New Local Weather Channel

this is probley the number one reason my parents will not sign up for Dish network, even though Dish is 5 times better then charter. At least in HD. Only thing charter has better is the on-demand stuff, Charlie wants to charge for everything. :-(
this is probably the number one reason my parents will not sign up for Dish network, even though Dish is 5 times better then charter. At least in HD. Only thing charter has better is the on-demand stuff, Charlie wants to charge for everything. :-(

That would be because it's Dish Network,not UNICEF,it's a business.Now maybe someday if UNICEF has a Weather Channel you can get it for Free.(I really like that answer from the movie "Joe Dirt").;):D
I'll bet Dish gives them their full support with this too ! Now Dish can drop their "plans" for an improved weather channel/app and blame TWC :D
So I was poking around the Android Market and a happened upon this app that was uploaded over the weekend:

DISH NETWORK Weather - Android app on AppBrain

It's the Weather Channel app with the Weather Channel logos replaced with DISH logos. What the hell?

I've been using this app since I got my DroidX 6 weeks ago, but I didn't know it was affiliated with DishNetwork. Mine doesn't show any Dish logo though, just TWC Logo. Great app by the way :)

They might as well rename the channel to something else. Why can't they add a second channel devoted to that kind of stuff?

I agree, if I wanted the documentry channel. I would watch the documentry channel. If i want weather, then thats what the weather channel should be or change your name of the channel to the lame channel or something more fitting.
I agree, if I wanted the documentry channel. I would watch the documentry channel. If i want weather, then thats what the weather channel should be or change your name of the channel to the lame channel or something more fitting.
TWC is no longer a weather service. NBCU bought TWC and changed it into a lead-in or prompt to viewers to go over to MSNBC.

It is my thinking that NBCU has seen MSNBC's pitiful ratings and elected to turn TWC away from weather info into a fluff channel...
As far as Dish getting a local weather service, forget it. It ain't gonna happen.
I'd be concerned that if Dish did get a new weather channel, a few months down the road, Dish would get into a dispute with Mother Nature, and the channel would be pulled. :D

I just spoke with a supervisor with E*. He told me that there has been many requests for E* to dump the weather channel and bring back the alternate. Plus, he said that many subs are holding them to the fire on it.
I just spoke with a supervisor with E*. He told me that there has been many requests for E* to dump the weather channel and bring back the alternate. Plus, he said that many subs are holding them to the fire on it.

I’m with Dish Network(DN), and I never talk this way about
people. However, if this is true people are nuts. I realize that on a day when
there is no severe weather in the US (if that even happens. Does it?) It really
doesn’t matter who gives you the weather. But on days when there is severe
weather, Tornados, and Trop. Storms you what to watch forecasters who know
their stuff and that you can trust. When DN debuted The Weather Cast (TWCa) don’t
get me wrong, The forecasters knew their stuff , but you didn’t get the same
feeling as you do watching TWC live. And
TWCa would replay the same forecasts for like 3 hours before doing a new one.

I welcomed TWCa back in may and I would welcome TWCa again
as a addition not as a replacement for TWC.
I don’t think TWCa should be the only place on DN for people to look to
for forcasts.

well i doubt the local weather channel is coming, so here's my idea for good weather coverage

a.) buy a NOAA weather radio, i have a Midland WR-100, and it works great for my area (note: reception and location of closest NOAA weather radio Station may vary)
b.) go to websites that focus on weather, i.e,,,,, or other sites i didn't mention
c.) watch the local channels when severe weather is going on.

basically NBC Universal and TWC doesn't give a s*** about the viewers. and when complete, it will be Comcast too.
And now I just read that TWC will be have MORE shows and less "weather" in the future. Well isn't that just so nice???
PPPPPPFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I say bring back the other channel they should have stayed with when they "took" back TWC. Also, anyone betting we WON'T lose FOX Nov 1?? I'm not.
I've switched phone platforms from Windows Mobile to Blackberry and now Android and the one thing they all have in common is that they have developers making great weather apps for them. Most Android phones even ship with wonderful weather widgets for your home screen that use the cell signal or GPS to find you location and display weather as you travel so all you have to do is wake up and unlock your phone to see the current temps, forecast, and warnings. Between that and never being too far away from a computer that has a browser weather widget installed, I never use The Weather Channel unless some show they have on catches my eye in the guide. I'm a little sad that TWC is planning on changing focus, but I feel they really have to since it really isn't that hard to get immediate local weather. I mean cable providers can just spool the local weather slides on a seperate channel or build applications that run on their boxes. Why do we really need "Weather on the 8's" anymore? Why wait until the 8 of every 10 minutes?
jrh1985, I just like to say that you may not had but the people I spoken with DID tell me that there has been many DN customers requesting that DN either dump the weather chanel for the Weather Cast or add it as an alternate cause The Weather Channel is more like the documentary channel.

Besides that, I get my weather information from or since I'm a storm tracker. I'm either out in the field tracking a storm or at the noaa office in my area.
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I made the switch to D* first impressions.