New FTA service with 20 english channels

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At this point, I will only get my hopes up if we start to get some real news on transponders getting lit up with the service.
I want to keep reminding everyone,it's none of our business when they get started as long as they do so.It is entirely up to them what they do and when they do it.Their web site was oragionally set up for prospective 'business partners' to comunicate with them,not for the general public.You don't see anything from FreeHDCanada or Bell nor Shaw about their 'proposed' free local channels.It shure would be nice though!
This horse has been dead for months. Please stop the continued beating. This whole thing is probably never going to amount to anything, and hopefully a Mod will put this thread out of it's misery, like FreeNOTdbs! :rolleyes: :sob::sleeo
I can't believe they could keep everyone hanging on for 109 pages.

Their last update on their home page was September 02. One would hope by now some progress was made and a update every few weeks or so would be great to keep us up to date as they move closer to announcing a launch date.

With this dispute with FOX and Dish, an announcement of a separate new and totally free satellite service would get some pretty good media attention. If there was a time to launch, now would be the best time as ever. It could perhaps open the door into getting some established networks as well to hop on board.

Unfortunately , there have been no new updates which is where we are. It is not like we have any money invested in this...Just 109 pages of a lot of hope and speculation.......


I want to keep reminding everyone,it's none of our business when they get started as long as they do so.It is entirely up to them what they do and when they do it.Their web site was oragionally set up for prospective 'business partners' to comunicate with them,not for the general public.You don't see anything from FreeHDCanada or Bell nor Shaw about their 'proposed' free local channels.It shure would be nice though!

Maybe someone will read this if I keep posting??
This horse has been dead for months. Please stop the continued beating. This whole thing is probably never going to amount to anything, and hopefully a Mod will put this thread out of it's misery, like FreeNOTdbs! :rolleyes: :sob::sleeo

Agreed!That is why I posted the original poster 1or 2 pages back (Only he can close it?)but then someone else would just start another thread.I think I will just stay away from this thread.
a mod is really the only one who can close it. The OP can request it to be closed but since we're up to however many pages we have (I have mine set to show 30 posts per page so I only have 37 pages) it would really be a staff member decision which reverts back to me.

I thought about closing it until there is legit new info (not speculation, not "I e-mailed them") because there were some pages of nastiness between folks and thats not the reason we're here

But how can you put a thread on ignore?????

how do i put all the negative bs posts in this thread on ignore. if people dont have info on the topic why post negative comments. instead start a thread on how you feel and keep the pollution out of this thread. even the thought of more true fta channels is welcome in my books. if it never happens than what difference does it make to your present situation???

crackt out,.
Some folks just don't like hoping for things. They also can't stand when other people do. I'm 47 years old and I still believe in Santa Nickolaus. I have issues with the flying reindeer thing however. Some others also berate the religious. "You morons don't you know it's all about mind control and keeping poor people quiet. You idiots, You provincial simpletons". Like they are doing the religious a favor by telling them God doesn't exist and likely are the first one to say to kids, "you know Santa Claus is just your parents". These folks love busting this bubble.

Oh! say I. If you let magic happen it will. Life is much more fun when you look for positivity.
Contrarians will argue that they can't hope for good things because the disappointment hurts too much. They would rather get in the "I told you so" line early and not look foolish for wasting precious hope. I say the Earth is round and we can sail across the Atlantic and we will not fall into the abyss.

Back to the topic
No news from their site since Sept. 2nd

write them a letter
P.O. Box 366
Charlestown, IN 47111

they said they were a group of satellite dealers and HAM operators. I doubt these dealers are local. I bet they are from Lexington KY. But that Mark M..k fella definitely lives near that PO Box.
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a mod is really the only one who can close it. The OP can request it to be closed but since we're up to however many pages we have (I have mine set to show 30 posts per page so I only have 37 pages) it would really be a staff member decision which reverts back to me.

I thought about closing it until there is legit new info (not speculation, not "I e-mailed them") because there were some pages of nastiness between folks and thats not the reason we're here


Perhaps closing the thread might be a good idea until there is an real announcement by them to start operations.

Most of the announcements they have made, seem to be about about meetings with someone. And we never seem to get the results of that meeting....which ends up fueling speculation.

So what happens if someone simply starts a new thread about freedbs and we end up again with so many pages of speculation?

I thought about closing it until there is legit new info

That sounds good to me. I think everyone has said what they want to say and then repeated it four or five times already. Close it. If someone tries to start a new thread, crush it and refer them to this closed one. If someone comes up with some information that you think is worth sharing then perhaps you could post that info yourself and then lock the thread again. Keep it to the facts if possible and kill all the conjecture.

Most of the time all that really needed to be posted here was, "There is an update on Go there and read it yourself."
I have my threads set to display 50 messages per page, so I 'only' have 22 pages to read.

I subscribed to this thread long before I posted anything to or in it.

I like reading all the opinions and laugh at some, and seath at others.

But Ice, if you DO close this thread, many people will have withdrawal problems (m'self included) just as we felt when the O. J. Simpson trials were all over.

And, it's possible, though not very probable, that someday, someone MAY say something that we want to hear ... like all the waiting is over, one way or the other. What better thread to say it in than here?

Just my two pennies.

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