New GEOSATpro microHD Receiver

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can't wait to see it available for order.....the tax man cometh early this year so got a few bucks to spend :)

Yep, I have $150 stashed back, have had it stashed for a little over a month. Keep having dreams that I wake up one morning and it is for sale earlier than the 23rd(not really having dreams)......well maybe day dreams...:D
Satellite AV typically does not provide direct wholesale distribution in Canada. Our wholesale distribution partner, Trenton Distributors (a wholesale only facility) in Ontario will be offering the microHD to their reseller network. We understand that many Canadian satellite resellers and installers source through Trenton Distributors.

Do you accept and fulfill online retail orders shipping to a Canadian address?
Do you accept and fulfill online retail orders shipping to a Canadian address?

Yes. We fulfill telephone orders with shipping from the US into Canada. Shipping cost greatly varies by postal code / rural delivery and is quoted upon receipt of the order. The customer is responsible for any brokerage and customs fees incurred with the package during the international shipping process.
Your policy for shipping to Canada is fair. I assume any warranty would also be valid. It is a good idea to only use USPS/Canada Post for shipping a small light item such as this into Canada from the U.S. If you use a private courier company (e.g. UPS or Fedex), the mandated brokerage fees increase greatly for the Canadian recipient to the point a purchase usually doesn't make practical sense. These are fees outside the control of the private courier companies. It's not their fault!
Your policy for shipping to Canada is fair. I assume any warranty would also be valid. It is a good idea to only use USPS/Canada Post for shipping a small light item such as this into Canada from the U.S. If you use a private courier company (e.g. UPS or Fedex), the mandated brokerage fees increase greatly for the Canadian recipient to the point a purchase usually doesn't make practical sense. These are fees outside the control of the private courier companies. It's not their fault!

Full warranty on product.

We typically will ship small products to Canada via USPS/Canada Post for not only the great reason you stated, but also because FedEx has a crazy policy on collecting past due Brokerage and Customs fees. If the Canadian customer refuses to pay the brokerage and customs fees the international shipper is invoiced for the customer's fees at some random date often months after the delivery. :eek:

Do we get an early bird special? Just kidding! I had been checking your web page almost every day.

Can't wait for it to come out - - - Sorry to jump the gun. :)

A few of you managed to place an order for the microHD on the Satellite AV website last evening. Even though there is zero stock and the item should not have processed, a technical glitch allowed the order to be taken. These orders have been cancelled. The credit cards were not charged and the card information has been erased. Orders will be taken upon delivery of the product from the manufacturer.

We have removed the microHD from the Satellite AV website and will return the listing once the shopping cart is fixed.

[h=3]Thank you for shopping with -Satellite AV, LLC![/h]
Your order has been processed and you may be contacted within the next 24 to 48 hours to discuss shipping options.
Orders placed before 1:00PM PST will be proccessed within the same day. Please allow all orders placed after 1:00PM PST one additional business day for processing.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us at 888-483-4673.

DateOrder #
This is very correct...For Canadians,USPS is the only to ship to Canada...Have purchased Ham Radio gear from the US and USPS is the best..No brokerage fees or Custom fees..the HST and/or PST on this stb will be minimal...
Most Chinese feel the same way as the author of that write-up there. Remember, the writer's opinion is biased based on his experience as an English speaker, but doesn't speak for the rest of the non-English speaking populace.

What really angers me is that the people that make and sell those products to US markets KNOW that the customers buying that product are going to be English speaking people.
The manuals they produce and ship with the product, S*CK....... Most of them are absolutely unreadable! :mad: It's incomprehensible gibberish that makes no sense at all to anyone.

Why do they not pay someone that is FLUENT IN ENGLISH to translate those cr*ppy little manuals? Because they don't care.
For the most part, everything that comes out of that country is garbage. They don't use the junk they build, they can't afford the junk they make to ship over here so they don't care.
Besides, why build a quality product that will last a few generations that could be handed down from mother to daughter or father to son? It makes better business sense to make a crummy product that will break and or wear out in a few months so the customers have to keep buying replacements. Why sell ONE quality widget per customer when they can instead sell to them 20 cr*ppy widgets? No more of that handing it down! No sirree! A few months and off to the dump it goes and back to the store the customer comes for another replacement!

No spare parts, no manuals, no schematics. Thou shalt not repair thy widget, thou shalt toss it and replace it, frequently!

The bottom line is, THEY DO NOT CARE. Maximize profit by selling the cheapest POS possible with the least amount of effort and zero support. Manual? Who cares.. Dumb Americans need learn Engrish awready!
No understand Engrish? Too bad, so sad..

And it's not like you can "Vote with your wallet" as the saying goes. Where else will you go to get a different brand widget? EVERYTHING is made over there.
Take a stroll through Walmart and check the boxes.

Remember the days when everything said "Made in Chicago" ??????? Yeah... I sure do.
Our stuff was labeled by the CITY it was made in. I bought a Curtis Mathis TV in 1980 that was made in ATHENS, TEXAS! They used to have a plant in Texas where they made 100% of the TV's.
It was stenciled on the back in 2" tall letters, "MADE IN TEXAS"... CM went under and began peddling imported junk and is now another useless importer slapping stickers on boxes and bezels. :mad:

Seriously, I wouldn't mind the imported stuff so much IF,
1. They made a QUALITY product. HA!!
2. Provided readable manuals. HAHA!!!!!!

And of course there is the real rub to this, we should be making things HERE, putting people to work in our country where people need to be working so they can stand on their own two feet.
But NoooooooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOooooOOOOooooOOOooooOOOooooooOOOOOOOooo!!!!!!!

Seriously, I wish there was another planet I could emigrate to. This one makes me sick... :mad:

------- END RANT ---------

All that aside, I'll be buying one of these MicroHD tuners. I like what I see so far.
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Wow you actually read the manuals?? Most if not all FTA receivers are pretty much the same when it comes to setting up for satellite viewing with the exception of AZbox/Dreambox due to Linux software.

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
Wow you actually read the manuals?? Most if not all FTA receivers are pretty much the same when it comes to setting up for satellite viewing with the exception of AZbox/Dreambox due to Linux software.

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk

I ~attempt~ to read the manuals for everything I own.
Most all FTA receiver manuals are next to useless, so I never bother. SatelliteGuys.US is my manual.

It will be nice to see well-written English in the hardware menus. I don't really care about the manuals, but menus in Engrish can be a bit over the top. "No Channel!", then a button that says "Yes", LOL... I usually shout out loud "NOOOO!" ;)
when i got my geosatpro dsr200 with geosatpro dish i knew nothing about fta. fortunately the manual explained a lot, even stuff that i still didn't understand after i read it... so i am confident that the new manual for the microhd will be as good. charlie
SHEESH Dee-Ann, why are you holding back? Why don't you tell us how you REALLY feel?

Tell ya what, instead of always complaining (so loudly) why don't you learn to speak and read Chinese, then apply for a job translating those manuals in to English, you'll have done something OTHER than complain, and make YOUR mark on this imperfect world.

(just thinking out loud I guess)

What really angers me is that the people that make and sell those products to US markets KNOW that the customers buying that product are going to be English speaking people.

Not to argue but this isn't exactly true. The European FTA community seems to be quite robust and dare I say it, its that market that seems to drive the toys we get to use. As such the manuals need to be German, French, Swedish, Dutch etc. etc. And even in North America there is a legal requirement in one part of the continent to have French language manuals and maybe not a bad thing elsewhere in North America to have Spanish as well.

My understanding is that these manuals once written originally in which ever Chinese language they use (I assume Mandarin), its software that then translates to all other languages. And as those who use such software know, such programs can be good to very bad depending on the subject matter. If we were paying closer to $1000 than $100 for our toys, then perhaps we can expect more but we are not so it is what it is.
Greetings: Will you be able to record to dvd recorder or vcr from the geosat pro microhd receiver through the composite cables? Thanks
The obvious solution is to send all these evil "profit-takers" to a Government-approved Income Equality Reeducation Camp.

Sorry Brian, we (some of us anyway) will miss your outstanding contributions to this forum, and to the world of hobbyist FTA in general.

*insert buttload of sarcasm smilies here* :)
If Brian would have said the unit was $149.95 and the shipping was $9.99 no one would have said a thing and thought it was a great deal. :D
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