JoeSp, you're making a bunch of assumptions here. First of all, I am not sure why you think you should comment on Voom. You're still not a subscriber, and Voom will not be for everyone. Just like D* ro E* will not be for everyone. Second, it's not necessarily required to be as big as E* or D* to turn a profit and expand services. Third, E* and D* are distribution companies, where Voom is a combination of distribution and content provider. This always will be an advantage over time. I just can't see E* or D* start to produce their own content. Ok, Ok, except for the always highly entertaining Charlie Chat....

Fourth, how many channels did E* have after the first two years or D*? I remember 1997 having E* and they were adding channels fast to get to a 150 count. Voom is there, and it only 1 year and 5 months in.
Fifth, Voom has ordered 5 more satellites and how they will be configured, I am sure they can use some of them for LIL if they want to. And yes, this contract did not get cancelled as of yet, and the last news was that they are still being build. (Unless I missed something).
Seventh, are you running a DBS company? Why not? based on your history of posts, it seems you know exactly how to do it.....
OK, enough venting, so....
Oh, by the way, I just want WealthTV and InHD added and I will be happy for now.