Newbie here, looking to get satellite...DirecTV or Dish Network


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Jul 15, 2004
I'm in the NYC area and was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction, all feedback is welcomed. DTV and Dish are the 2 that I'm looking into, are there any others? Does 1 have better service than the other? Hows the quality and sound of both? Which satellites and which receivers they offer are better, worse...etc I'm only looking for TV, Internet capabilities is not an issue. Pros and Cons of each based on your opinions is fine with me. Please let me know, thanks for taking time out to read my post and help me out :)
Coke or Pepsi?
Paper or Plastic?
Ford or GM?
Honda or Harley?

What do all these have in common? They are all up to the individual. FIRST thing you do, before you look at anything else...look at the programming packages available on each service. Find out what YOU like. For example, if you want to pay for out of market NFL football games (NFL Sunday Ticket), you want DirecTV. You can stop looking at Dish. They can't offer that package until at the very least 2006 and probably not even then.

However, if you want international programming or certain specific channels that Dish has and DirecTV doesn't, then you want Dish and you can stop looking at DirecTV. And yes, those are your only two choices for US service. That is unless you count Sky Angel, an independent 32 channel Christian service which is available on Dish Network equipment (different company though)

Only if the programming choices and price-points are a wash do you start to look at anything else.

Picture quality is a constant argument. Again, it's in the eye of the beholder. However the consensus is,
Dish = Softer picture with less visible digital artifacts.
DirecTV = sharper picture with noticabley more visible artifacts.

But even this varies from channel to channel. A very detiled evaluation was done on another board and they found that at times the description above did not apply. But in general, DirecTV did have the sharper picture. I take this with a grain of salt because I consider that other board to lean heavily towards DirecTV. But I am not disputing the findings.

IMHO, next comes the equipment and features you want and the price-points you want. This can get VERY complicated because of all the different new-customer deals out there. Who has the best equipment? Most people will say DirecTV. I have had Dish for 7 years and love my service (don't ask about the old discontinued 7100 and 7200 series units though :) Great features and ahead of its time, but software nightmares!)

When looking for a new receiver, I cannot empasize enough how much you want to get a PVR (Personal video recorder). PVR is to VCR what an automobile is to a horse and buggy. This is no exageration. There is nothing wrong with recording to a VCR and you can do it with all the satellite receivers, but once you have a PVR for a month, you'll never watch TV the same way again. DirecTV has the DirecTiVos that many here swear by. Dish Network has the "Dishplayer" line.

Are you into HDTV? If so, then the Dish 811 is a great cheap way in (No PVR). If money is no object, then the PVR921 is an amazing machine that essentially does everything but sexual favors! --though some here are having some software issues and feel that they are on the receiving end of some one else's pleasure!

I am unfamiliar with the DirecTV models.

Good luck

See ya
If you are into High Definition TV. another option is VOOM. It's new, has had some problems, but is getting better every day, including their programming. I got it recently and just love it. Check the VOOM board on this site.
Gosh, can't someone just tell us once and for which satellite TV service is better?

A lot of us can't decide for ourselves. I worry a lot about whether I went the right way, too. After all, it's all so complicated and once you go one way or the other you're stuck forever.

I think I'm going to end the constant agony and go back to a set of rabbit ears!, wait! I'm on a lifetime contract! Why oh why didn't I check the facts before I signed up? I'm screwed! And it's not my fault! If only I knew how to read and think for myself! It's just not fair!

You said you were in the NYC area, if it matters to you, D* carries the YES sports network, E* doesn't. Also you might want to check if the locals that would require a 2nd dish pointing to 61.5 are something you care about if if you do, do you mind having a 2nd dish. These channels require a 2nd dish according to E*s' web site:

JohnDoe#2 said:
Gosh, can't someone just tell us once and for which satellite TV service is better?

A lot of us can't decide for ourselves. I worry a lot about whether I went the right way, too. After all, it's all so complicated and once you go one way or the other you're stuck forever.

The reason not many people can simply say that one is better than the other is because there are so many opinions about each service and it really will depend on what you want.

You will be better off doing a lot of reading and making a decision based on all the different opinions. Yes... if you are new to satellite TV then it can be confusing but there is a lot to consider/factor in making a decision on which way you choose to go.

In no way are you stuck forever with one service. Only Directv is requiring a commitment right now and it's only 12 months. 12 months will come and go before you know it. If you just don't like Directv once you get set up you can return the receivers and forego the cancellation fee... not that I would suggest doing this but it is an option. You would probably come out better to sell the receivers and pay the cancellation fee... especially if you purchase an HD receiver... (I don't think I'd want to give up a $300 receiver for $150 or less cancellation fee). The cancellation fee is also pro-rated down after each month of service so it's less the longer you stay with them.

Here are the most important reasons I notice people choose Directv:

Tivo - (Searching will show you that it is preferred over Dish's DVR's and Voom offers no type of recording at this time.) Is recording important to you?

Better Quality STB's - (Again... searching will no doubt prove that Directv has better quality receivers that have less problems than Dish or Voom.) Is having a reliable receiver important to you?

NFL Sunday Ticket - (NFL football... some folks just gotta have it and starting in a few days is one of Directv's biggest promotions... order up NFL ST for $62.25 per month for 4 months and get Total Choice Premier w/ locals free for 4 months... a steal.) Whether NFL football is important to you or not this is a good deal as TCP w/ locals normally cost $90.99 per month.

Maybe some others can give you some reasons why they chose Dish Network or Voom. If I were new to satellite, just the fact that Dish and Voom have so many STB problems would probably be enough to keep me away.

As far as PQ and sound... you are gonna get a host of differences here for both sides. Searching will yield that the consensus is that some channels on E* are better while some channels on D* are better. I think the only way to really know is order up both services and stick them side by side on your favorite channels and see for yourself.

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