New Equipment Fees & Lease Fees

Disclaimer! This is not my pricing sheet, but rather what Scott has posted from multiple sources, the last and most important/real, being the retailer chat.

Programming packages will be going back to the old way of naming packages. Out with the metals, in with Top 120, 200, 250.

DishFAMILY will be $24.99 with locals included
America's Top 120 will be $39.99 with locals included
America's Top 120 PLUS will be $44.99 with locals included
America's Top 200 will be $52.99 with locals included
America's Top 250 will be $62.99 with locals included
AEP with locals: $99.99

Turbo HD customers will see NO increases either.

"DVR Advantage" packages will go away. Use the guide here to figure out your bill.

Seems pretty basic.

Now the "hard part"
1. Determine what receiver models you have, and quantity.

If you only have 1 receiver, the price is included in your basic programming backage price, no matter what model it is
If you have more than 1 box, one receiver will be included in your programming package (most expensive will be free, may need to talk to CSR to re-order your receivers on your account). The additional receivers cost the corresponding amount, per receiver, per month.

Solo (301, 311, 381, 501, 508) $7
HD Solo (211, 211k, 411) $7
Solo DVR (510, 512) $10
HD Solo DVR (612) $10

Duo (322) $14
HD Duo (222, 222k) $14
Duo DVR (522, 625) $17
HD Duo DVR (622, 622HZ, 722, 722k) $17

You pay this price per month regardless of it you own or lease from Dish.

2. Do you have a DVR (or any number from 1- infinity DVRs on your account)?

If yes, add $6 to your account.
If no, do not add $6
No matter how many DVR's you have, its just one $6 fee PER ACCOUNT, NOT PER DVR!

3. Do you have any or all of your receivers plugged in to a phone line or ethernet?

It doesn't matter, you will not see any charge relating to phone line or internet plug in.
If currently being charge $5 per month for this, you can cross that off your bill come Feb 1.
If currently plugged in, you will NOT see a $5 line item added Feb 1

Just for the record, everyone crying about getting $5 added to their bill come Feb 1, this is not entirely true. It was never a $5 credit to your bill, you just avoided a $5 charge. I do not have home phone service, so I used to pay $5 per month EXTRA. YOU DID NOT GET A $5 CREDIT (INDICATED BY A -$5.00, on your bill before!) Now Dish may be lumping that $5 into the fee for each additional receiver, and the business ethics of this may be argued, you will not see a $5 line item increase!

DHPP, premiums, HD access + platinum, etc
No change in monthly rate here.
DHPP $5.99
HD + platinum: $10
Premiums, still the same

(edit) Don't forget to add your tax!

Add it all up and see what you get. Thats your new bill

Its pretty basic math, hopefully this little thought process will help people figure it out on their own...

This is just to help you figure out your costs, and to try and get all the info into one post! I dont care what you think about the new pricing stucture. My bill will actually go down $2 per month, with 2 722's


As mentioned already...Please make this a sticky! I think this will help many out!!!
so do you think the price increase will stick as is? or sometime soon they will rescind the change because of churn and a sales drop:)

Personally I hope for enough churn they drop under 13 million, so we can watch them celebrate it again.

ME today IO go look at FIOS tv. provided my sore knee lets me tripped and fell last night........

will also go check out direct tv, and probably run into some E salesmen, I can have fun with them and demoralize them all at the same time:).

Bob why don't you just change your equipment so You don't need the extra dvrs? IF you keep just one 722k and sell the rest on E-bay , you would not see an increase other than 2 cents on the dvr fee or 1.00 if you had the with Dvr pack , since it is going away. It would be easier than holding a hate on for DISH. Isn't it just you now in the house? Do you need to have more than one duo tuner dvr? When do you find time to watch it all?

I don't agree with the equipment changes either ,but I think it is better to be flexible than to cancel. I had already made the change LAST year and got rid of my 2 other duo dvrs and switched to a 722k and one 211k (with dvr software) so I wouldn't get hit to hard by the 2009 - $8.00 increase. That was what they went up on dvr advantage last year. I got a $3.00 credit to offset it for the whole last year , so it was only $5.00 , but it made me get off my butt and make some changes to keep my bill lower.
Bob why don't you just change your equipment so You don't need the extra dvrs? IF you keep just one 722k and sell the rest on E-bay , you would not see an increase other than 2 cents on the dvr fee or 1.00 if you had the with Dvr pack , since it is going away. It would be easier than holding a hate on for DISH. Isn't it just you now in the house? Do you need to have more than one duo tuner dvr? When do you find time to watch it all?

I don't agree with the equipment changes either ,but I think it is better to be flexible than to cancel. I had already made the change LAST year and got rid of my 2 other duo dvrs and switched to a 722k and one 211k (with dvr software) so I wouldn't get hit to hard by the 2009 - $8.00 increase. That was what they went up on dvr advantage last year. I got a $3.00 credit to offset it for the whole last year , so it was only $5.00 , but it made me get off my butt and make some changes to keep my bill lower.

Me, my roomate who records constantly, and some now and then family who float in and out.

I AM A CUSTOMER. that gives me clout:)

Today if my very sore knee permits, fell in my shop last nite:(

I am going shopping to look at D, TIVO, comcast and FIOS.

I havent shopped for 13 years.....

and my bill rolls over feb 13th. so I have some time.

for a wide variety of reason I dont want a contract on whatever I buy.

one of my concerns are all the people I sold and some I installed let alone sold calling ME, because of the price increase:(

many have mutiple DVRs:(

Look right before the price leak, I was in the middle of a upgrade as part of dropping phone lines.

I figured 722Ks would be better and call in on ethernet. dont need home phone anyway, planned on going all cell. like so many others have.I purchase all my boxes

Had AEP plus 2 extra boxes. We AEP subs got hid hard.
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Me, my roomate who records constantly, and some now and then family who float in and out.
So it looks like you are splitting your bill with your roommate, so I guess your actual price increase will be cut in half -- that should make it easier to swallow. Also, why keep an extra box around just for now-and-then use? I would think in those situations, you can put your 722k in Dual mode and let them watch the TV2 tuner -- after all you don't have any HDTVs anyhow. :rolleyes:
My roomate is currently between jobs, so its me that paying the bill:( and being unemployeed they record and watch constantly

Remember my extra receiver costs were 5 bucks EACH, so I didnt care about them. at one time 4 boxes 15 bucks who cares.

at 17 bucks each I am #@!$$ off
Well they way I would have seen it is that "I" had two extra boxes that weren't really getting really getting used, so that WAS $10/month -- or $120 year. To me throwing away $120 is noteworthy enough.

That said, I totally agree that it is BS that DISH is charging the same price for lease hardware versus owned hardware.
I guess it's BS that Dish will replace your defective owned hardware at no, or little, cost.

where does that occur? oned hardware requires paying for repair / replacement just like leased.

I havent sent back a box since the service was 2 bucks a month per account. when they upped the price I canceled the service plan. My 522 / 625 were very good. Just replaced some hard drives in that time, got more space:)
I guess it's BS that Dish will replace your defective owned hardware at no, or little, cost.
Are you talking outside the warranty period of the device? If so, don't you have to agree contract (or an extension if you are already under a contract) to get that benefit? If so, that pretty much debunks that argument. :cool:
Well they way I would have seen it is that "I" had two extra boxes that weren't really getting really getting used, so that WAS $10/month -- or $120 year. To me throwing away $120 is noteworthy enough.

That said, I totally agree that it is BS that DISH is charging the same price for lease hardware versus owned hardware.

one box my roomates getting lots of use, mine a good bit too. my roomate is a tv fiend

To each his own I think spending a grand for a high def tv isnt worth it. I have better ways to spend my money.:)

one of my plans was putting my currently unused slingbox on a E box, so realitves and friends who lost jobs could have some tv. my family has been decimated by job losses in phoenix. nearly all dropped cable / sat but so far have managed to keep internet.

my brother is into race cars he actually appeared on fast pass or whatever that show is,. he lost that race.
one box my roomates getting lots of use, mine a good bit too. my roomate is a tv fiend
That's why I only used $10/mo. instead of $15/mo. in my example - because I conceded that two boxes are getting used enough to warrant having them.

To each his own I think spending a grand for a high def tv isnt worth it. I have better ways to spend my money.:)
I can agree to disagree here, but I must point out that with a little shopping around you should be able to get a 42" HDTV for $500ish -- so your example of a grand is a bit of a stretch these days. :)
I think Dish Network is more likely to give those that are current customers that contact them to complain some sort of discount long-term or the life of their account than to cut the fees down if they see negative results. What this does is it gives those that had the service more incentive to stay and it also allows them to charge the new customers the higher fees. Churn is so high that they probably have mostly a completely different customer base every 5 or 6 years.

I also think they raised fees to make up for all these credits that they have been and will give customers to stay on the service.
If you have the DVR Advantage pak don't forget when that package goes away so will the $3.00 credit. So if you have just one dvr your price will go up $4.00 not $1.00
I don't know about churn. Last year I received $10.00 off for 12 months on my account and my second account for my parents. I also received 1 cent Cinemax for me and my parents and my aunt on my third account. I also received Free Hbo/Starz for both mine and my parents accounts for 3 months. Also got major credits on both accounts due to the screwed up way they did the hbo/Starz promotion. I also get the $3.00 dvr advantage credit for the whole last year, on both mine and my parents accounts. They were trying anyway they could to keep subs last year due to the major losses they suffered for three quarters in a row. The last quarter they really turned it around and recovered in major ways . Now who knows how it will look this year after the new equipment fees kick in. I have a feeling that they will return to churn or even not add many new subs due to the high equipment fees. They simply look to high to most people who see them , at least for duo tuner dvrs at $17.00 EACH.

Since everyone one of the providers is raising rates in some form why will there be more churn on E* than D* or Fios, or even cable. I just don't see that it is going to hit Charlie that hard. What percent of his customers have more than 2 DVR's I would like to see something on that here. This is just a guess but I have a feeling that less than 10% have more than 2 or 3 systems in their house. so if 26% of those 10% decide to go else where that would be at the most 49k. And when he gets more HD he may pick up that many. Sorry but I just don't see it causing as big of a problem as there is being stated here. I could be wrong but I just don't think so.
I don't think you're wrong.

We have a tendency as people to think that what annoys us annoys the majority. The fact is, whether we agree or not, this will not be any sort of disaster for Dish. They no doubt did some study before initiating this change. Every year, some folks rotate their provider. But most don't. Most don't want the hassle of different dish installs, new equipment to learn, etc. Prices will remain competitive. If any company had a significant price advantage, and customers moved to them, prices would equalize (one way or another).

No one wants to pay more. I'm sure Dish doesn't want to pay more to the programming providers. Certainly, they are under a lot of pressure from OTA sources. I suspect we'll see even larger increases next year, for both satcos, as the money they pay out increases faster than in the past.

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