New Software Updates Discussion Thread

Since I have one 622 with the update (with no problems btw) and my other still with L4.48. Will the next update, if they choose to replace L4.49, be L4.50 or an amended L4.49??

I don't think they can rollout an ammended L4.49. Your machine recognizes whether to install a new version based on receiver type, hardware versions(bootstraps, build configs), receiver number and superceeded software versions.

See RandallA's post
You're right, looking at the range it looks like most receivers have it. They now need to fix what they broke. :)

I have a 722 that DOESN'T have 4.49 yet. The receiver number stop at about 845xxxxx, Mine is 855xxxxx. I guess I'm in the lucky group and don't mine waiting for a less broke verion of 4.49 :D
Since the 449 FW was installed on my 722, I am noticing that some, but not all, DVR recordings do not go active when selected for START, or START OVER. They just sit there, showing a black screen, and not counting forward.

I have to do a 30 second Skip FWD, or regular FWD to kick them into action. I don't think I ever saw that kind of behavior before.
My other 211 boxes got the L3.47 update today. Tonight I'll hook one up to the router, setup the DishComm, then setup the broadband, and see if it all plays.

It'll be nice to get rid of the telephone cable running across the bedroom floor.
Are there multipler iterations of L449? Is there something akin to build levels within L449? My 722 shows the Software Version as L449RJKD-N .

No there are not multiple version of L449 sent out. The software version you mentioned also shows the Hardware Id. E.g, one of mine is RBDD-N. It is possible that L449 sent has code that detects and installs different portions of the code depending on the Hardware id. Or it might just adapt as it is running depending on your hardware. Noone who knows is saying.

If you look at the info posted in the Dish Tech discussion Forum,
you will see that the info typically identifies
all hardware version (BOOTSTRAP AND HARDWARE BUILD)
'1[3-8]1[A-G0-8]' 'RB[BDEGHK-NP][A-DJ]'

and one software version, currentlly L4.49
'L449': 'ABA1'- 'CLL1' 'L040'- 'L448'
replacing all regular builds (L040-L448)(AND SOME BETAS(ABA1-CLL1)

At times, I think, they have rolled out fixes that don't identify all hardware versions to do a quick fix for just that version of the hardware.
PID: 0867h, ID: 84SD, FW: L405, Model: PVR5xx.
23AB DCDA - 24AB DCXV[2] 53538911-58196836

another 50x release for testing...

Glad I still have 3.69.

I was tempted to get 4.0x but it seems they are still working hard to fix something.

My other 211 boxes got the L3.47 update today. Tonight I'll hook one up to the router, setup the DishComm, then setup the broadband, and see if it all plays.

It'll be nice to get rid of the telephone cable running across the bedroom floor.

Let me know how that goes due to I might replace my 411 to a 211 to get the Ethernet port. I have a 211 in my other room but kind of waiting to see how this turns out..
It is possible that L449 sent has code that detects and installs different portions of the code depending on the Hardware id.
Or it might just adapt as it is running depending on your hardware.
First suggestion is wrong - there is no provision in FW do that way.
Second is correct with short correction - that 'adaptation' checking not the HW ID letters, but bits in HWConfigID ( from not changeable part of NVRAM what set at factory ).

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