My Chat with Dish about my contract and missing channels
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(03) HY5 Orlando B.VPH: Hello
(03) HY5 Orlando B.VPH: How may I help you?
ME : Good Morning. I had DIYnet on my programming and I noticed it was missing this morning. Why? We're pretty upset by this and all the FOX mess. We are wondering how long our contract is how much it will cost cancel it? Dish has failed us even though we like your equipment and signal
(03) HY5 Orlando B.VPH: I am sorry to hear that you are having an issue. I'd be happy to resolve that for you.
(03) HY5 Orlando B.VPH: Please give me just 1-2 minutes while I check on that for you.
(03) HY5 Orlando B.VPH: I appreciate your patience.
(03) HY5 Orlando B.VPH: For security purposes, can you please verify the last four digits of the Social Security Number on the account?
ME : <blanked out intentionally>
(03) HY5 Orlando B.VPH: Thank you.
(03) HY5 Orlando B.VPH: We do have a special department that can assist you better. May I transfer you to our Loyalty department at this time?
ME : yes
(03) HY5 Orlando B.VPH: Thank you.
(03) HY5 Orlando B.VPH has left the session.
Please wait while we find an agent from the (20) Loyalty department to assist you.
Thank you for contacting the Customer Loyalty Helpdesk, I will be handling your request today. Please give me a few minutes to review the agents previous chat so that I can help you with your issue.
ME : ok
(18) Jamy K.6BX: I apologize for the delay. I'm currently working with other customers simultaneously. Thank you for your patience. I'll be with you as soon as I can.
ME : ok
(18) Jamy K.6BX: Thanks! Please give me one moment to review your chat.
ME : ok
(18) Jamy K.6BX: Thank you for waiting, DIY was on free preview from 9/30-10/26. You can check out what's on free preview on channel 102. If you like, I can upgrade your package to our AT250 to get that channel.
(18) Jamy K.6BX: Your contract ends <blanked out intentionally>.
ME : no I don't want to pay 10 more for only one channel that I would want
(18) Jamy K.6BX: I understand.
ME : especially since I'm missing a bunch of fox channels on the current package
(18) Jamy K.6BX: I assure you we are doing everything possible to return your programming and reach an agreement that is fair and equitable. Please feel free to visit our website at
DISH VS Fox to get the latest updates on our negotiations. You can also voice your opinion by emailing us at
(18) Jamy K.6BX: Please keep in mind, this sometimes happens during contract negotiations and every provider does go through this. I'm very confident that we will get those channels back. These are highly rated channels.
ME : well that's not the customer problem it's DISH's problem and I feel shorted on your agreement to me to provide the channel I want on the top200.
(18) Jamy K.6BX: Because this programming is owned by another company, we must obtain broadcasting rights before we can make it available to our customers. We work hard to ensure that these rights come with fair terms and conditions so we can continue providing our customers with the best value in the industry; however there is always the chance that a compromise cannot be reached between DISH Network and the programmer. Because there is a possibility of programmers changing their prices or channel availability, our contract does not specify what channels are included in each package. Program negotiations are unavoidable and are a dynamic aspect of the business. These types of negotiations apply to any pay-TV provider, not just DISH.
ME : well what are you going to do for me. I pay a lot and now I'm stuck in this contract that I wouldn't have with comcast.
ME : what is it going to cost for me to cancel my contract which I feel should be nothing since you're in breach of contract for providing me with 200 channels
(18) Jamy K.6BX: We regret that FOX Sports has decided to remove their FSN programming from our customers. While we work hard to negotiate for the return of your programming as quickly as possible, we have decided to open up our Multi-Sport package which gives you ESPN Classic and several out of market Regional Sports Networks. You can find these new channels between channel 9660 and 9682.
(18) Jamy K.6BX: We can offer you 3 free pay per views for the inconvenience, the coupons would expire after 90 days, you can redeem them through our website or on our automated system by simply contacting 1-800-894-9131.
(18) Jamy K.6BX: If you cancel your cancellation fee is $280.
ME : stop giving me the "canned messages". can you waive this cancel fee?
(18) Jamy K.6BX: No, the fee is valid.
ME : even though you're in breach of contract?
(18) Jamy K.6BX: Per the agreement you signed, it does state "We reserve the right to add, delete, rearrange and/or change any and all programming, programming packages and other Services that we offer, and our prices and fees related to such programming, programming packages and Services at any time, including without limitation during any term agreement period to which you have agreed under the terms and conditions of any other agreement with DISH Network." so unfortunately, that would not be considered breaking the contract.
ME : yes, but I'm paying for 200 channels not 180
(18) Jamy K.6BX: You have over 200 channels.
ME : I guess I can forward this chat to the Colorado AG just to see what they have to say.
(18) Jamy K.6BX: If you like to dispute the contract, you can call our office and speak to someone in our Executive office.
(18) Jamy K.6BX: You can call us at 1-800-894-9131; we are open 24/7 for your convenience.
ME : I bought this package because I have specific channels I wanted. I don't care about shopping networks, etc. those aren't entertainment, those are force on DISH to carry them
ME : same with religious channels
(18) Jamy K.6BX: I know it's frustrating and I do apologize. We are working hard to reach a fair and equitable agreement. Negotiations usually proceed quickly, and we hope to reach an agreement soon. DISH Network will not be bullied or forced into reaching an agreement that is unfavorable to our customers, and we are committed to investing in the time that is required to reach a fair deal.
ME : I understand what your are saying but you're putting this on my back and your customers while you have this dang fight.
(18) Jamy K.6BX: I am sorry.
ME : with no consideration to the customers that are paying for this or offering something as a replacement in the interim.
(18) Jamy K.6BX: Sorry about this, we are avidly working for a fair deal with them at this time. In its place we have provided the Multi sports package.
ME : I'm not a sports person but I'm a fan of fox31 and their other station wb2. Will those be pulled on 11/1 too?
(18) Jamy K.6BX: Our contract with FOX Local TV channels in many markets ends on Oct. 31. We continue to negotiate with FOX for the continued carriage of these channels. Unfortunately, FOX is using a scare tactic to threaten DISH and our customers that the channels will be pulled unless we meet their high rate increase. To receive updated information on our negotiations with FOX and restoring your FOX SPORTS Regional Sports Channels, FX and Nat. Geo, go to
DISH VS Fox and sign up to receive email updates as they become available. We also invite you to send a letter to sports teams and advertisers that are shown on the regional sports channels.
ME : So if people want out of their contracts because of this you're going to trap us by not waving anything?
ME : I don't have time to write hundreds of people and you can't expect consumers to have to do all this
(18) Jamy K.6BX: I'm very sorry, Ms. . Unfortunately, you did agree to the terms and condition on the contract. The contract is valid.
(18) Jamy K.6BX: Feel free to share your thoughts and concerns by e-mailing us at We assure you that we will read every e-mail we receive.
(18) Jamy K.6BX: Do you have any other questions?
ME : ok, this is pointless then. thanks for nothing. nope have a great day
(18) Jamy K.6BX: Thank you for being a Dishnetwork customer, you have a wonderful day!
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