NEWS FLASH: New Channels: LIFETIME Net, CMT, National Geographic,...

Voom4Me said:
So Far...

289 - LMN (Lifetime Movie Network)
524 - LIFE (Lifetime)
525 - LRW (Lifetime Real Women)
618 - NGC (National Geographic Channel)
813 - CMT (Country Music Television)

Any HD channels??
Good Job on this Info: I'll watch 618 my wife the other's, Let's go vooming tonight........
Keep in mind, until the 'Plug" is actually pulled they may have "contractual" obligations to add these channels.

I have gone through transitions with other companies and until the employees have been told to leave the building it is always "business as usual."
Scott Greczkowski said:
Yes Lifetime Movie Network is showing up for me on 289 (Why 289?)

Lifetime is on 524
Lifetime Real Women is on 525 :)

Movie channels are between 200-299.
Yes, I would like more HD channels but c'mon guys why the heck would you be bashing them for putting up more SD. Voom needs to be a FULL SERVICE provider if they are to survive beyond the latest boardroom brawl. I believe that this is one of the reasons they did get big sub numbers when first launched, they were seen as an HD add on but not a full replacement to cable, E*, D*. Remember, they lost a lot of the original subs, I am sure some of that was because there was no Lifetime or other fluff. If mama and the kids are happy then they will not object when Dad wants to sign up for Voom.

If these channels were available in HD and we were getting the SD version I could see complaining. As it stands you are getting more than you had before.

Sheesh, This bashing is kind of like crying, "But I only wanted to pay for a bigger engine, so why do I have to get the bigger brakes as well".
67Yv8t said:
But instead of running around to every little department and reviewing every event on the calendar, and stopping each before it happens; CVC may just allow the processes to quit on their own, let's say they want to keep half of the employees,

They did not seem to use that tactic when they pulled the plug on the web site? :confused:
I agree.
When V* announced the channels they were adding in March everyone was excited and pretty much realized most of them were going to be SD.

For my part, I'll take the SD channels (with more to come) and the HD-DVR!!!!
Wish list:

NOGGIN -- kids won't stop bugging me.
SD Locals
HD Nationals
DVR -- without home networking option OK
Fix DVI-HMDI connection/copyright bug

If all of this come to pass in the next 60 days or so VOOM will have the world by the tail.
Thank you, Voom, for the six new channels. This is indeed a good sign. How about this new channel roll out as a STATEMENT! I can now tear away from the SatGuys pages without worrying about voom being sut down.

Now would you please just add FSN Arizona ... ...
What's the point

What's the point on adding SD channels if you can't watch them.
The PQ of SD is terrible since they changed to the harmonic encoders.
Now I'm sure they switched to harmonic to make room for those new channels.
This really bugs me.
I'm ready to go back to E* if they don't fix that soon.
Even the HD channels are affected by this
And at this point I don't think they can't fix it because they are just trying to squeeze to many channels into bandwitdth they don't have.
I would not think anything of the channel Additions

Ever been in a Merger before??????????

I have, its all about the power struggle. People at Voom are just positioning. They have no say in if it will stay on so in the mean time they are adding channels, just be THEY CAN.

They are still getting paid so they are still doing there jobs. Besides they probably think having more channels will make things look better so someone will fund them.

Makes sence to me. Keep adding . . . .
I was told last night while chatting with a CS that BBC America was coming soon as well as WGB or something like that, it's one of the "Superstation".
I too am bummed that they are all SD but if they want to get the subs they need to extend the lineup.
My biggest wish would be FOXHD since my OTA sucks

Thank God for the Lifetime channel. The wife would never admit to liking VOOM just because this channel was missing from their lineup; it has been 11 months, comments. Anyway, she is going to be surprised and delighted to find not one, not two, but three Lifetime channels when she gets home from work.

Thanks VOOM...
I'm very happy they have added any channels....and grateful, I was just hoping it would be the whole discovery package. My gf will be very happy with the additions, but she almost never watches Voom.
All I have to say is that without VOOM's own HD channels, all they would be is just another broadcast company.

I am a salesman at a local satellite retailer/installation company in AZ. We stopped selling VOOM a couple of months ago because, 1-thier financial situation was uncertain, and 2- they were not paying comissions in a timely manner. It took us months to receive the commissions we were due.

VOOM's HD channels are great, but we get a lot of complaints about looping of these shows like we can do anything about it.

As for common HD content, everyone is getting the same channels available to them via the networks. Discovery, ESPN, TNT, HDNet, HDNet Movies, Showtime, HBO, and in some areas Cinemax, and Starz. Like I said, without VOOM's original looping channels they would just be an overpriced satellite television provider.

As for PQ of VOOM vs. E*. In our showroom we had both providers on identical televisions with identical settings showing the same channel (Discovery HD) and Dish Network blew VOOM out of the water as far as PQ went, which was the same for SD channels. These T.V.'s are the new JVC HD-ILA series so they are not by any means a middle of the line televisions.

And BTW, the best way to get your locals in HD is to buy an off air ant. and plug it into the back of your HD receiver. They are broadcast for free from the local towers in your area. Depending on your service provider, you can eliminate the fee for the local channels and save yourself a few bucks a month on your bill.


In war, the object is not to die for your country, but make the other guy die for his.

HDNET and the INHD's are a must to add. Those are great HD channels and VOOM is the HD leader.

What other HD channels are there available at this time?

Need VH1 Classic, MSG, WGN and Extra Innings....

The DVR needs to come ASAP....
I myself is wondering what other HD channels are out there besides INHD & HDNET that we don't have????

Voom defaults on HDTV Magazine ads

VOOM Added Channels--Including VH1 Classic FINALLY!!!

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