be nice. But that's not what we've heard. Maybe Scott can clarify.

Meanwhile, I wouldn't be the first to try more than 3 moves.

I might have to try it since I transfered all my recordings from my 622 and then hooked the EHD to my new 722, two down and one to go.
What's the quickest way to get to the USB recordings using the remote? To get to the recordings list, you just press DVR - DVR on the remote but how about to the USB recordings. Do I need to press DVR - 4 - 1 - select - move over the menu and press Play? This is for my daughter that is now having some trouble accessing the recordings on the USB drive.

What's the quickest way to get to the USB recordings using the remote? To get to the recordings list, you just press DVR - DVR on the remote but how about to the USB recordings. Do I need to press DVR - 4 - 1 - select - move over the menu and press Play? This is for my daughter that is now having some trouble accessing the recordings on the USB drive.


4 dvrs and the number 4

Wild/Avs - Ch. 546 - Great PQ

new hd channels listed in guide!!!! (FALSE ALARM)

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