Melgarga, the Nagravison 3 CAS comment as regarding use of probably 90+% of the presently in the field FTA receivers, was a joke, nothing more. I wasn't inferring anything more than that....
I would LOVE to see this venture really make it. So, good luck to them.
Yes, I would too!

I kinda figured as much, but felt it would be prudent to clarify to the under and uninformed since DN hacking has been curbed but not eliminated. I was trying to avoid the potential droves of patcheye perps thinking they could just woop out there colective dongles and insert them somewhere into the project and expect free
For the board's sake it's best that all dongles be kept behind closed zippers, or some other obscure location that is out of sight, out of mind.
It was purely a reply to the comment, not the person. No intention on my part to imply such activity on your part. Hopefully your took it that way as well.
I see that there was an update posted while I was typing my previous post, which does correlate with many of the other posters opinions.
Gleening relevant technical info from these updates has proven fruitless. Just an overview that's presented by someone that would speak satgeek would be of some value to the curious.
Setting aside the controversial "dish size" subject, (which I feel is also tailored to attract the attention of those with that type of surplus equipment as well,) lets talk signal polarity instead, IOW where in the Ku spectrum this project plans to reside.
A 22" dish is commonly configured with a circular LNB. Is there TP space available on birds somewhere that transmit these high power circular signals?
This would imply an OEM DN/Bell or DTV dish of 22" or greater w/ OEM LNB would be usable and pointed at one of the Echo/Nimiq birds...........hmmmmmm (I just dont see Charlie Ergen sharing his Echo birds for this competitive venture.)
If this is to be a linearly polarized venture, then I will need to call on some of the S2 gurus for the answer to my next (obvious) question regarding the proposed move to MPEG4/S2. Can a linear Ku DVB-S2 signal reliably (if at all) be captured on a 22" dish? Based on my personal experience with less fussy DBV-S signals on dishes smaller than 30 inches, and what I've read regarding C band S2 reception, (and C band is FAR more forgiving than Ku) I'm thinking it's not gonna happen.
If this mode (linear) is the target of the project, IMHO 30" should be the minimum and 39" (1 meter) should be the recommended for reliable DVB-S reception. DVB-S2 may require even more dish surface area for reliable operation, but I defer to the S2 guys to make the definitive comment on that.
Knowing what portion of the Ku spectrum the folks doing the project intend to use in there master plan would fill in many of the technical voids. Current info is too incomplete and contradictatory to extrapolate the potential success or validity of the project. As was posted, I guess we will just have to wait and
I saw a commercial recently about some Washinton SIGs lobbying to implement pay OTA TV. I cant say I didnt see this comming and warn of it when they forced out analog OTA. If that actually gets off the ground, (based on the inept and clueless way the Feds/FCC have handled broadcast resources I have no reason to believe it wont eventually happen) that could motivate participation from both broadcasters and viewers for a project such as this.