New Construction Attic Antenna Concerns

I tried to put in a full panoramic photo of the attic area, but the site said that was too big. Anyway, I opted for the Televes Dat Boss Mix LR Full band antenna. I did some measurements in the space shown, and I can just squeeze in the antenna without disturbing the duct work. It's a bit of a no man's land with no flooring, so I'd probably have to sit on those thin pieces of wood while assembling the whole thing, but it's the only usable space I have without having to crawl under all of the duct work.
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You see those METAL FOIL wrapped ducts? Well, those are going to play havoc with you being able to receive good solid signals up there. I wouldn't do it, BUT, if it's your only option, feel free to try it. You might get lucky.
I ended up putting down "walkways" (crawlways?) in my attics. Dish guy appreciated it.

I was going up there too often not to. Installing attic exhaust fan, wiring cat 5, coax etc. And lighting.
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After much frustration, I decided to forego my plan. With the antenna at full length. I was facing the issue of potentially puncturing my duct work with the UHF directors or bending the low VHF reflector on the back end. I could leave off a set of directors and the reflector, but I figured I'd compromise the antennas overall gain. Since I paid $200 for all of that, it'd be a waste to not use it to its full functionality. It was worth a shot anyway. Thanks for everyone's help. I may just get the cheapest Televes outdoor antenna and call it a day.
I have a great signal location for my main OTA market, and I can sometimes pick up the next nearest market when tropo or night time ducting occurs with an outdoor set up at my old house. I'm trying to avoid an outdoor mount due to the fact that my house is the first home in the neighborhood. My builder is trying to make it look ritzy due to its prime location, and I don't want to detract from the exterior look of the home. Believe me, if I didn't have all eyes on my home, I'd love to put it outside, but that's not doable. My only other solution is just to get some good indoor antennas for every TV room, but since I've gone to so much trouble for an attic install, I don't want to discount it completely.
They can't stop you from putting your antenna on your home. Google otard laws. If it was me ide put a hugesnet dish up just for sheets and giggles. You sound like your in an hoa
We don't have an HOA, and putting an antenna on the house isn't prohibited, but based on the area and the look of the homes, I don't really wish to stick out like a sore thumb. There was a guy that used to live in the area with a trailer, and they tried to make it tough for him until he finally just sold out and left. I'm on the tail edge of one market with 85+ miles distance to the North and within 20-30 miles of my local market. Considering that I got what I got, I feel pretty much that I wouldn't be able to receive that much more. My goal initially was to have a boom antenna to get one VHF low station on channel 2 (54MHz) that's within 30 miles of me, but I also didn't take into account that there's a hill between me and that station to the West, so that along with noise from my attic could've contributed to my troubles. I used to get some channels to my North when I was within roughly 70+ miles of range, but being 85+ miles out, I think putting an outdoor antenna for that direction is sort of a losing game except for tropo. The only two stations I would've liked to have received would've been the VHF Low station and WNAL on RF 28, but again, that transmitter just mainly radiates energy West rather than Northwest. I think the cost and trouble of putting up an antenna to even get a glimpse of that station is more trouble than its worth. Getting channels can be a win/lose kind of game. Considering what I'm getting from my location, I'm happy just to take what I can get and live with it. I appreciate everyone's comments and advice on everything.
I wouldn't live anywhere that didn't have a full basement or a full attic, NOT a useless 'crawl space' that doesn't have a full stairs thru a actual door.

BTW, antennas are beautiful things !!!


  • Current antennas (9).JPG
    Current antennas (9).JPG
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Two TV, 2 for VHF/UHF business/comercial bands and one for 2 meters & 440 MHz thou that pic is slightly out of dfate, the 'Stick' Ringo is gone and the Discone was moved to the other tripod..