David Dietzel said:Wish list:
NOGGIN -- kids won't stop bugging me.
SD Locals
HD Nationals
DVR -- without home networking option OK
Fix DVI-HMDI connection/copyright bug
If all of this come to pass in the next 60 days or so VOOM will have the world by the tail.
Voom4Me said:So Far...
289 - LMN (Lifetime Movie Network)
524 - LIFE (Lifetime)
525 - LRW (Lifetime Real Women)
618 - NGC (National Geographic Channel)
813 - CMT (Country Music Television)
Any HD channels??
craigs2553 said:I myself is wondering what other HD channels are out there besides INHD & HDNET that we don't have????
Hang on Vurbano...one has to set the table before one serves a gourmet dinner...vurbano said:comeon Voom gimme one new HD channel!
Sean Mota said:More to come...(and Yes, I am taking the fifth and won't say which ones SD/HD)
And you'll save about 20% on your bill .. get voom todayjbcheshire said:I've seen more posts on this board from people that have V* and had E*, state that the PQ from V* is much better, so I will take their word for the PQ...
AND, because V* has more HD channels than E*. I already have the OTA for my locals in HD, so all E* is giving me is 5 channels and I'm lucky to watch one of those in a week for an hour.... I get them for $5 and I paid $25 to get the stupid 811, so I am keeping E*'s HD until I get something better... (like VOOM!!!!!)
joverstr2 said:It is International Women's Day, I think that's why they have added all the girly channels.....![]()
Scott Greczkowski said:I wish they would add ESPN2-HD just so I can watch the Red Sox kick the Yankees ass on Opening Day.![]()