New GEOSATpro microHD Receiver

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If Brian would have said the unit was $149.95 and the shipping was $9.99 no one would have said a thing and thought it was a great deal. :D

Naah, somebody would still complain. Heck somebody would complain if it was 29.95 free shipping. Some people just get up in the morning and start looking for something to complain about. :rolleyes:
removed the political crap.

I dont understand why some people can't grasp the concept of "no political talk" here at Satelliteguys
as for the manual since if I remember right the GeosatPro line the manual is written by Brian (or one of his helpers there) so I'm sure a 3 year old could read it just fine ;)
i do not think real iptv will be a reality anytime in the near future. This country has very poor broadband. there are 3rd world villiages with faster data than we have here.

isp's cram as many people as they can on an overwhelmed backbone. the mobile broadband providers are the worst. At&t throttled my unlimited plan(as if their 3G was ever fast). it was like going from dialup to dialup shared by three computers.
The Openbox manuals were fairly hard to decipher, as I said earlier..The actual setup wasnt much different than the Fortec Dynamic, so I managed to get through it..Not real sure about getting the GeoSatPro Micro HD yet..If I do, It'll be about this time next year. Aside from all that..The Forums here have always been a help to me..
Yeah I'll be glad to have it. I am tired of the Openbox locking up some channels. I have others but none of them do DisEQC 1.1
intrepid said:
Will you be able to record to dvd recorder or vcr from the geosat pro microhd receiver through the composite cables? Thanks

Yes. The composite AV output can be recorded to a standard VCR or DVD recorder.

Edit: Thanks Bob! Accidentally missed your reply.
Update: We have held back on the manufacture for one week to complete the OSD text string mapping. The SMT approval file had several mapping issues with the new SDK base. We expect to have this resolved within a few days.

I am having to step away from the approval process for a few days due to a surgery tomorrow. Not going to try and code while under anesthesia. LOL!!! Will be back to work next Wednesday or Thursday.....

Until then..... Be well and don't lose too much sleep, get grey hair or ulcers over satellite names, shippers or shipping rates! :)
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Take care brian, hope everything goes well ,our thoughts and prayers will be with you.
i do not think real iptv will be a reality anytime in the near future. This country has very poor broadband. there are 3rd world villiages with faster data than we have here.

Some good IPTV that is satellite delivered exists now, it's just no STB can process it so you need a HTPC setup to parse and watch it.
Update: We have held back on the manufacture for one week to complete the OSD text string mapping. The SMT approval file had several mapping issues with the new SDK base. We expect to have this resolved within a few days.

I am having to step away from the approval process for a few days due to a surgery tomorrow. Not going to try and code while under anesthesia. LOL!!! Will be back to work next Wednesday or Thursday.....

Until then..... Be well and don't lose too much sleep, get grey hair or ulcers over satellite names, shippers or shipping rates! :)
First and foremost, I wish you a safe and quick recovery from your upcoming surgery! Secondly, we're ready to buy the MicroHD whenever you're ready to release it!:)

I also want to send you my wishes for your better health and quick recovery from surgery.

Oh, just make sure the Doc doesn't drop his watch in and leave it behind (unless it is an authentic Rolex) LOL! :)

Seriously though, return in good health soon!

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