Not on mine for TV info, but Movies, yes, but that was fixed years ago.Works on the Hopper.![]()
Not on mine for TV info, but Movies, yes, but that was fixed years ago.Works on the Hopper.![]()
I read some press release that Nielsen was somehow revamping Gracenote to expand the metadata and cabailities (the TV and Movie metadata, anyway), etc., etc. Maybe that is what we are experienceing as I have recently seen the return of the Gracenote copyright notice that had been missing for many days.
Check Chicago justice on 3/5. It shows episode one and it is episode two.
I have to go through the guide for every night to make sure what I want recorded is marked to record.
New Survivor starts in 3/8, but my timer for "Survivor" would not record that show even though that timer has always worked before.
Interesting! I guess this all comfirms it is a MESSNot seeing any copyright notice on 722K or 612
It was where it always was. However, it seems that some do NOT see the Grancenote copyright and others do. I, too, have HWS's. I had NOT seen the Grancenote copyright for several days until about 4 days ago. The Info I am gettings all seems to have the Gracenote copyright and while some of the wording is diffrent, it is NOT like Rovi wording days earlier (like a review/critique), but seems to be concise and straigtforward, objective as before with no subjectivity.Have not seen the copyright notice on my HWS. Where do you find it?
This is the reverse of what Dish does with premium movie channel free previews. The cutoff is also 3 AM, but in that case, you get the entire show for any movie that starts before 3 AM, no matter how long past 3 AM the movie runs. So, if a three-hour movie starts at 2:55 AM, it basically extends the preview for that channel by three hours. Perhaps Dish should start using the same rules for the HD RSNs, if they aren't going to start leaving them on 24/7, especially since the HD RSNs are channels that viewers are paying for, unlike the free previews.Another thing, although this is minor, is the HD RSN's are all going off-air at different times each day. It used to be that the HD RSN's would all go off-air at 3am ET, 2am CT, regardless of if the show is over or not. (there were the occassional game replays that would go to conclusion beyond that time) And there would be just one big long "off-air" program overnight. Now, the Off-Air blocks on the HD RSN channel are identical to the program length on the SD RSN. And the negatives is that if the show goes past 2am CT, the entire show is "off-air". So last night, since a show started at 2am CT, the 1:30am CT show was in HD. But tonight, the show goes from 1am CT-3am CT, so the HD RSN is now offline at 1am CT. So although minor, it used to be each HD RSN was online for 16 hours and off for 8 hours, now it is all over the place.