New Dinova Boss Mix antenna

If the weather holds I'm planning to put mine through the ringer (finally) this weekend and will give you guys a full report. I've got a wide range of VHF stations and overall the stations here are much farther away so it will be a good test. Four of our major stations (two ABC affiliates in different markets, 1 CBS and 1 PBS here) are all VHF.

It's just rained constantly here since mine came. I haven't even gotten it out of the box yet.
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Unfortunately the power supply of the Dinova Boss Mix antenna was fried by a lightning strike this evening. May she rest in peace!

Luckily, the power supply was plugged into my UPS, which has AVR protection and insulated the rest of my components from overload.

I'll be putting my old RCA ANT751R in the attic and hooking it back up to the CM 7777-HD.

Edit: well, now its working again all of a sudden. Very weird!
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Well, the power supply quit for good today. I emailed Televes to see if they'll do a warranty replacement. In the meantime, I put the old RCA ANT751R in the attic and paired it with the Channel Master CM-7777HD. While reception is reduced on a few weaker stations, the main ones are coming in fine. I might just leave it there and take down the Dinova Boss Mix. With the amount of dangerous lightning storms we get here, I really don't want to risk frying any of my components.
I just remembered that the Dinova Boss Mix has the ability to work passively without amplification. I noticed this when I saw that most of my channels were still there, just at a reduced signal level. This has me thinking I could connect a third party preamp to the Dinova. I plan to test this out later today.
Well it worked. Installed the CM-7777HD preamp where the Dinova's signal enters the utility room. The signal was initially too hot on the 30dB setting so I reduced it down to the 17dB setting and now all is well. I can now confim that the Dinova Boss Mix can be paired with a third party preamp.

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After fidgeting with many different types of antennas (mudflap, rabbit ears, Dinova) I have concluded that nothing beats a regular old yagi antenna for reception at distances greater than 30 miles.

Well, I am at 27-28 miles from the majority of the transmission towers, but I have a lot of trees and my house is down-slope from the direction of the main towers with rolling hill terrain. I have a house with steep roof angles, so I am not going up there myself. I cannot seem to find any installers short of Dish, and the Dinova is what they offer. Based on yours and other recommendations, I would prefer the yagi, but I am not sure how I am going to get it up there. Dish installs all sorts of things from Amazon, but antennas do not seem among the items.
Well, I am at 27-28 miles from the majority of the transmission towers, but I have a lot of trees and my house is down-slope from the direction of the main towers with rolling hill terrain. I have a house with steep roof angles, so I am not going up there myself. I cannot seem to find any installers short of Dish, and the Dinova is what they offer. Based on yours and other recommendations, I would prefer the yagi, but I am not sure how I am going to get it up there. Dish installs all sorts of things from Amazon, but antennas do not seem among the items.

Dish also installs this King Jack model. Depends on who does the install, but it's not a bad antenna either. They just aren't as hot for VHF.

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Well, I decided to try the RCA Yagi. I am going to see if I can find a place for it that works in the attic, such as it is. Worst case, I have to return it to Amazon.
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Well, I decided to try the RCA Yagi. I am going to see if I can find a place for it that works in the attic, such as it is. Worst case, I have to return it to Amazon.

Which one did you get? a 751?

Are you going to use it with a preamp? I highly recommend the Channel Master HD7777.
Which one did you get? a 751?

Are you going to use it with a preamp? I highly recommend the Channel Master HD7777.

Yeah, the 751. I am going to see what I get without the preamp first, but I expect I will have to add one. It is a very short run from the attic to the nearest TV for testing reception, maybe 5-7 feet.

Partner with Tivo?

Repack troubles
