New EPG Info data - strange

The issue isn't changing info providers, it's changing info providers without pre-testing. That is inexcusable. Suppose your bank, or other entity, launched a new on-line system without testing it and then told you it will take some weeks to work out the bugs? Acceptable? No, de-bugging is supposed to take place prior to going live. No amount of poo-pooing it is going to make it acceptable that Dish did it this way. I have written, and launched, numerous software apps over the years and believe me going live with this many problems would, and has, cost people (not me) their jobs.
The issue isn't changing info providers, it's changing info providers without pre-testing. That is inexcusable. Suppose your bank, or other entity, launched a new on-line system without testing it and then told you it will take some weeks to work out the bugs? Acceptable? No, de-bugging is supposed to take place prior to going live. No amount of poo-pooing it is going to make it acceptable that Dish did it this way. I have written, and launched, numerous software apps over the years and believe me going live with this many problems would, and has, cost people (not me) their jobs.

As a matter of fact it did take a couple of weeks or a little more to fix things when the Credit Union merged. We could sign in, then couldn't. When signed in we might get signed out. Sometimes only one account would show when you had more than one. In addition, TIVO had months before the changeover to ROVI and they had they had to fix things on the go, in fact they still are not quite 100% though close and almost is a carbon copy of the things happening now.
Add to that Scott reporting this was not an expected change.
Remember, Rovi bought Tivo so if anything had an ideal chance to work right with proper testing, it was Tivo boxes. We know how that went. I totally blame Rovi.
So will our existing timers eventually be remapped and start working again, or do we need to recreate all the timers that aren't working?

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You should not have to, I did not have to with TIVO.

I have to modify my answer. I had two (of 89) timers no longer working on my 612 and I see a few posts of others also on the Hopper. It should be only a few if any. An easy way to check them is to bring up the list of timers and click on each one, if nothing is there and you know that show is on either in re run or new in the next 8 days or so then the timer needs to be re done. If you click on a timer and any show is there the timer should be fine.
I have to modify my answer. I had two (of 89) timers no longer working on my 612 and I see a few posts of others also on the Hopper. It should be only a few if any. An easy way to check them is to bring up the list of timers and click on each one, if nothing is there and you know that show is on either in re run or new in the next 8 days or so then the timer needs to be re done. If you click on a timer and any show is there the timer should be fine.
Hopefully, but not necessarily . Even if the timer is in the scheduled list, still no guarantee it will record.
Having two HwS I am finding it depends on what kind of timer you have and much of it depends on accurate data. I have been complaining about this for years.
Between PTAT being screwed up on the Hopper3 due to Daylight Savings Time, our ABC being off due to the Hearst issues, and now this EPG stupidity, my wife is about to throw the Hopper3 out the window. She is NOT happy, and I'm the one who has to hear about it.

I've been with Dish since the 4900 days, and this cascade is about the worst sequence of screw-ups I've seen.
Between PTAT being screwed up on the Hopper3 due to Daylight Savings Time, our ABC being off due to the Hearst issues, and now this EPG stupidity, my wife is about to throw the Hopper3 out the window. She is NOT happy, and I'm the one who has to hear about it.

I've been with Dish since the 4900 days, and this cascade is about the worst sequence of screw-ups I've seen.

"I know whatcha mean Vern!"
Been having Guide and Info problems for years . . . and I could have gotten the H3 way back when. I even did the early forced CUI on my HwS, it got reverted the next day with a standard update, dodged a bullet there because when I heard that all other HwS in the house would get it, I was scared to death to have to deal with the problems and Grandma. Grandma, the Rocket Scientist, says: "I helped put the B-52 in the air and Men on the Moon with a slide rule, you'd think with the tech today they could get these things right?!" That's why I am waiting and watching . . . . Have had more recent related problems with one HwS and not the other (Grandma's).
OK, from what I've seen of the EPG/Info data, it sure reads like TiVo (Rovi) subjective, clumbsy, not concise writing from a source who can't write well and often includes spoilers to movies and TV shows and poor "in house" produced artwork with inferior images suspeciously using the same font/typeface that is no the original font/typeface used on the series or movie (as in the Match Game artwork and more), and even slightly better looking "in house" produced artwork put together to look like orginal publicity artwork, but is a really BAD job that makes it very difficult to determain at a glance what the TV Show or movie it is.

As for Dish "being forced" into this: I think I may have been mistaken in thinking Nielsen (Gracenote) was changing things. I now have a IMHO that Nielsen may have demaned more $$$ (renewal of contract or breach of contract?) or some other unreasonalbe demand, so Dish decided to drop Nielsen and go with TiVo (Rovi) metadata services. I could be wrong (and I don't always get it right), but this is such a HUGE mess (and I have been hearing it from EVERYBODY the last few days) I can't imagine Dish doing this without great consideration. The Gracenote copyright comes and goes each day, and the poorly written text is so much like TiVo (Rovi) metadata, it is creepy.

In summary, people have complained to me about messed up timers, recordings NOT firing, etc. But the BIGGEST, LOUDEST complaint is about the poorly written and lengthy INFO/EPG text for TV shows and Movies, and the AWFUL artwork. Interesting how people I've spoken with are far more outraged about text and artwork. They are really annoyed.

As for Dish sending out some workarounds: that is fine for dealers and people on this forum, but it does not even begin to address the vast, vast majority of the 13+ millions susbscribers who are affected by this mess. Just like TiVo users, there have to be a fair number of people who have just left Dish and gone to the competition.

OK, let's hope all involved in this can fix things well enough, fast enough.
OK, from what I've seen of the EPG/Info data, i . . . OK, let's hope all involved in this can fix things well enough, fast enough.

OMG! I couldn't have said it better. Listenin' DISH?! This just isn't the crap that we have had to endure over the years, it's getting bad and not what I am paying for. Can this be considered service disruption?
OMG! I couldn't have said it better. Listenin' DISH?! This just isn't the crap that we have had to endure over the years, it's getting bad and not what I am paying for. Can this be considered service disruption?
And dear, old, senior mom is among the MOST annoyed, upset, and PO'd about it. She has suffered all of it (shows not recording, etc.), and REALLY, REALLY, HATES the new INFO metadata text and artwork. Too much useless detail in the program descriptons that often include spoilers and artwork that makes no sense to her or ANYONE I've spokent to.

Here are some of the STUPID phrases (writing) I can remember from the INFO text for an I Love Lucy episode last night, and it is somethinglike this: "Lucy wants to play an indian in Ricky's show, but Ricky won't have any of it; Oh, what to do? Put on costume; crash the show; however, the Mertz's will be in the show."

Above is NOT exactly as it appeared, but I think you get the point. The trite phrase, "Oh, what to do?" was, indeed in their alolng with the strange "Ricky won't have any of it." It is NOT concise it loses focus of simply describing the situation main idea of the plot. Instead we get all these extra words that have a subjective tone of latent dislike of the formual that is I Love Lucy. Most inappropriate for the purpose of describing the plot or situation. Do these people who write the program desciptions hate their jobs? Maybe the writer is correct in his subjective view (and I may even agree), but I don't want nor need such superfluous, subjective information.

Also, too many "meanwhile . . ." trying to cover too many sub-plots and small story archs withing the MAIN story arc with too much text and explaination.

Futher, for describing the movies the commmon phrases of, "In this laugh-a-minute dark comedy . . . " or "In this hilarious send up of . . ." or "In this brilliant, fast-paced, action packed thriller . . " I do NOT want CRITQUES nor subjective words as part of a review; I want an OBJECTIVE description of the content; I'll be the judge of what content is good or bad, thank you.

The INFO descriptions are like my posts: too wordy! Yours truly is a terrible writer:).
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Another missed recording on my HWS. Go into the scheduled tab and go backwards and it shows that Shades of blue recorded the other night, however when you go into the recordings there isn't any episode there. My wife is getting miffed that her shows aren't recording and saying " you said it showed it was going to record". She doesn't care about who provides guide data, etc. She just wants to know why the recorder doesn't record?
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