New GEOSATpro microHD Receiver

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We had not formally announced the Slingbox support for the GEOSATpro models, but can confirm. The GEOSATpro remote functions have been scanned / tested by their engineers and should be active within the week.

Many thanks to Scott for coordinating with the Slingbox team since CES to add support for the GEOSATpro receivers! Not only will hobbyists be able to watch live and media center playback, but also enter the menus, add satellites, control motors, view signal meters, etc!

Man it just keeps getting better......Thanks Scott!! and another thanks to Brain for all your efforts.
Just found out GeoSatpro boxes are supported in SlingBoxes. Gotta have one for sure now!!

What does this mean?

You can control the GSP tuner with like, an iPhone app?

If so, I'M FOR SURE BUYING!!!!!!!!!

Also, can it be controlled over the web? I have an HP touchpad that isn't even a little bit compatible with Apple. If there's a web interface it can do that but there's just no apps at all for the HP Touchpad..

Thanks! :)
Slingbox connection allows the viewer to watch and remotely control the STB via an IR blaster from any computer, tablet, iPad, iPhone or other smart phone.

The microHD is not enabled with LAN or Internet connection for direct control or file transfer.
Slingbox connection allows the viewer to watch and remotely control the STB via an IR blaster from any computer, tablet, iPad, iPhone or other smart phone.

The microHD is not enabled with LAN or Internet connection for direct control or file transfer.

Where can we find information on how this is done? Details please??
I don't know anything about the slingbox stuff at all and I'm scratching my head trying to envision how this would work.
Do you have to buy additional gadgets?

Is there anywhere we can download a PDF manual for this nifty new tuner yet? It keeps sounding better and better but it's also mysterious in many ways to ijjits like me.. :confused:

Thanks! :)
I have a SlingBox HD Pro. It uses your internet connection. Right now I have the AZbox hooked up to it and mom watches BVN on it thru her computer. - Watch Your TV Anywhere with a Slingbox There is no remote control for the AZ available in SlingBox. :(

I have a VIP211k and there's a very high probability I'll buy one (or maybe two) of these new GSP tuners.

I have no interest in watching TV away from home, and definitely NOT on my phone or my tablet. But I'm definitely interested in being able to control my tuners away from home and it would be neat to use my tablet to control them somehow, like bring up the guide and program recordings or operate the DVRs to play things back... I do have WIFI with the N for high speed. I guess that's gigabit speed or supposed to be, I dunno.. My iPhone won't do WIFI N but my non-apple tablet will. The iPhone only only does WIFI G. I would rather just put a TV in my kitchen (which I'll be doing soon anyway) than watch TV on my tablet in the kitchen.

But the whole idea of controlling everything from remote really intrigues me, a lot..

I don't know anything about the slingbox stuff at all and I'm scratching my head trying to envision how this would work.
slingbox = overrated. Imagine watching a ****ty 350K pic on a TV screen (like MLB and MilB streaming video used to look like until they upgraded their delivery setup to flash or whatever a season or two ago). good that it's supported but I don't sling much because the pic looks like ****. It's a worst case thing for me when I want to watch my DISH setup at my dad's house from my apartment without going to his house to watch my DISH stuff in excellent video quality.
For anybody who travels, slingbox is a miracle invention. I was an early adopter about 6 years ago. I have two of the SD Classic slingboxes: one here and one there. I was able to record (time shift: important when many time zones away) and watch all North American TV channels from another country while 4600 miles from home. Not sure if the HD is worth it since your quality is restricted by Internet bandwidth available at sending and receiving locations. You can control the video source from anywhere high-speed Internet is available exactly as though you are sitting in your living room. Off the shelf, only one person can access the slingbox at a time, so you can't have a group of friends all accessing one slingbox to watch a show simultaneously. I always wondered if hackers got around this (probably copyright-triggered) limitation.

Added: I always wondered why there wasn't a worldwide network set up via Internet of interested users who could install a slingbox in their home, then allow access to each others country's TV content. By sharing like this, you could enjoy TV programming from other countries without affecting your own viewing. If the slingbox is hung off a cable TV drop, it works in parallel with your own viewing and you don't even know it's there. A touch more complicated with FTA since the motor and LNB means your friend would take over your system while he was watching.
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slingbox = overrated. Imagine watching a ****ty 350K pic on a TV screen (like MLB and MilB streaming video used to look like until they upgraded their delivery setup to flash or whatever a season or two ago). good that it's supported but I don't sling much because the pic looks like ****. It's a worst case thing for me when I want to watch my DISH setup at my dad's house from my apartment without going to his house to watch my DISH stuff in excellent video quality.

Well I really have no use in the world for watching TV away from the house. I can wait till I get home. I just record my favorites anyway.
All I'm interested in is the ability to program and control the machine away from home. Like I'm gone somewhere out of town and I see an ad on TV for a show that comes on that night.
It would be very cool to be able to connect to my stuff here and program one of my tuners to record that show on it's own local disk so that I can watch it later when I get back home.

And around the house, it would be cool if I could use my iPhone or my tablet as a glorified remote control.

I've seen mention on TitanTV that you can do such things from their TV guide if you have the right stuff to do that.
For anybody who travels, slingbox is a miracle invention. I was an early adopter about 6 years ago. I have two of the SD Classic slingboxes: one here and one there. I was able to record (time shift: important when many time zones away) and watch all North American TV channels from another country while 4600 miles from home. Not sure if the HD is worth it since your quality is restricted by Internet bandwidth available at sending and receiving locations. You can control the video source from anywhere high-speed Internet is available exactly as though you are sitting in your living room. Off the shelf, only one person can access the slingbox at a time, so you can't have a group of friends all accessing one slingbox to watch a show simultaneously. I always wondered if hackers got around this (probably copyright-triggered) limitation.

I know one thing for certain, I used to travel a lot and the internet in m/hotels, S*CKS.. It takes 20 flippin minutes for a webpage to load. Using the internet in a motel is so totally useless that at best, if you're lucky, you can check and send a few emails.
Anything else is an exercise in futility.
Added: I always wondered why there wasn't a worldwide network set up via Internet of interested users who could install a slingbox in their home, then allow access to each others country's TV content. By sharing like this, you could enjoy TV programming from other countries without affecting your own viewing. If the slingbox is hung off a cable TV drop, it works in parallel with your own viewing and you don't even know it's there. A touch more complicated with FTA since the motor and LNB means your friend would take over your system while he was watching.

...the internet in m/hotels, S*CKS.. It takes 20 flippin minutes for a webpage to load...
I think your comment is dated. Most hotels now have Internet with reasonable speed. What gets me is hotels that charge $15/day above room charge to have Internet in the room (like Las Vegas!). I guess they want you spending money in their casinos, not sitting in your room. Anyway, usually hotels have some decent TV or movie channels. I was in a private home or at an airport when using slingbox.
I think your comment is dated. Most hotels now have Internet with reasonable speed. What gets me is hotels that charge $15/day above room charge to have Internet in the room (like Las Vegas!). I guess they want you spending money in their casinos, not sitting in your room. Anyway, usually hotels have some decent TV or movie channels. I was in a private home or at an airport when using slingbox.

Last time I traveled was a little over a year ago and we stayed in NICE hotels everywhere between Texas and California. I would expect CA to have much more advanced internet capabilities than Texas, aka the Bassackward State.

I wouldn't consider a year ago to be "dated"..

ANYWAY... I don't do enough traveling to worry about it. Besides, next time I go back to CA I'm going by train and staying a few weeks to a month. When I leave the house for more than a few days, I shut the breakers off on everything. So it wouldn't be possible to access anything here anyway. Sometimes I go to Houston over night but NOTHING is so important that I would want to or need to watch it away from home. I would just record it and watch when I get home.
I'll never leave the country unless the lay Amtrak tracks across the ocean because this chick don't fly..

Anyway, My HP Touchpad is in it's own weird little world and NOTHING works on it. It's essentially a email & facebook machine and not much else. There just aren't any apps for it, it's not compatible with anything else.
My iPhone, I would rather gouge my eyes out with white hot forks than watch TV on it. I can't see anything closer than two feet without strong glasses, I don't have internet on it anyway unless I'm near a WIFI (It's hacked to work as a cell phone only on T-Mobile) so it's just stupid to even think about it. If I go to Houston overnight I'm sure not thinking about watching TV. I might want to pop online and make a machine at home record something but that's the most of it.

Now around the house, if I can use my iPhone or tablet as a honkin big remote control, that would be way cool.. But I just would not ever have the need to use any portable device to watch TV, not here at home, not away from home, not anywhere for any reason, ever.
We had not formally announced the Slingbox support for the GEOSATpro models, but can confirm. The GEOSATpro remote functions have been scanned / tested by their engineers and should be active within the week.

Many thanks to Scott for coordinating with the Slingbox team since CES to add support for the GEOSATpro receivers! Not only will hobbyists be able to watch live and media center playback, but also enter the menus, add satellites, control motors, view signal meters, etc!

Oh rats! Now I'm gonna need a 6 RU portable rack case instead of my 4 RU ;) ...

Nah, I'll wait to install a slingbox until I build another case :D ...
Are you sure this box won't make coffee too?

Seems like one of the few necessary things it won't do.

No, but did we mention that it has been certified as a cup heater and will keep a cup a Joe at a nice temp all day! We are considering applying for the Top Ramen certificate if the licensing is not too high... ;)
No, but did we mention that it has been certified as a cup heater and will keep a cup a Joe at a nice temp all day! We are considering applying for the Top Ramen certificate if the licensing is not too high... ;)

Uh oh.... Seriously, does it really get that hot?

My Openbox S10 got so hot that I was afraid it was going to start a fire, we had to put a fan in it which helped a lot but still.... :eek:
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