OFFICIAL External Storage Information

It gets a little harder after after that, your cute little girl will have to select "Manage Recordings" at the top of window.

Dirtydan, pressing DVR just once gets me to the same menu as pressing DVR 4 times. I'm gonna have to sit down with her and show her. There should be a faster way to get to the USB HD listings.
I got my WD My Book up and running with no problems. I haven't watch anything as of yet so I am not sure about any video or sound problems. My concern right now is I can't turn the Ext HD off! I have tried using the front panel button according to the manufactuers instruction, but the blue ligh persist. I won't want this running 24/7 because I will only use it a few times a month to archive movies. It doesn't seem to me to let it run all of the time.
You have to hold the button down a few seconds. Don't ask me how many, I haven't quite gotten the hang of it. And then, it might turn itself back on with an overnight recording or download.

I may just unplug mine.
It sure would be nice. But that's not what we've heard. Maybe Scott can clarify.

Meanwhile, I wouldn't be the first to try more than 3 moves.

I suppose somebody could just copy one thing to their drive and try it four times just to see what happens. If nothing else you would just have to reformat it (maybe on your pc if dish won't recognize it after a fourth move).

I wish I would have read this yesterday, I hooked up a new external drive. It is already half full though so I don't want to start over.
Just an FYI:


I'm sure most of you have already, but I checked mine yesterday (saw that it was generated 9/8) and saw TWO 39.99 EXT HARD DRIVE charges! I called billing and finally got someone on the line. Sadly, she had no idea what the charge was - I had to explain it to her and why there should only be one charge.

Anyway, just a reminder or suggestion to check it out, especially those of you who are, like me, on Auto-Pay.
Just an FYI:


I'm sure most of you have already, but I checked mine yesterday (saw that it was generated 9/8) and saw TWO 39.99 EXT HARD DRIVE charges! I called billing and finally got someone on the line. Sadly, she had no idea what the charge was - I had to explain it to her and why there should only be one charge.

Anyway, just a reminder or suggestion to check it out, especially those of you who are, like me, on Auto-Pay.

I was billed three times!!!!
Welcome. We'll be gentle.

In the world of gambling known as CSR roulette, you will, from time to time, encounter someone who really knows what they are talking about, and provide accurate information. Sometimes it seems that people like this are hunted down and fired. Because, more often, you will discover CSRs with truly poor math and recognition skills. They will tell you the "622" is better than the "722" - and it is most likely they have never heard of the 722, and they are thinking of the 721, but they don't bother to keep the model #s straight. Or they just wish to tell you what you want to hear, to keep you happy, a customer, and most of all- off the phone quickly.

The 625 does not have a USB 2.0 port. It has a USB 1.1 port. As it is now, it seems to take about 35 minutes to transfer 60 minutes of programming to the external storage, and that's with USB 2.0. Transfer times vary wildly. Think about the speed rating difference between the two: 12 Mbps for USB 1.1 vs. 480 Mbps for USB 2.0. Imagine how slowly a file transfer would be. Imagine the complaint calls to Dish. Imagine the costs to implement and support it on a receiver that may have only 2 or 3 years of life left, since it is not MPEG-4 capable.

Let us be kind, and merely state that she misinformed you, at a 95% confidence level. And yes, you can keep checking the web site, until you see this sign.........

Thanks for the info. I'm a relative newbie here so I didn't know the CSRs were so unreliable.

And I wouldn't mind upgrading to the 622 actually (another CSR told me it's $169 to upgrade from a 625 to 622. If that's wrong somebody let me know). I have the cash for it.

The thing is I have about 90 hours of programming currently on my 625. That 90 hours just goes bye-bye if I upgrade. That's what's biting me is. That just flat out sucks. If anybody has any idea how I could save those programs if I upgrade to a 622 (besides VHS tapes), let me know.

That's the only thing preventing me from upgrading to the 622.
And I wouldn't mind upgrading to the 622 actually (another CSR told me it's $169 to upgrade from a 625 to 622. If that's wrong somebody let me know). I have the cash for it.

I thought the price was $149 to the ViP622, and $199 for the ViP722. I'd spring for the extra bucks for the ViP722.
Do not know if this has been addressed yet. I did not feel like reading 55 other pages!!

I did use a simple 2GB USB thumb drive to TRANSFER photos from PC to 622 wo a problem. It did state not a supported device for DVR trasnfer!!
I know this maybe the wrong thread but can't seem to get an answer. Does anyone know if once dish lets the vip211 become a dvr whether or not the hd 411 will also have this option. When I signed on with dish in april of 06 I was told there was a shortage of vip211 and that the 411 was the same minus the ethernet port. But just wanting to know if anyone thinks the 411 will be able to use external hdd for dvr usage aswell. Also if not whats the possibilty of dish switching out with me for a vip211?
I believe the 211 and 411 run the exact same SW, so, except for the use of ethernet, all other functionaliy should be the same.
Thx Jim I appreciate the response and hopefully that will be the case, suks about the ethernet port but I can get over that lol. Thx once again.
Has anybody found a workaround way (with a 500GB WD My book essential) to delete content from it?
I can't Delete anything from it. I can restore, but can't delete. I guess I need to be Very selective about what I put on it. I only have room for maybe 20-30 more HD Movies on it.
THanks in advance for any help.
At very least, I hope the Software developers at E* know about this.
FYI, this is with a 622 receiver.

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