New FTA service with 20 english channels

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Have a poll to close the thread with a deadline of 24 hours or something. If people are in favor of closing the thread then close the thread. But leave a sticky with a link to the original thread and you can update it if there is any real information.
I vote for keeping it open so the conspiracy theorist have something other than JFK and Locke Ness to ponder.

The thread could also could be a lesson in Internet civility and self control. An OP could state that all posts off topic posts or containing recycled information will be deleted from this point forward. We could then sit back and watch the deleted posts pile up..... :)
Contrarians will argue that they can't hope for good things because the disappointment hurts too much. They would rather get in the "I told you so" line early and not look foolish for wasting precious hope. I say the Earth is round and we can sail across the Atlantic and we will not fall into the abyss.

Back to the topic
No news from their site since Sept. 2nd

write them a letter
P.O. Box 366
Charlestown, IN 47111

they said they were a group of satellite dealers and HAM operators. I doubt these dealers are local. I bet they are from Lexington KY. But that Mark M..k fella definitely lives near that PO Box.

And some just don't like BS statements based on nothing or wrong assumptions spewed as facts.

Charlestown is a minor burb that is about 15 miles north of Louisville, which is about 90 miles west of Lexington, so being a dealer in Lexington and living in Charlestown is not likely, unless they like to drive a few hours daily through Louisville's traffic jams each way to the shop. :D

So much for checking facts before posting info, huh? :(
About 8 years ago I went to a wrestling show in Charlestown, IN....the "arena" was an old auto body place off Hwy 62 :)
I vote for closing the thread til something happens.
And some just don't like BS statements based on nothing or wrong assumptions spewed as facts.

Charlestown is a minor burb that is about 15 miles north of Louisville, which is about 90 miles west of Lexington, so being a dealer in Lexington and living in Charlestown is not likely, unless they like to drive a few hours daily through Louisville's traffic jams each way to the shop. :D

So much for checking facts before posting info, huh? :(

Fact... Mark M..K is a HAM technician

Fact ...His License is registered, and he lives in Charleston

Fact ...if you google him, you can see his frigging antenna in his yard. Its frigging huge.

Fact... there are no TV or satellite dealers in Charleston. Look it up, try to find one.

Fact... the biggest town close to Charleston is in KY . There are TV and appliance dealers there.

fact...even though I got the city's name can eat my shorts:mad:
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Technically,we're off topic(high jacking).It's about FreeDBS not whether to close the thread.Kinda a 'Catch 22'.There isn't much point in leaving it open BUT,someone will just start another thread.(another 'Catch 22').???I think we should close it,just to see.No harm done if it is closed.
i say close it also. discussion over a topic like this is ridiculous. even though there is no news regarding freedbs, deliberating their validity or expressing opinions, sharing collaborative info>>>>

umm oh isn't this a forum?

plural forums also fo·ra\-?\
Definition of FORUM

a : the marketplace or public place of an ancient Roman city forming the center of judicial and public business b : a public meeting place for open discussion c : a medium (as a newspaper or online service) of open discussion or expression of ideas

: a judicial body or assembly : court

a : a public meeting or lecture involving audience discussion b : a program (as on radio or television) involving discussion of a problem usually by several authorities
I sure HOPE FreeDBS launches just because I had to read through this entire thread so that I could reply knowing that I had all the info. :P

You all can be thankful that I'm not a mod though, cause I'd take a katana to this thread and cut out all the useless repetitive posts. Seriously, 112 pages on the default thread count, and I'd say WELL over 50 of them were probably useless comments that should have never been made. I don't even have to say that people should stop complaining, or tell people to wait, because it's already been said like 20 times or more.

The following is my opinion.

FreeDBS was launched by a bunch of people that were tired of paying too much for TV. They know there are many old dishes there are out there for Dish/DTV, and wanted to take advantage of them. However, they likely couldn't lease a circular transponder, so they QUICKLY changed their plan.
Whoever is responsible for the idea behind FreeDBS likely wanted to take advantage of all the boxes already set up though, so they debated on whether to use MPEG 2 or 4. The tech guys likely argued for MPEG 4, and argued that they'll have custom boxes eventually for the PPV on demand anyway. They won out in the long run. Sure, some people will have to buy new boxes, but shouldn't you anyway? MPEG 4 is over ten years old. How old is your receiver? Get a new one that supports it, and you'll probably be happy with the extra feeds and channels you can get.
If I were them I would launch as many channels as possible as fast as possible. How many would depend on the bandwidth and which ones were ready. IF I had the bandwidth, I would launch all the channels that were ready in MPEG 2. Then as I launched more channels, as I got low on bandwidth, I'd announce that certain channels were switching to MPEG 4.
It seems though that they are kinda learning as they go. After reading this thread though, the funding required is actually quite a bit less than I realized. I'm surprised more satellite companies don't start up. I'll be sure to recruit from here if I ever decide to start one up, so you can't complain about lack of knowledge. :P

However, I think you all are fooling yourself if you actually think this would have ANY chance of getting people to stop pirating. Sure, if there were enough channels up there in the clear that people stopped watching their pirate TV as much, they wouldn't PAY for key sharing, but I'm not sure they'd stop trying to get extra stuff. There's one main reason. This service is trying for clean family entertainment, likely targeting the christian satellite crowd. I don't know about you guys, but I like my violence and adult situations. And the "eye patch" crowd likely wants their regularly scheduled broadcasts, like ScyFy, Showtime, HBO, Comedy Central, etc. If ever there were a service that offered various channels for free, and you only had to pay $5-20 a month for the common TV ammenities...WITHOUT having to buy EVERY channel in the package under it, then MAYBE the pirates would slow down.
Additionally, while I don't have any kids currently, if I had a 10 year old, I likely would not have the same views on censoring things he sees as other people. A few cuss words to me aren't nearly as bad as many other things on TV that aren't even CONSIDERED being censored. For instance, common character on TV is a womanizer always with a new girlfriend, bad influence. Meanwhile, even pastors cuss sometimes.
I would like to see this succeed. Personally I don't know how interested in it I will be. We'll have to see. I'm interested to see if I'll occasionally enjoy watching the news channel, sci-fi, and possibly the farm channel.

I'd like to see a university channel. As in courses regularly scheduled that we could tune into and watch. iTunes U seems to be VERY successful online. I enjoy watching various courses while I do other things, and listening to non-fiction audio books.
News Release: 10/15/2010

We are sorry that this update has taken so long, But we wanted to give you something that was Newsworthy when we did post it.
We are proud to announce that Manhattan-Digital will be our receiver of choice. Our system has been specificly designed with Manhattan-Digital products in mind.
How come you chose that receiver. It's totally unknown on the market. The chipset isn't really even used in many other receivers except one I found on alibaba.

What's the price point?
Seems to be no S2 blind scan either. Wonder why they didn't just use one of the S9's... Guess that one was cost effective for them for some reason.
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