New channels coming soon?

kelljc said:
As Much as I hate to say this : Quit Voom and go where you'll get what you want < we have what we have and thats what we have:

very nicely fact more people should follow that rule then do :rolleyes:
MichaelG said:
Yes, since the original thread was about the upcoming new channels, I think I saw something earlier that there were supposed to be some new channels either added last night or today.

Is that still happening?
Excellent question! If the answer is already here, it would be pretty hard to find. Unforunately I can't help either, since I'm not yet installed. Hopefully, someone else will post or re-post the answer. :)

Danielle, I'll go start another thread and see if the ones who want to notify VoOm of channels they would like to see added can post there, along with arguments for and against the use of bandwidth and resulting PQ issues. If they do, after a few days, a poll could be added using the often mentioned requests, and that might lend a little more clarity to the issue of channels, and be productive rather than dissolving into divisiveness, like we've seen here. :no

Polls like this have been posted in the past, but since I had about a three month break in monitoring here, I don't know how the prior poll results stack up against current opinions. However, with the influx of new users on this forum, a new poll might be beneficial at this time anyway.

Unfortunately, those who are bent on arguing whether or not VoOm will live long enough to add any more channels may be a slightly thornier problem. :( But it, too, will resolve itself in time. :yes

I just hope that newcomers to the VoOm forum can quickly learn to spot the arguments that are legitimate point and counterpoint. Arguments where facts are backed up with sources and honest opinions are predicated on the poster's reasoned evaluation of what they understand, rather than distorted information to support personal agendas. Most arguments here are legitimate, but until you've been around a while and "sized" everybody up, it can be extremely difficult to gleen pertinent information. Unfortunately, that could take more time than some people have or are willing to expend.

Hopefully this thread will resume with comments about the new channels as they are added. :)

vurbano said:
More Exclusives?? No Please Nooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! Havent we seen the rotten fruits of this misguided strategy already. 40-50k subs in 1.5 yrs. A little dabbling in exclusive channels is fine but adding more would be suicide. Theres NO CONTENT!!!!!!
Why didn't I see that before? Of course! Replace the Exclusives with sit coms, game shows, reality shows, shopping channels, religious channels, and be sure to load them up with plenty of commercials for medicines, cars, and fast food. Now THAT'S what I call content! Do everything D* and E* does and change the name from Voom to The "ME TOO" Satellite Service. Brilliant!

Thanks for setting me straight! :rolleyes:
Those that say networks are a waste of bandwidth, obviously do not live where there are no local digital stations! The only way I can get network HD, was to "move" to Canada.

If Voom offered HD networks, on a CONUS beam, I would have only had to move to NYC or LA. There would have already had my business.
I dont' have a problem with the number of channels available. I have a problem with the number of channels people actually want but VOOM doesn't have. VOOM is either ignoring the channels people care about or is at hard work to add them. They need to start telling CSR's what channels they are trying to add and ones they will most likely not be getting. I don't want to hear, "We will have a total of 70 HD and 200 SD channels by the end of March" unless they have the complete list in front of them so I can ask if the channels I want are on there. I do not want to cancel VOOM and I will decide in a little less than 1 month's time if I need to get another provider but for now I will stick with VOOM and pray they add what I want.(Which is basically one channel I will not say because I have said it over and over again and so have other people :) )
freezetime said:
I dont' have a problem with the number of channels available. I have a problem with the number of channels people actually want but VOOM doesn't have. VOOM is either ignoring the channels people care about or is at hard work to add them. They need to start telling CSR's what channels they are trying to add and ones they will most likely not be getting. I don't want to hear, "We will have a total of 70 HD and 200 SD channels by the end of March" unless they have the complete list in front of them so I can ask if the channels I want are on there. I do not want to cancel VOOM and I will decide in a little less than 1 month's time if I need to get another provider but for now I will stick with VOOM and pray they add what I want.(Which is basically one channel I will not say because I have said it over and over again and so have other people :) )
Very Good comment, but everyone who wishes to have voom can go to the web site "" and verify if the channels they wish are their before becoming a sub, this sound like a very good choice to me, "how about you",Edit " a little like voting read before you drop?
kelljc said:
Very Good comment, but everyone who wishes to have voom can go to the web site "" and verify if the channels they wish are their before becoming a sub, this sound like a very good choice to me, "how about you",Edit " a little like voting read before you drop?

I think you are confused. I am a VOOM customer. I am saying that I do not want to cancel my VOOM but if in a month they don't have channels that make sense, I might have to leave them.
I have read enough message board to recoginize what a troll is, and no doubt there are probably some around here. But is there no room for those who have constructive criticism or just need to vent?
Or do we all need to be a rah! rah!, go Voom, don't worry, be happy bunch here? I can deal with it as long as it does not get nasty personal and reasonable people can disagree reasonably.

Somewhere between Voom exclusives have nothing and Voom exclusives are super, duper great lies the truth. What people like or do not like is entirely subjective. If Voom wants to be something other than a niche market, they had better find out what the majority of people want. I wonder how much research Voom did concerning what channels and type of programming are important to its subscribers?
If you can get local ota's, then it is no big deal.
If you cannot, then it is a big deal--to you. If rsns are not important to you, then fine. If they are, then Voom is lacking--for you. The trouble is, all of these "for you" begin to add up. Everybody cannot be satisfied, but if not enough are satisfied then the market will determine Voom's future (if there is one after 3/31).

I got Voom last May because I got most of the channels I watched on cable as well as the biggest hd lineup. I had no hd before and although I like hd, it is not the be-all and end-all for my tv viewing experience. There is still too much sd programming I like to watch. Although I have VaVaVaoom, what am I watching now? Bonanza on TvLand. I realize this is heresy and inconceivable to some, but my viewing is based upon content and not strictly pq--hd, sd, b&w, or color. I cannot get my NBC local in hd ota, but I have the most basic cable so I can at least still get it. I appreciate any channels that Voom adds, hd or sd, because there are bound to be some I watch.

I do watch the Voom exclusives, but I do not often find much there that I want to watch. That's just me, it doesn't mean that they are bad, but I am not going to watch something I do not like just because it is in hd. There is still too much out there for those of us who started growing up by watching the radio and then 2 channels in b&w. I want Voom to succeed, but if not, life goes on. It is after all just tv and winter is almost over here in Wisconsin and when the weather is good it is beautiful and certainly too nice to spend a lot of time watching tv and fretting over my lack of channels, video compression, or how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.
freezetime said:
I think you are confused. I am a VOOM customer. I am saying that I do not want to cancel my VOOM but if in a month they don't have channels that make sense, I might have to leave them.
Another very good comment: " Why did you sub to Voom if they did not have the programers you liked" their web site stated all with no other information,
Hd Hd Hd Hd Hd

As a Voomer, I no longer pine for the SD networks I left behind.

I'm anxious to see what new is ahead for my big HD tv investment. Voom sees the future in HD and to unsure it I think rightfully so they have worked hard on creating real HD content in their proprietary channels. I look forward to World Sport v.2, v.3 etc, expanded HDNews coverage, Docu Channel- Many Voices one Channel, and more genre specific channels. With their edge on technology, making the most of signal, I really hope this puts them first in bringing the HD versions of any of the "cable favorites" as they become available. (I see at Costco OLN 2HD is due out in 2005, and more old school will surely follow.) :D
The problem is simple one...VOOM is working to bring us more channels, as promised, but they are simply running out of capacity without bringing Rainbow 2 online. Personally, I am willing to cut VOOM a little slack until they break free of Cablevision and fund their new operation. Here is my solution: full bitrate for a handful of HD channels like ESPNHD, HBO, STARZ, SHO, MAX, MONSTERS, RAVE. etc. (low bitrate for Cinema10, turn off 700 and ESPNA and ESPN2A) and a dozen of the more popular SD channels (whatever they may be), and post what you're doing on the VOOM Website, HDNews and INVOOM. Some may complain, but most of us will understand this is short term solution...just don't forget to promise us "The Highest Quality PQ" at some well-defined point in the near future.
kelljc said:
Another very good comment: " Why did you sub to Voom if they did not have the programers you liked" their web site stated all with no other information,

I did so because at the time I got 2 months of VOOM free with no contract so I kept my cable until my 2 months was up then kept VOOM. I asked when I signed up a while back about the FSRN and the CSR said it was one of the highest requested channels so they would probablly add it soon. Well, I have already missed my Laker home games and April 5th the Angels start the season and still no FSW. I understand that there are people who could care less about sports but I can say the same on other channels VOOM has and also the new ones they just added. The CSR told me to be patient and I have been but so far this month out of all the channels promised, we have gotten only 5. Not good IMO.
freezetime said:
I think you are confused. I am a VOOM customer. I am saying that I do not want to cancel my VOOM but if in a month they don't have channels that make sense, I might have to leave them.
Another Good Comment: I would leave today: why wait a month: maybe E or D has them now I'd switch, :Voom just added 5 channels, don't think they can add many more on 61.5. but who knows that answer, I left them in August because the had not added SCIFI, Came bace on the 3 for 1.00 deal, gave my other Receivers to my Daughter, works fine on OTA, after 9 months, so I see you Point, Leave and come back, maybe you'll get 3 for free and 6 months VAVAVOOM to boot.
Voom could really sore to success if they only offered Network Channels to their customers. I live less than 90 miles from major cities in Florida but live behind a big hill. About once in a blue moon I receive a couple of channels to watch on my $3800 tower system, at least the birds like it.
ptech said:
Voom could really soar to success if they only offered Network Channels to their customers.
One of the issues there is the new SHVERA passed by Congress in December. The rules are CHANGING for how digital stations can be provided to customers. Unfortunately even if they had the feeds uplinked they would be limited to only a subset of their customers.

Yes, I am a Non-Voomer. Reason is simple -- I live about 45 miles from the HD towers where all of my local digital stations come from. The two towers are less than a 1/4 mile apart. I can not receive a HD signal OTA consistantly from either tower. I have the largest antenna(4228 Channel Master) 30' above my house. I have move that location 3 times with no real posistive results. Amplifiers, rotation, height and posistion does not change the results. My neighbors have the same problems that I do. There are those alot closer to their digital towers than myself in cities all over the US that can not recieve their digital stations. I believe that LOL in SD and HD is important for the profitability of VOOM.

VOOM does not even offer HD Nationals. That would not be a waste of bandwith except for those of you not interested in the HD being offered by ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, UPN, WB or PBS. No Nascar, no PGA, no NBA, no 24, no Smallville, no LOST, no Alias no Tonight Show -- I guess you guys really do not like these type of shows.

Okay, you want to call me a "Troll" go ahead. I have not been nasty I have just stated what I believe to be a direction that VOOM has ignored. I have read the FCC information and directives that are making D* and E* provide LOL. I do not see where VOOM is exempted.

As for if I am a real future HD customer, I live in the area that the first 24/7 HD network went up (WRAL) Raleigh, NC. Six months after that digital signal went on air I have been trying to get it up till now (with a HDTV). I have spoken with station engineers, local installers, other digital customers in my area. HD LOL is very important to me. If VOOM showed me its dedication to bring the very best by at least offering HD Nationals then my consideration of VOOM as a provider would stop, my status here as some of you say as a Troll would stop, then you would call me a VOOMER.

I believe in competition -- I am a business man. I have run a family business for 27 years very profitably. I understand that with competition service does get better. When (not if) D* and E* make their transistion to MPEG4 with their increased bandwith they will not only offer every HD channel outside of VOOM's exclusives but they will also offer digital LOL--HD and SD. Competition will control the market and with MPEG4 everyone as far as PQ will be on a level playing field. They will be able to offer all national programing in HD but here will be the differance -- VOOM will have its VOOM exclusives and D* and E* will start providing digital LOL--HD and SD.

In my opinion, might be shared by others but this is my input, LOL HD is where my money will go. If I do not see VOOM move in that direction at all then I will not become a Voomer. But this thread is about future channels. I hope it is also about the future, survivabilty and profitablity of VOOM. LOL must be in its future.

I also hope that anyone can post here. Troll or not. :)
JoeSp said:
Yes, I am a Non-Voomer. Reason is simple -- I live about 45 miles from the HD towers where all of my local digital stations come from. The two towers are less than a 1/4 mile apart. I can not receive a HD signal OTA consistantly from either tower. I have the largest antenna(4228 Channel Master) 30' above my house. I have move that location 3 times with no real posistive results. Amplifiers, rotation, height and posistion does not change the results. My neighbors have the same problems that I do. There are those alot closer to their digital towers than myself in cities all over the US that can not recieve their digital stations. I believe that LOL in SD and HD is important for the profitability of VOOM.

Tha large antenna may be the problem. are probably "overshooting" the signals.
Good post JoeSp! I agree that VOOM should provide HD broadcast nationals as soon as possible, however I am not sold on VOOM, or any other satellite service provider for that matter, providing local digitals. I have two 4228 antennas the receive programming from DC (55+ miles), Richmond (51+ miles), Charlottesville (53+ miles) and Baltimore (90+ miles). During the spring/summer it is not unusual to receive programming from Norfolk and even Raleigh (230 miles) - there is nothing unusual about my location (I do not live on the hill, etc.) While I am not familiar with your particular area, I honestly believe that most people are capable of receiving their digital locals, but certainly not all. Hopefully this will improve when all broadcasters are mandated to operate at full-power and VOOM can supplement programming with national HD feeds.
JoeSp said:
Yes, I am a Non-Voomer. Reason is simple -- I live about 45 miles from the HD towers where all of my local digital stations come from. The two towers are less than a 1/4 mile apart. I can not receive a HD signal OTA consistantly from either tower. I have the largest antenna(4228 Channel Master) 30' above my house. I have move that location 3 times with no real posistive results. Amplifiers, rotation, height and posistion does not change the results. My neighbors have the same problems that I do. There are those alot closer to their digital towers than myself in cities all over the US that can not recieve their digital stations. I believe that LOL in SD and HD is important for the profitability of VOOM.

VOOM does not even offer HD Nationals. That would not be a waste of bandwith except for those of you not interested in the HD being offered by ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, UPN, WB or PBS. No Nascar, no PGA, no NBA, no 24, no Smallville, no LOST, no Alias no Tonight Show -- I guess you guys really do not like these type of shows.

Okay, you want to call me a "Troll" go ahead. I have not been nasty I have just stated what I believe to be a direction that VOOM has ignored. I have read the FCC information and directives that are making D* and E* provide LOL. I do not see where VOOM is exempted.

As for if I am a real future HD customer, I live in the area that the first 24/7 HD network went up (WRAL) Raleigh, NC. Six months after that digital signal went on air I have been trying to get it up till now (with a HDTV). I have spoken with station engineers, local installers, other digital customers in my area. HD LOL is very important to me. If VOOM showed me its dedication to bring the very best by at least offering HD Nationals then my consideration of VOOM as a provider would stop, my status here as some of you say as a Troll would stop, then you would call me a VOOMER.

I believe in competition -- I am a business man. I have run a family business for 27 years very profitably. I understand that with competition service does get better. When (not if) D* and E* make their transistion to MPEG4 with their increased bandwith they will not only offer every HD channel outside of VOOM's exclusives but they will also offer digital LOL--HD and SD. Competition will control the market and with MPEG4 everyone as far as PQ will be on a level playing field. They will be able to offer all national programing in HD but here will be the differance -- VOOM will have its VOOM exclusives and D* and E* will start providing digital LOL--HD and SD.

In my opinion, might be shared by others but this is my input, LOL HD is where my money will go. If I do not see VOOM move in that direction at all then I will not become a Voomer. But this thread is about future channels. I hope it is also about the future, survivabilty and profitablity of VOOM. LOL must be in its future.

I also hope that anyone can post here. Troll or not. :)

Its funny how you talk about this like everyone in the country needs the National and Local HD channels, or no one will sign up, when I don't think thats the case. I myself am living in a suburb of Los Angeles, and have no problems getting OTA HD feeds for UPN, ABC, PBS, WB, NBC, FOX, CBS. Every show like 24, CSI, Law and Order, ER, I watch in HD without problems. I've never had to have a new antenna put on, i'm using the regular antenna that Voom give's originally. I really would hate to see alot of the bandwidth lost to duplicating those channels, before other needed channels become available. The amount of people in these big markets like i am, outnumber the amount of people living in area's that can't recieve OTA signals, and are sufficient for voom to become profitable. It to me sounds like you say it needs em to survive because YOU need to have a service with HD Nationals and Locals, and maybe the people around you in the same situation you are in, but not everyone in the country is in your situation. Hell majority of the population in this country lives in area's where OTA signals wouldn't be a problem.

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