NEW DirecTV HD Packages Coming?

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One of the things that I think will happen is that when D* moves to almost all HD...the HD fee will still be there. Kind of like the phone companies still charging the tax for the Spanish American War till just a couple of years ago because the feds told them they had to.
There's the "grandma factor" to consider. By that I mean people who just can't deal with more than a TV and a remote control. They will actively resist having a STB.

No offense, but I don't believe technology will be slowed by the resisting almost-dead grandmas. Did they resist in their teens, when they went from reading to watching the tube? Maybe the grandmas can go back to the early days when there was no tv and read a nice book.

I have E* but I also get 7 local channels in HD plus some other digital basic channels for free (sort of free...included with cable internet) with my local cable company and I don't have a STB. I DID get rid of my ancient TV and got me one of those fancy digital tv's. I just plug the coaxial into the digital input and voila, I only have to use the TV and remote, just like grandma wants.

Grandmas just need to upgrade that 1970's tv set that makes everything look red and green with ghosting, to something more "current." Don't know if it'll happen in 2009 or not, but it will be changing soon enough. It's the law, whether grandma wants it or not. She'll need a STB or new TV with built-in tuner. Thought I read something about the Feds offering discounts on new TV's too so that should make grandma somewhat happy.
No offense, but I don't believe technology will be slowed by the resisting almost-dead grandmas. Did they resist in their teens, when they went from reading to watching the tube? Maybe the grandmas can go back to the early days when there was no tv and read a nice book.

No disrespect, but grandmas already HAVE slowed it. That's the long rollout, it's been a congressional issue for around a decade. That's also why the feds are subsidizing households for something like up to (2) $40 coupons redeemable toward STB's.

I have E* but I also get 7 local channels in HD plus some other digital basic channels for free (sort of free...included with cable internet) with my local cable company and I don't have a STB.

That works today.... at some point that will likely change, probably 1Q 2009. The locals you are getting today via cable w/o STB are analog channels. They use a TON of bandwidth and the cables are drooling to be rid of them.... much more money to be made by dedicating that bandwidth to high-end services (gaming, interactive functions, etc).

The only reason it hasn't happened already is b/c of grandma's (and the NAB protecting the price of commercials).
No, they will still broadcast SD but in mpeg4 not mpeg2. All broadcast channels go digital in 2009 but not all will be HD.
I expect that the same thing will happen here as in the UK. Most of their programming is 16:9 aspect ratio, widescreen. But just because you have that aspect ratio does not mean the show itself is HD. There are at least a few programs there that are widescreen, but are SD.

In fact, we have already seem some of that here in the US. Hell's Kitchen was broadcast in widescreen, but not in HD.
The locals you are getting today via cable w/o STB are analog channels. They use a TON of bandwidth and the cables are drooling to be rid of them....

I agree with some of your points, however, the locals in HD and SD and many of the basic channels I'm getting are NOT analog, but digital. My TV has a built-in tuner.
I remember Voom

Actually Juan, no news here. You seem to be the one living in the fantasy world. Let me guess, E* sub? We all have known for quite a while that the HD fee was not going to go up yet. We all expect that to change when the usual price increases come, usually early spring. So, sorry, you can't rain on our parade, nice try. Now go on back to your TV and watch some Voom, we here have to get ready for our BTN games and some NFL football. Thank you though for being concerned about our bill. Now go pay your $20 HD fee.

I remember Voom...Yea!! That Gallery channel was edge of your seat exciting channel to watch...Not!!
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Am I the only one the thinks

"though DirecTV is in the process of finalizing some new high-definition packages."

means that they are finishing contracts with the HD providers? D* is negotiating with HBO and Cinemax to provide their HD packages. In this context, I read it as:

-The HD package price will remain as is (until at least spring)
-D* is negotiating for additional HD content (packages) from providers.

Then there is this famous case of selective reading

"it launched the first of two new satellites into space that will allow it to offer 100 new high-definition channels" (my emphasis)

I do not recall D* saying that they will have 100 (or 150) HD channels in any timeframe. Every official (as opposed to forum 'quote') statement has been about the CAPACITY to carry these channels. Sure, it can be a matter of semantics, but it's in these type of threads that I hear the E* people accusing D* of false claims.

As I have posted before, I don't understand the hatred between consumers of different systems. Having E* and D* both being alive and well means that we as consumers win. The two will always be leapfrogging each other and that is good for us. It keeps innovation going and keeps prices contained.

If E* had Sunday Ticket, I would jump over to that camp. The E* fanboys have had braggin rights (?) with Voom, now it's our time to strut a little. The fact is, short of a satellite falling out of orbit, D* will have a much better selection and higher bitrate for HD viewing pleasure at the end of the year. Considering the time it takes to deploy a satellite, unless E* buys some bandwidth, they will be playing catch up (or lowering bit rates) for the next 1-2 years.
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