have you ever taken a stand....for god sakes its just TV and it is too damn expensive.....I am glad Dish is taking a stand

Guess you don't care about the sports channels? That was the whole reason I switched to they are gone...I'm taking a stand...Dish and the Cable Co. can stick it...I'm going Free to Air.
Comments on Fox and Dish contracts

Personally I found your conversation with Dish very well explained by Dish.
It occurs to me a lot of people dont understand carriage fees and broadcast rights.
If a corporation such as Fox decides to renew a expired contract, they have the right to ask Dish to turn off their carriage, until such time an agreement is reached.
In any provider contract (the fine print such as Dish) they are not obligated to provide the viewer with any "freebies" or credits for "circumstances beyond their control.
If one looks at a 12million subscriber base, the best they could offer is what they are doing now-offering free v.o.d. They dont have too. Its purely a customer service
Personally I found your conversation with Dish very well explained by Dish.
It occurs to me a lot of people dont understand carriage fees and broadcast rights.
If a corporation such as Fox decides to renew a expired contract, they have the right to ask Dish to turn off their carriage, until such time an agreement is reached.
In any provider contract (the fine print such as Dish) they are not obligated to provide the viewer with any "freebies" or credits for "circumstances beyond their control.
If one looks at a 12million subscriber base, the best they could offer is what they are doing now-offering free v.o.d. They dont have too. Its purely a customer service

Would they not be obligated to return the pro-rated amount I'm paying specifically for the Multi Sports Pack for FSNs if 80% of those are not currently transmitted?
If anyone is considering leaving you may want to contact Dish to verify you are free and clear - if you are.

I just chatted with them, and was initally told that I had almost two years left on my commitment since I upgraded in August. I didn't upgrade cr@p in August. My last upgrade was the force swapout of the 721's to 522's. That wasn't this past August.

I deliberately have no upgraded to HD to make sure I am not in a commitment right now. Just want to make sure if things go bad financially for the family, we can cut money where necessary.

Got transfered to Loyalty and they cleared it up. Of course, they then just left me there on the chat without answering anything else.

I did send a copy of the transcript to my email so I have a copy that I am free and clear if this drags out too much longer.
Would they not be obligated to return the pro-rated amount I'm paying specifically for the Multi Sports Pack for FSNs if 80% of those are not currently transmitted?
In that scenario, I'm willing to bet it would be handled differently than someone who's "lost" a few channels from an AT package. Have you contacted Dish ? I don't think they'll do anything unless people specifically ask. People can get $5/mo credits for multiple months pretty easily. Would that cover for you ? Can't hurt to ask...
I'm mad enough to not care about the disconnect fee...I will be out around 100.00 after prorating whats left on my contract, but 1 month of not paying for the service will cover that....then I'm free and clear. I figure I can save close to $1500 a year by canceling...that will buy a lot of FTA equipment...and my new HD antenna already gives me 29 free channels with all the major networks including Fox in HD. Wife doesn't like the 20' redneck mast...but oh well...;)
You came to Dish for sports??

Man did you come to the wrong place.

Local Cable didn't offer FSS in HD...Dish it's gone... Dish doesn't have the MLB I will get my Braves fix via or elsewhere. Braves baseball is my deal breaker...I have to have it....I told Dish that when I switched....I had to listen to the last few regular season games on the radio...that I missed Bobby Coxes farewell really took the cake....I sure miss the Braves on TBS.
To everyone who says, "just put up an antenna"

this is the message I get on

There are no stations predicted to serve this location.
Depending on the specifics of your installation, though, you may be able to receive some signals.

I live in a small area known as "Los Angeles County" it's not always as simple as throwing up an antenna.
To everyone who says, "just put up an antenna"

this is the message I get on

I live in a small area known as "Los Angeles County" it's not always as simple as throwing up an antenna.

Antennaweb did not work for me either. Go to and enter your address. Post your results in the message board and the folks will help you. According to antennaweb I would not get any channels...I get all the networks including a few subchannels. :) FTA stations in LA County? I would of thought you would have way more than nowheresville Alabama.
Remember that LA county is bigger than many states. The LA media market serves LA, Orange, Ventura, and parts of San Bernardino, and Riverside counties. These 5 counties alone are bigger than most states in the US. Also, we have things called mountains and hills (some over 10,000 feet in elevation). Get behind some of these that block your site from Mt. Wilson and you will not be able to pick up a signal even if you are within LA city
Also, we have things called mountains and hills (some over 10,000 feet in elevation). Get behind some of these that block your site from Mt. Wilson and you will not be able to pick up a signal even if you are within LA city
Exactly... Those websites (TV Fool and Antennaweb) know a lot of detail when you give them your full address. It knows if you're on the wrong side of a hill or mountain, for example. On antennaweb, you can "cheat" and tell it your antenna is on a tower "x" feet high (enter any number you want) and see if stations start showing as available then.
The first image is the LA DMA and media market. As you can see, it is larger than most states. The second image is the region within this market that are able to get these channels OTA. Notice how much smaller an area the OTA signal travels compared to the whole DMA. Even this small area is bigger than some east coast states. Even with this region there are a lot of areas that cannot pick up a signal due to hills.


Fox is really dug in now...I'm guessing this is a bad sign for how long some Fox stations will be off Dish starting Monday.

News Corp.'s Fox has rejected the latest offer from Cablevision Systems Corp., meaning that about 3 million homes in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut will continue to be without the signals of Fox's New York and Philadelphia TV stations.

Earlier Wednesday, Cablevision offered to take a one-year deal and pay the same rate that Time Warner Cable pays for Fox's WNYW-TV New York and WTXF-TV Philadelphia.

Fox says no to Cablevision's latest offer | Company Town | Los Angeles Times
I think Dish will wait as long as possible before going that route. If it strings out for over 90 days or so, then refunds would become a definite possibility. After all, Dish is not in the business to lose customers
no more than Toyota with their problems. Lets hope it gets settled by then--if not--then you certainly have a point to pursue.
Would they not be obligated to return the pro-rated amount I'm paying specifically for the Multi Sports Pack for FSNs if 80% of those are not currently transmitted?