NEWS FLASH: New Channels: LIFETIME Net, CMT, National Geographic,...

My wife just check, no new channels. Did you have to reset your receiver? Leave it on? Are the channels on the Voom package or the Va-Va Voom package?

David Dietzel said:
Wish list:

NOGGIN -- kids won't stop bugging me.
SD Locals
HD Nationals
DVR -- without home networking option OK
Fix DVI-HMDI connection/copyright bug

If all of this come to pass in the next 60 days or so VOOM will have the world by the tail.

If they had Noggin a couple months ago, I would have switched to Voom. As it is, I switched to D*, but hope Voom is around a year from now and they have added Noggin...

Good luck to all you Voomers out there. I hope Chuck Dolan and crew pull this one out...
Why would you jump ship from E*. They have much better PQ and are less expensive than VOOM. (see post on page 4).
Voom4Me said:
So Far...

289 - LMN (Lifetime Movie Network)
524 - LIFE (Lifetime)
525 - LRW (Lifetime Real Women)
618 - NGC (National Geographic Channel)
813 - CMT (Country Music Television)

Any HD channels??

Chicks, hicks, and nude pygmys. It doesn't get any better than this.

Not complaining. I would even take one of charlie's shopping channels as a step forward.....

craigs2553 said:
I myself is wondering what other HD channels are out there besides INHD & HDNET that we don't have????

HDNET's and ESPN2 I can think off the top of my head. I know there is another that I cant recall.
vurbano said:
comeon Voom gimme one new HD channel!
Hang on has to set the table before one serves a gourmet dinner...
:D Vicki :D
I've seen more posts on this board from people that have V* and had E*, state that the PQ from V* is much better, so I will take their word for the PQ...

AND, because V* has more HD channels than E*. I already have the OTA for my locals in HD, so all E* is giving me is 5 channels and I'm lucky to watch one of those in a week for an hour.... I get them for $5 and I paid $25 to get the stupid 811, so I am keeping E*'s HD until I get something better... (like VOOM!!!!!)
Sean Mota said:
More to come... :) (and Yes, I am taking the fifth and won't say which ones SD/HD)

And the hits keep on comin. I'm liking radio wars when a station is sold or goes dark, it does not add programming. It's tears as much off the top as it can. I'm glad more HD is on the way, but today, it's enough that new channels are added. I still want VH-1Classic however, I'll beat that drum again in a few months.
Like I said in my other post. V* has great options as far as HD goes, but again...they are their own channels that get looped.

Put the pictures side by side on the same type of T.V. and V* will look like a screen door compared to E*
jbcheshire said:
I've seen more posts on this board from people that have V* and had E*, state that the PQ from V* is much better, so I will take their word for the PQ...

AND, because V* has more HD channels than E*. I already have the OTA for my locals in HD, so all E* is giving me is 5 channels and I'm lucky to watch one of those in a week for an hour.... I get them for $5 and I paid $25 to get the stupid 811, so I am keeping E*'s HD until I get something better... (like VOOM!!!!!)
And you'll save about 20% on your bill .. get voom today
How are you going to save 20% on V*. They don't have the regular channel lineup that the others do. You can't even get FSN.
joverstr2 said:
It is International Women's Day, I think that's why they have added all the girly channels..... :D

A very interesting observation. What do you say about NGC? International Geographic Day?
In response to AxE

Actually I did that, In my oppinion your wrong. I have a 65" Mits and with two side by side feeds of the SAME channel, one from Voom the other from Dish, I see a remarkable difference. Especially the news channels with text and graphics. I don't respond too often nor do I want to argue about this. I just had to say something when I have friends over and they always seem to ask the same question. I put up two screens on the same TV and with the same channel and it is very easily seen that Voom's PQ is richer in saturation and crispness. I do think that it will depend on your cables, connection type and obviously receiver.
Well, I think it's nice to see channels added. Although Lifetime and Real Women doesn't appeal to me I might watch LMN if there is a movie on I like. National Geographic is a nice addition, I've been a member for 22 years and have yet to see the channel :(

Now all those who said they won't subscribe because Lifetime isn't carried there are 3 of them up there now so I challenge you to put your money where your mouth is and order VOOM, and those complaining they didn't have CMT get up off your arse and call VOOM!!!

Voom defaults on HDTV Magazine ads

VOOM Added Channels--Including VH1 Classic FINALLY!!!
