OMG! I couldn't have said it better. Listenin' DISH?! This just isn't the crap that we have had to endure over the years, it's getting bad and not what I am paying for. Can this be considered service disruption?
And dear, old, senior mom is among the MOST annoyed, upset, and PO'd about it. She has suffered all of it (shows not recording, etc.), and REALLY, REALLY, HATES the new INFO metadata text and artwork. Too much useless detail in the program descriptons that often include spoilers and artwork that makes no sense to her or ANYONE I've spokent to.
Here are some of the STUPID phrases (writing) I can remember from the INFO text for an
I Love Lucy episode last night, and it is somethinglike this:
"Lucy wants to play an indian in Ricky's show, but Ricky won't have any of it; Oh, what to do? Put on costume; crash the show; however, the Mertz's will be in the show."
Above is NOT exactly as it appeared, but I think you get the point. The trite phrase,
"Oh, what to do?" was, indeed in their alolng with the strange "Ricky won't have any of it." It is NOT concise it loses focus of simply describing the situation main idea of the plot. Instead we get all these extra words that have a subjective tone of latent dislike of the formual that is
I Love Lucy. Most inappropriate for the purpose of describing the plot or situation.
Do these people who write the program desciptions hate their jobs? Maybe the writer is correct in his subjective view (and I may even agree), but I don't want nor need such superfluous, subjective information.
Also, too many "meanwhile . . ." trying to cover too many sub-plots and small story archs withing the MAIN story arc with too much text and explaination.
Futher, for describing the movies the commmon phrases of,
"In this laugh-a-minute dark comedy . . . " or
"In this hilarious send up of . . ." or
"In this brilliant, fast-paced, action packed thriller . . " I do NOT want CRITQUES nor subjective words as part of a review; I want an OBJECTIVE description of the content; I'll be the judge of what content is good or bad, thank you.
The INFO descriptions are like my posts: too wordy! Yours truly is a terrible writer
