New channels coming soon?

vurbano said:
More Exclusives?? No Please Nooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! Havent we seen the rotten fruits of this misguided strategy already. 40-50k subs in 1.5 yrs. A little dabbling in exclusive channels is fine but adding more would be suicide. Theres NO CONTENT!!!!!!

We mainly watch the "Voom" channels. Their content is at least as deep as anyother HD provider if not now more so. HBO etc are still rotating the same stuff for the last decade. The worst offender is 701.
Not having locals is hurting VOOM. But not having FSN is also hurting VOOM. Not having this, not having that, etc. etc. As I have stated before, I get ZERO Networks. I live near Mt. Rushmore. And unless someone finds away to beam a UHF signal through George Washington, I am not ever going to get ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, WB, or any other local channel.

Now, having said that, it is my view that we who are VOOMers are in this because we understand and accept the vision of VOOM. We believe the Dolans have a plan, and we are going to stand fast until it is done.

Here is my list of what I want on VOOM,

"everything." And I'm willing to watch the man with the plan make it happen!
JoeSp said:
I didn't used to think this was that big a problem since I get all mine and thought that most people got all theirs, with a few exceptions, of course. So I dismissed all talk of needing to add HD nationals.

But more and more I'm finding out about people that can't get some or all of their locals, even in markets where AntennaWeb says they should. And the reactions I see are rarely as understanding as Spike's above. :) They're often severe, to say the least. Extreme anger. Not along the lines of, "Gee, it sure would be nice to get Lifetime, Noggins, or my regional sports network." But along the lines of, "I *hate* Voom! What a *Mickey Mouse* company! You mean I don't even get ABC, NBC, etc - the most important of all channels?!? What kind of fricking company is that?!?" They're now vocally anti-Voom, telling everyone they know to stay far far away.

If you made a list of channels people can't live w/o, I'd guess the networks would be at the very top. And though most people can get all their locals OTA, the number that can't seems to be larger than I'd once thought.

So to me, this is more important for the growth and reputation of Voom than anything. More important than adding any other channel, including new HD channels, and more important than a DVR. (The vast majority of people I know - average folks, not early adopters like us - still don't even have any idea what a DVR is and are very happy w/o one. Most have *heard* the name Tivo, but aren't really sure what it does, or don't think it's a big deal. But they do see these neat new HD sets everywhere, and when they find out Voom offers 3-4 times as many HD channels as everyone else, they're interested. As hard as it is to believe among us early adopters, who think a DVR is *imperative* -like food and water, most average folks simply don't care. But they *do* all care - very much - about getting ABC, NBC, etc.)
Most (not all) everyone's experience with off air antennas go back to the analog days. I think that a sizeable portion of the people who say "I can't get locals from an antenna" or "I've tried that it doesn't work" are basing this off an analog experience, which can be a VERY different experience. Digital off air tends to lock in and stay in if you're past a certain signal level, where a plain old analog signal can vary minute to minute fading in and out, and delivering poor reception even when it is locked in

I hope people that claim to not be able to get off air channels have actually went to and checked their local transmitters distance, and if its 80-90 miles or less go ahead and give off air locals a try, you just might be surprised.

And yes I'm aware some may have really tried, and if so just ignore this as it's obviously not aimed at you.
I currently have Voom since Feb 03 and have watched how they have been so aggressive in adding new programming. I also have *E since 97' . *E is never aggressive in adding channels. Lets try to put this into perspective. Those whom have been fortunate to be subs with Voom have been spoiled. Just remind yourself of this while you flip thru the channel guide. However, if I were to add any suggestion about new programming, which should lure new subs. I would suggest more "Adult Channels". Yuo would be suprised how fast the sub. count would increase. This statement may seem vulgar to some, but it is quite real. The porn could bring income and the crowds they need! :( Sorry if some are offended.
vurbano said:
More Exclusives?? No Please Nooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! Havent we seen the rotten fruits of this misguided strategy already. 40-50k subs in 1.5 yrs. A little dabbling in exclusive channels is fine but adding more would be suicide. Theres NO CONTENT!!!!!!
C'mon -- no content? That's simply not true. Maybe there's no content that appeals to you, but I would think that puts you in the minority.
I love the content on the exclusives and wouldn't mind seeing them add more exclusive channels. Take Lab-HD for example: why not split it up into several different channels (MoovHD, TankHD, MicroHD, GroovHD, WindowHD etc.)? :D
I agree with The Timm....the Cinema10 channels offer an excellent selection and get better each month. A good movie is a good movie and will transcend the test of time; they are ageless. I have Va Va VOOM and quickly get tired of seeing the same group of movies jumping from HBO, SHO, MAX, STARZ - we watch just as many, if not more, moves on, my 3 years old loves Amimania. There is new content be added all the time. Yep, its not as fast as we would like and yes, some of the context we don't wish to view, but I find it hard to believe that nothing can be found. I would suggest that everyone limit themselves to viewing only or mostly VOOM 21 content for a weekend and see if you change your opinion. If not, then perhaps VOOM isn't the best choice for you and your family.
vurbano said:
More Exclusives?? No Please Nooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! ... Theres NO CONTENT!!!!!!

Spoken like a true philistine. :eek: If there is anything one could learn from this forum over the past 1.5 years is that not everyone agrees on which stations have value to them. Some will swear WorldSport is all they want and for others its Equator HD or Monsters HD. You don't like HD News - I do. You and Dan Quayle say "potatoe" - I say Tater Tots. Clearly Voom has tried to find unique niches of programming that they can provide which somehow distinguishes them from the other services out there. Not a very successful strategy yet mind you :D but I'll take it over any other service that insists on adding shopping channels, religious crap, PPV garbage, wrestling, poker, golf, or any channel that has a show with the word "makeover" in it.
techweb said:
Putting up nationals on satellite - any satellite - is a complete waste of bandwidth. You can get these locally and have local content to boot. Worse yet is DirecTV's plan to have 1500 local HD channels, essentially 300 copies of the same set of channels.

If you want VOOM to survive and be profitable (or at least breakeven at some point in the next 3 years) then you must have LOL HD in your future. You are brain dead if you think that you are going to get even close to the number of subscribers either E* or D* gets in a month if you do not provide LOL HD. These channels are not a waste of bandwith but a neccesity for survival and growth for a satellite company. And just in case anyone wants to know why, you can not consider yourself a national satellite service without providing LOL and the FCC will at some point in the future force LOL onto VOOM. You really think that D* and E* want all those locals in the middle of Montana -- heck the population of the city I live in is more than the state of Montana.

No LOL means no sizable growth. And your statement about everyone getting HD LOL OTA is ludicrious. You obviously have not been reading the main reason people leave VOOM -- content and no LOL. Also the main reason HD folks leave a satellite serve and chose cable -- LOL HD!

If you want your bandwith and no LOL then say goodbye to VOOM. It will not survive when D* and E* hosts up their new MPEG4 services with just as much HD content as VOOM and LOL HD!

Why do you think that D* and E* each have signed up a paltry 500,000 HD subscribers each to VOOM's what --- 50,000! And that is with 5 to 6 HD channels and HD PPV. I am willing to bet that even Dolan Sr. knows that without LOL HD this fall he will be competing with D* and E* with considerably more bandwith and the same HD offerings as VOOM except the VOOM exclusives. The only thing he will have to offer is VOOM exclusives. And from what I have read on your own board -- at least half of those are a waste of the precious bandwith you currently have.

I am willing to bet right now that if LOL HD is available in the top 20 markets from D* this fall that VOOM (and E*)will see mass migrations from its subscribers in those cities. Just who has the blinders on here?
What the Heck, " NON VOOMer " just check his post's, Don't see any on Voomer Sub's what type of equiplment do you Have, just fis up are you a voomer or a TROLL.???,: Edit " I'm Sorry but yesterday I got into trouble for the Full Quote of NON VOOMER's. "
JoeSp, you're making a bunch of assumptions here. First of all, I am not sure why you think you should comment on Voom. You're still not a subscriber, and Voom will not be for everyone. Just like D* ro E* will not be for everyone. Second, it's not necessarily required to be as big as E* or D* to turn a profit and expand services. Third, E* and D* are distribution companies, where Voom is a combination of distribution and content provider. This always will be an advantage over time. I just can't see E* or D* start to produce their own content. Ok, Ok, except for the always highly entertaining Charlie Chat....:D
Fourth, how many channels did E* have after the first two years or D*? I remember 1997 having E* and they were adding channels fast to get to a 150 count. Voom is there, and it only 1 year and 5 months in.
Fifth, Voom has ordered 5 more satellites and how they will be configured, I am sure they can use some of them for LIL if they want to. And yes, this contract did not get cancelled as of yet, and the last news was that they are still being build. (Unless I missed something).
Sixth, are you running a DBS company? Why not? based on your history of posts, it seems you know exactly how to do it.....
OK, enough venting, so....

Oh, by the way, I just want WealthTV and InHD added and I will be happy for now.
MarcelV said:
JoeSp, you're making a bunch of assumptions here. First of all, I am not sure why you think you should comment on Voom. You're still not a subscriber, and Voom will not be for everyone. Just like D* ro E* will not be for everyone. Second, it's not necessarily required to be as big as E* or D* to turn a profit and expand services. Third, E* and D* are distribution companies, where Voom is a combination of distribution and content provider. This always will be an advantage over time. I just can't see E* or D* start to produce their own content. Ok, Ok, except for the always highly entertaining Charlie Chat....:D
Fourth, how many channels did E* have after the first two years or D*? I remember 1997 having E* and they were adding channels fast to get to a 150 count. Voom is there, and it only 1 year and 5 months in.
Fifth, Voom has ordered 5 more satellites and how they will be configured, I am sure they can use some of them for LIL if they want to. And yes, this contract did not get cancelled as of yet, and the last news was that they are still being build. (Unless I missed something).
Seventh, are you running a DBS company? Why not? based on your history of posts, it seems you know exactly how to do it.....
OK, enough venting, so....

Oh, by the way, I just want WealthTV and InHD added and I will be happy for now.
I'm sorry people but what a good Post:, What A good Truthful Post> Way to Go, now I'm really in trouble, the Full Quote??"edit" just checked current Sub's 241, so all new or possible Sub's Read all post's you'll see That this web site has many more NoN Voomer's then Voomer's by there post's. you're call
subdude212 said:
:confused: Hmmm....that would be about 8 months before they started broadcsting.
There we go another NON VOOMER or at least a poster not willing to tell everyone what equipment they have?. Oh and a very good cover of a EXcelent Post::> are you a Voomer, nothing personal, just asking so everyone can judge you post with in the proper way?"Edit" this is not the poster I was quoteing:"edit " subdue212" and maybe this person, don't have time to keep up with all of the "BS": "Edit " I'm sorry this thread is about " NEW Channels " got carried away with all of the "BS" , We now have 5 more, No Sport's, sorry for the sport guy's & gals, must cost to much< for Free:
I just spent the last few minutes reading the last few posts and all I see is a bunch of bi*ching back in forth back in forth. For those of you who don't want VOOM to survive after the 31st then please go make another thread where you can go express yourselves. Hell I'll even make one for you in the VOOM comments if your all to lazy to do if yourselves. Let's get back on topic and the topic is these new channels. If you guys can't stop this bs and get back on topic I'm going to ask Sean to lock the thread. And while I'm venting I'm going address this. My sig is nothing more than a prediction. NOTHING MORE. If you don't like it, then you can k*ss my @ss. Atleast my prediction is not outrag... You'll all notice that I haven't updated it in a couple of days either so if I'm falling behind, then so be it. But if I guessed to high then apparently I might be catching up. And if you don't think that it's possible to get over 300+ installs a day you might want to pull out a calculator and redo the math and don't forget to add int he number of people who wouldn't switch to voom because of CMT, Lifetime, DIY, or the Discovery networks.
Yes, since the original thread was about the upcoming new channels, I think I saw something earlier that there were supposed to be some new channels either added last night or today.

Is that still happening?
danielle_s said:
I just spent the last few minutes reading the last few posts and all I see is a bunch of bi*ching back in forth back in forth. For those of you who don't want VOOM to survive after the 31st then please go make another thread where you can go express yourselves. Hell I'll even make one for you in the VOOM comments if your all to lazy to do if yourselves. Let's get back on topic and the topic is these new channels. If you guys can't stop this bs and get back on topic I'm going to ask Sean to lock the thread. And while I'm venting I'm going address this. My sig is nothing more than a prediction. NOTHING MORE. If you don't like it, then you can k*ss my @ss. Atleast my prediction is not outrag... You'll all notice that I haven't updated it in a couple of days either so if I'm falling behind, then so be it. But if I guessed to high then apparently I might be catching up. And if you don't think that it's possible to get over 300+ installs a day you might want to pull out a calculator and redo the math and don't forget to add int he number of people who wouldn't switch to voom because of CMT, Lifetime, DIY, or the Discovery networks.
Boy you Non Voomer are quick: Just the Fact's: that's all we VOOMER Want not exit polls fact's the real Fact's is that to hard of a question?
carlosg said:
the new ones aint sh t dog lifetime please that aint shi t dog we want more hd
As Much as I hate to say this : Quit Voom and go where you'll get what you want < we have what we have and thats what we have:

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