Yes, thats the software going out tonight.That is a newer one, last one ended with ff3
Those are the designated Ku band transponders at 101W where the particular firmware for a given receiver model is spooling out from....Can someone explain to me what Tp21 Tp24 Tp25 Tp30 mean on the firemware tracker site? Thanks!
Hopefully just CORRECTIONS !Wonder if anything much changed on the new fw
That is a newer one, last one ended with ff3
FF1 is the only NR right now. FF3. FFA AND FFC are beta releasesI have oxffa, do you know if that's a beta or a national release?
FF1 is the only NR right now. FF3. FFA AND FFC are beta releases
Eventually ... Yes.Will the NR eventually install over ffa? I keep watching the firmware updater site but never seem to find a time when ff1 is available.
FFA is newer that FF1. So stick with that but I suspect with the recent round of testing FF1 will be replaced soon with FFC or something slightly newer with the recent changesWill the NR eventually install over ffa? I keep watching the firmware updater site but never seem to find a time when ff1 is available.
Its been up and down for a month or so now.Firmware tracker site has been dead all day
Its been up and down for a month or so now.
That site is not run by D*/att at all.
I agree, however, its great when its working.That's why I called it worthless a while back. It's almost always inactive. Just check the CE site on Friday nights. Even though that site is run by tools, it's the easiest way to get the up-to-date info about what's going to be in the stream, or not going to be in the stream.
Fwiw, the site is up now.Firmware tracker site has been dead all day
Fwiw, the site is up now.
No, I do not, however, I don't have an HDR TV, so it hasn't been a priority for me.Do you know which broadcasts on DirectTV have actually been in HDR so far? I recorded the Mavs Spurs game and the TCU/Baylor game but not getting HDR on either one. Thanks for the help!