Newbie walking blind

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Original poster
Feb 4, 2008
Indianapolis In.
I was told of this FTA craze from some friends of mine. I picked up the latest 2600 and there it was again. Some guy talking about an fta and what you can do with it. I am interested in getting a dish and an box but don't know where to start. I found a site that has a package deal going rally cheap. Here is the link.

Can someone tell me if this is a good deal or should I keep shopping?
Im always leary of companies that have gmail accounts for their business email...

sadoun is a well respected company when it comes to true fta, I'd look at one of their packages.
I would do some reading in the review area. We have some receivers posted in there with the pros & cons. Otherwise ask questions. We're here to help :)
Thanks man.. I was looking at the Megasat Comanche receiver but don't know much about it. I have seen many out there and I don't want to spend too much on the first try. It's like when you buy your first motorcycle. You start out on a 650 and gradually move your way up to an 1100.
Those are older receivers, look at the date on the pages (2005). Lots of newer , faster receivers now.
Thanks man.. I was looking at the Megasat Comanche receiver but don't know much about it.

Don't bother with that receiver , I have one.

No Blind Scan
Terrible motor control , I could never figure out.
No editing functions worth while to talk about.

Basically Megasat made a crappy original receiver , the clones they make are much better.
engine size

... I have seen many out there and I don't want to spend too much on the first try.
It's like when you buy your first motorcycle.
You start out on a 650 and gradually move your way up to an 1100.
This might be more like getting a 250, then realizing you wasted your money when what you really needed was a 600. - :eek:

Three advertizers at the top of every page sell FTA equipment retail, and we speak pretty highly of them because they are good to deal with.
Check out combo or package deals from GoSatellite, Sadoun, and SatelliteAV.

As Iceberg mentioned, most of the modern and reputable FTA receivers are listed in the review section.
If you run across a receiver you want to know more about, you could search the forum for comments, or ask.
Lots of people have tried the various brands and have opinions.

Friend of mine has some apartments. Many of the tenants have dishes up.
One has a little 30" FTA dish, and I've never seen anything so spindly in my life.
Good quality 36" dishes are offered in most bundled systems, and available from all the vendors.

. . . or to put it another way, don't get a 125... nor a 90cc. - :eek:
Thank you guys for all your feedback. I am off to get what I need and I will get back you for more help. Until then wish me lick. Thanks for everything. Hemdup
I purchased my FTA package from Harmony with the Comanche receiver and must say I am pleased with it. I purchased an FTA package for my son thru Sadoun and I will tell you that Harmony was a lot better deal. The harmony stuff came with a wineguard dish and a newer model SG2100 motor. The stuff Sadoun sent was a bunch of junk. The LNB did not work straight out the box. Had to order a new one off ebay. I called Sadoun when trying to get it to work and they were no help at all. Just said to be patient in aiming the dish. I aimed it for days and never picked up a signal till I got a new LNB. The SG2100 motor Sadoun sent does not work right. The connectors are loose and it points occasionally. The Harmony stuff all works good and was packaged alot better than stuff from Sadoun. As far as the comanche receiver, it works really well and does scan better than my sons fortec mercury ll.I would highly recommend HarmonyFTA. I have dealt with both sadoun and harmony and harmony was better, cheaper (100$ cheaper!) and had better products, packaging and faster shipping.Cant beat em!
As far as the comanche receiver, it works really well and does scan better than my sons fortec mercury ll.I would highly recommend HarmonyFTA. I have dealt with both sadoun and harmony and harmony was better, cheaper (100$ cheaper!) and had better products, packaging and faster shipping.Cant beat em!

You can't be serious , I really doubt your claims that the Comanche is better than Fortec Mercury II.

What are you scanning ? because the Comanche does not have True blindscan .

All TP's must be entered manually and the channel numbers assigned after scanning are designated to each TP which is very halfass.

The motor controls make no sense either , both USALS and Disecq 1.2 are options but if I recall well when setting up the menu didn't provide entry of satellite positions so I can't see how that can work at all.

The Comanche specs make false claims , Megasat made an original receiver with no firmware support on their website , not even the original factory firmware , to sum it up I give the receiver a D+ ( good for a stationary dish at best )

Being this is your first post I bet you're plugging Harmony , but I'm not buying it.

Honestly if you want credibility ,lets talk about FTA channels that you get and enjoy and what satellite you're watching.
You can't be serious , I really doubt your claims that the Comanche is better than Fortec Mercury II.
I'll tell you what , since you like the Comanche so much.

Send me a PM and I'll be happy to discuss a trade for your sons Fortec receiver and I'll even throw in $20.
wow, I find that hard to beleive as well. the pure fact that fortec mercury II has the blindscan. even without that, on a regular scan it doesnt miss a thing, its quite impressive. and you cant beat the price, satav had them on this past weekend for $75, imo you wont find anything cheaper that does as well.

the only thing I see that comanche has over the mercury II is that its supported by channel master, that would be nice.
the only thing I see that comanche has over the mercury II is that its supported by channel master, that would be nice.

I actually tried channel master and could not get it to work properly with the Comanche , I believe it was the fact that I couldn't write to STB and I didn't have a proper loader.

Again I do believe that this STB success was short lived and anytime I googled the name it always was a link for forums that talked about NO SUPPORT .... if you catch my drift.

As to Powderburn 2 , I believe I may have been a little harsh in my reply to you .... normally we give a nice warm welcome to new members , It's just that I took offense to your 1st comment against Sadoun which has always been a excellent sponsor with good technical support.

So again ...... Welcome to Satellite Guys . . . .
also why bring up an old thread to post?

I've purchased many items from Sadoun and have not had any issues with them. Only once did I get a bad product (was defective from the get-go) and it was replaced right away
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Invacom QPH-031 LNBF Max Size Dish


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