Disclaimer! This is not my pricing sheet, but rather what Scott has posted from multiple sources, the last and most important/real, being the retailer chat.
Programming packages will be going back to the old way of naming packages. Out with the metals, in with Top 120, 200, 250.
DishFAMILY will be $24.99 with locals included
America's Top 120 will be $39.99 with locals included
America's Top 120 PLUS will be $44.99 with locals included
America's Top 200 will be $52.99 with locals included
America's Top 250 will be $62.99 with locals included
AEP with locals: $99.99
Turbo HD customers will see NO increases either.
"DVR Advantage" packages will go away. Use the guide here to figure out your bill.
Seems pretty basic.
Now the "hard part"
1. Determine what receiver models you have, and quantity.
If you only have 1 receiver, the price is included in your basic programming backage price, no matter what model it is
If you have more than 1 box, one receiver will be included in your programming package (most expensive will be free, may need to talk to CSR to re-order your receivers on your account). The additional receivers cost the corresponding amount, per receiver, per month.
Solo (301, 311, 381, 501, 508) $7
HD Solo (211, 211k, 411) $7
Solo DVR (510, 512) $10
HD Solo DVR (612) $10
Duo (322) $14
HD Duo (222, 222k) $14
Duo DVR (522, 625) $17
HD Duo DVR (622, 622HZ, 722, 722k) $17
You pay this price per month regardless of it you own or lease from Dish.
2. Do you have a DVR (or any number from 1- infinity DVRs on your account)?
If yes, add $6 to your account.
If no, do not add $6
No matter how many DVR's you have, its just one $6 fee PER ACCOUNT, NOT PER DVR!
3. Do you have any or all of your receivers plugged in to a phone line or ethernet?
It doesn't matter, you will not see any charge relating to phone line or internet plug in.
If currently being charge $5 per month for this, you can cross that off your bill come Feb 1.
If currently plugged in, you will NOT see a $5 line item added Feb 1
Just for the record, everyone crying about getting $5 added to their bill come Feb 1, this is not entirely true. It was never a $5 credit to your bill, you just avoided a $5 charge. I do not have home phone service, so I used to pay $5 per month EXTRA. YOU DID NOT GET A $5 CREDIT (INDICATED BY A -$5.00, on your bill before!) Now Dish may be lumping that $5 into the fee for each additional receiver, and the business ethics of this may be argued, you will not see a $5 line item increase!
DHPP, premiums, HD access + platinum, etc
No change in monthly rate here.
DHPP $5.99
HD + platinum: $10
Premiums, still the same
(edit) Don't forget to add your tax!
Add it all up and see what you get. Thats your new bill
Its pretty basic math, hopefully this little thought process will help people figure it out on their own...
This is just to help you figure out your costs, and to try and get all the info into one post! I dont care what you think about the new pricing stucture. My bill will actually go down $2 per month, with 2 722's
As mentioned already...Please make this a sticky! I think this will help many out!!!