New FTA service with 20 english channels

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A twenty channel mux could be quite inexpensive if on an empty bird with the right link budget terms. $2k per meg is available on KU birds serving North America, but probably not feasible with a 22" dish with any amount of signal reliability!
So @ 2.5 megs / channel (give or take) that would be $5K per channel per month or about $100K per month or 1.2 million per year.
You people are too funny, lol. You make negative speculations and jump to conclusions about the site, without knowing anything about the site, or the people and their intentions behind it. I've read very few positive comments from members in this thread. I'm anxious to see how many of you enjoy eating crow when the channels are up and running.

As SatelliteAV said, Why not email the site and give praise and encouragement at the attempt to get the channels launched, instead of thinking there is negative intentions behind it. Too much negativity and discouragement going on about this.
Things are a happenin', but not part of this thread! :D

We wish all the best to this ambitious venture! Who knows, maybe someone from their camp will contact us for our automatic updating receiver with card and cardless subscription support. :up Might another opportunity for Satellite AV to distribute packages and provide technical support for another broadcaster?

Satellite Guys members might consider emailing and praise them for what they are attempting. Let them know how you are anticipating their programming launch and that you support their venture. We don't need to be privy to their business plans, launch dates, link budgets or redirect their vision. Anyone undertaking this endeavor will need all the positive comments and support that we can give! It is a win for the FTA viewing community when even a single open channel is launched on any satellite!

Exciting if it happens!

A twenty channel mux could be quite inexpensive if on an empty bird with the right link budget terms. $2k per meg is available on KU birds serving North America, but probably not feasible with a 22" dish with any amount of signal reliability!

Good post SatelliteAV
Well just in case I have emailed them and suggested some current European/ Mid East, English speaking FTA broadcasters who might like an American audience.
There are certainly loads of spare transponders available these days, Galaxy 19 @97w springs to mind.

Don't you think that there is already enough free Foreign channels brodcast in the clear, mostly news related and religious programming. Foreign broadcasting currently dominates FTA programming, estimated at roughly 80%. Why would it be benifical to rebroadcast programming that is already available to the FTA community. The site is looking for decent family related programming. Something different that is'nt currently available in the clear.
It doesn't have to be on G19 if they launch 20 channels. It could be any satellite and people will go there. If it was a lonely channel or two, the story would be different.

I wish them luck and Godspeed on their endeavor.

Absolutely I'm with you Sadoun.

I just mentioned G19 as they lost a few channels lately and have a good coverage. I'don't mind which bird they use.
There are also good deals to be had for would be broadcasters on European birds so I guess in this economy it may well be the same in the US.
They can use any sat 129west through 70 east for me, I'll just have to add it to the slingbox.
If the FTA community is around 20 million the numbers could stack up.
Thank You For Support

FreeDBS web site has given SatelliteGuys a mention of thanks...



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You people are too funny, lol. You make negative speculations and jump to conclusions about the site... I'm anxious to see how many of you enjoy eating crow when the channels are up and running.

I am all anxious and excited to see which "bird" and "feed" are where!!!... :hungry:
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I just mentioned G19 as they lost a few channels lately and have a good coverage. I'don't mind which bird they use.

Although it would be nice to have them on G19 since so many people already have dishes pointed there, I have a feeling that any transponder which isn't already full is one which isn't going to be receivable on an undersized dish (they mention 22").
You people are too funny, lol. You make negative speculations and jump to conclusions about the site, without knowing anything about the site, or the people and their intentions behind it.

We know very little, because there is very little information provided on the site. There are only two active links to the program providers. White Springs and Billiards. The suggestions, comments, and speculations come from FTA hobbyists who enjoy the hobby and many of us here are simply wondering how it is all going to come together.
Although it would be nice to have them on G19 since so many people already have dishes pointed there, I have a feeling that any transponder which isn't already full is one which isn't going to be receivable on an undersized dish (they mention 22").

I think 22" was a little hopeful on their part but most FTA guys would be happy if their 30"/ 90cm is within the spec.
Has anyone had trouble emailing them?

I sent an email to Leon Napier's address on the page and it was returned with the following error: <>: host[] said: 521 Mail rejected - not allowed to receive mail from this sender (in reply to RCPT TO command).
Was your source email server one other "disposable account" web based systems, like Yahoo etc?
Some ISP's email servers block these sources automaticly, to reduce the amount of spam they have to process or parse out.
If you used one of those types, you may want to try your ISP email system and see if that solves the problem.
Free People Search | WhitePages

Kenneth L Napier
206 West Dr
Charlestown, IN 47111-1700

(812) 256-6946
Age: 55-59

Same phone number in the Whois below.

He seems to be in charge of some sort of web site selling a "Law Enforcement" device or something, and asking people to get in on the "ground floor":

Pursuithook - Home

WhoIs Search Results

Kenny Napier
206 West Dr
Charlestown, Indiana 47111
United States

Registered through:, Inc. (Browser Update Page)
Created on: 15-May-09
Expires on: 15-May-10
Last Updated on: 15-May-09

Administrative Contact:
Napier, Kenny
206 West Dr
Charlestown, Indiana 47111
United States
(812) 256-6946

Technical Contact:
Napier, Kenny
206 West Dr
Charlestown, Indiana 47111
United States
(812) 256-6946

Domain servers in listed order:

Registry Status: clientDeleteProhibited
Registry Status: clientRenewProhibited
Registry Status: clientTransferProhibited
Registry Status: clientUpdateProhibited

Any amateur radio people here? Try contacting Mr. Napier directly, at his call-sign below:

FCC Registered Amateur Radio Licenses in Charlestown, Indiana - Ham Radio

Call Sign: KB9PGU, Licensee ID: L01198870
Grant Date: 10/03/2006, Expiration Date: 12/27/2016, Certifier: Kenneth L Napier
Registrant: Kenneth L Napier, 206 West Dr, Charlestown, IN 47111

I found the freely available info through Google in a little search, and I'm pretty good at them. However, you can all decide for yourself what's possibly going on. I am however after checking through all this, kind of wondering why the FIRST person to post this on Satelliteguys goes by the id of "Shadyone"?
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Was your source email server one other "disposable account" web based systems, like Yahoo etc?

No. It was my email account through my ISP. Perhaps I'll try again later. I only wanted to ask if they were going to include an EPG with each channel.
The Golden Age of TV now added to FreeDBS

Old favorites such as Milton Berle, Groucho Marx and Howdy Doody.
Contract - Pending

Victor Ives presents

Now, in concert with White Springs Media satellite uplink in Florida, he is preparing to launch the most ambitious Television Retrospective to date.

Looking at the White Springs Media web pages is interesting. I wonder if freedbs could end up on 129W. Home Page

As they say...stay tuned....
yea, "too funny":

Primestar31 said:
...wondering why the FIRST person to post this on Satelliteguys goes by the id of "Shadyone"?
Yea, and I'm amused that someone joined the forum just to blast all the nay-sayers, with four posts in a row. - :rolleyes:
You people are too funny, lol.
You make negative speculations and jump to conclusions about the site, without knowing anything about the site, or the people and their intentions behind it. . . .
I'm anxious to see how many of you enjoy eating crow when the channels are up and running.
To quote a very old 'burger commercial, "Show me the BEEF!". - :D
Someone just posted that they were suspicious since my id was Shadyone. My id has nothing to do with my character. It comes from my nickname of shady that I got as child (unfortunately everyone in the south seems to get saddled with a nickname). I'm sure that Anole is not green and Iceburg is not always cold:D. I have been a member of the site for two years and look at the site a least once a day. FTA is one of my favorite hobbies. I have one motorized 31inch dish and two stationary superdishes as well as a 4 foot channel master that is going to be a mini bud project soon. I have never posted much but I feel like I know the guys here after all the posts I've read over the past couple of years. I have to admit it is a little hurtful to be talked about negatively on this site. I did not make the original post because I am in any way related to the Freedbs people. I was just excited when I found the info on it and wanted to share with the people here who I think of as my friends in the hobby.

Sincerely, Shadyone
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