Most Chinese feel the same way as the author of that write-up there. Remember, the writer's opinion is biased based on his experience as an English speaker, but doesn't speak for the rest of the non-English speaking populace.
What really angers me is that the people that make and sell those products to US markets KNOW that the customers buying that product are going to be English speaking people.
The manuals they produce and ship with the product, S*CK....... Most of them are absolutely unreadable!

It's incomprehensible gibberish that makes no sense at all to anyone.
Why do they not pay someone that is FLUENT IN ENGLISH to translate those cr*ppy little manuals? Because they don't care.
For the most part, everything that comes out of that country is garbage. They don't use the junk they build, they can't afford the junk they make to ship over here so they don't care.
Besides, why build a quality product that will last a few generations that could be handed down from mother to daughter or father to son? It makes better business sense to make a crummy product that will break and or wear out in a few months so the customers have to keep buying replacements. Why sell ONE quality widget per customer when they can instead sell to them 20 cr*ppy widgets? No more of that handing it down! No sirree! A few months and off to the dump it goes and back to the store the customer comes for another replacement!
No spare parts, no manuals, no schematics. Thou shalt not repair thy widget, thou shalt toss it and replace it, frequently!
The bottom line is, THEY DO NOT CARE. Maximize profit by selling the cheapest POS possible with the least amount of effort and zero support. Manual? Who cares.. Dumb Americans need learn Engrish awready!
No understand Engrish? Too bad, so sad..
And it's not like you can "Vote with your wallet" as the saying goes. Where else will you go to get a different brand widget? EVERYTHING is made over there.
Take a stroll through Walmart and check the boxes.
Remember the days when
everything said "Made in Chicago" ??????? Yeah... I sure do.
Our stuff was labeled by the CITY it was made in.
I bought a Curtis Mathis TV in 1980 that was made in ATHENS, TEXAS! They used to have a plant in Texas where they made 100% of the TV's.
It was stenciled on the back in 2" tall letters, "MADE IN TEXAS"... CM went under and began peddling imported junk and is now another useless importer slapping stickers on boxes and bezels.
Seriously, I wouldn't mind the imported stuff so much IF,
1. They made a QUALITY product. HA!!
2. Provided readable manuals. HAHA!!!!!!
And of course there is the real rub to this, we should be making things HERE, putting people to work in our country where people need to be working so they can stand on their own two feet.
But NoooooooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOooooOOOOooooOOOooooOOOooooooOOOOOOOooo!!!!!!!
Seriously, I wish there was another planet I could emigrate to. This one makes me sick...
------- END RANT ---------
All that aside, I'll be buying one of these MicroHD tuners. I like what I see so far.