New channels coming soon?

Walter L. said:
That's exactly my point. It's easy to make adjustments when you don't have channels like Lifetime's, Discoveries, ect. but nothing can replace your RSN to watch your local team.

I should mention I also have VOOM, not just cable. But I am fortunate enough to be able to afford both. I have HD cable for inhd1 & 2 and D* NFL Ticket so they let m have their HD Package so I also get Hdnet/Movies. Other people can't afford both. So regardless of what anyone says VOOM will not be able to get enought viewership without RSNs and all the "staple" SDs. It just isn't going to happen. They need it all plus their HD to compete. That gives them the edge over D*, E* and Cable.
The Diamondbacks might actually be worth watching this year! Last year I was not totally bummed by not receiving FSN Arizona because they were so lousy. Troy, Russ, Shawn and Royce should help this year! Sports channels are very important to the success of Voom, I know a bunch of people who would not even consider Voom without local sports channels.
I know, I could sign up half a dozen more neighbors if we had fox sports az. VOOM needs local RSN or I hate to say it, but VOOM will fail. They need what E*, D* and cable has plus their HD and they now then have a differentiator.
kfried001 said:
I know, I could sign up half a dozen more neighbors if we had fox sports az. VOOM needs local RSN or I hate to say it, but VOOM will fail. They need what E*, D* and cable has plus their HD and they now then have a differentiator.

Lacking FSN Arizona is the only reason I am keeping D* for $50 a month. That's the only way I am watching PAC10 tournament tonight. Having double subscription to D* and Voom is only a temperal arrangement. Eventually, I will settle on only one satellite provider, voom or D*, but not both.
dash2004 said:
Lacking FSN Arizona is the only reason I am keeping D* for $50 a month. That's the only way I am watching PAC10 tournament tonight. Having double subscription to D* and Voom is only a temperal arrangement. Eventually, I will settle on only one satellite provider, voom or D*, but not both.

I still wish Voom would work on a program like Direct tv's NFL sunday ticket. I'd be one happy camper.
Watching baseball on

Hey .. good suggestion on this!! It is not the same but then again, the rest of my family wishes I would go away when i watch baseball anyway! :D
texansgal8 said:
I still wish Voom would work on a program like Direct tv's NFL sunday ticket. I'd be one happy camper.
Maybe in time, but they keep getting the exclusive contract. I am "grandfathered" in since 1996, so I can order the NFL ticket ala carte without once of te choice packages. I have a Samsung receiver so I can watch the Cardinals loose in Hi-Def as well.

They also let me add the HD package for $11. So I get the distance locals (NY) Fox, NBC, ABC, CBS along with HDnet/Movies as extras to VOOM. I also pay $2.00 per month for the OUTDOOR Channel. I have the receiver registered in my second home so I can get he NY channels.

I use Cox Cable to get Fox Sports AZ & inhd1 & 2.

Now if VOOM had the folowinf 5 channels I would use them as a sole provider.

(1) My RSN, FS AZ
(2) HDnet (don't even care about HDmovies)
(3) Inhd1
(4) Inhd2
(5) The OUTDOORChannel

Also the kids need Nicktoons, NickGAS and maybe a couple of others and we are set!

If it were a bandwidth issue, we could drop, LAB, AUCTION, GALLERY, Ultra and Divine.

Hope we get ESPN2-HD and the OUTDOOR Channel HD. Wouldn't it be great if part of the new 70 HD's were HD RSNs? That would be awesome. No other provider does that. These are differentiators that VOOM needs to seperate themselves from the pack.
Dan Berndt said:
It's not a rumor, it's in the VOOM press release issued November 22. That press release is still on the VOOM web site. The press release states that VOOM will have 350 SD channels and 70 HD channels in March.

We are digressing, this issues was discussed several pages back.

Ok how do I find this press release issused NOV 22, on VOOMs Home page
texansgal8 said:
I still wish Voom would work on a program like Direct tv's NFL sunday ticket. I'd be one happy camper.

Not gonna happen. D* has exclusive rights to it for a period of years each time its up for negotiation. It sucks that the NFL doesnt sell it to all sat providers. But I think that there are other reasons too. Rupert Murdoch owns newscorp, FOX and Directv. WHo covers 1/2 of the NFL games? Rupert. I think he has an advantage in the bidding.
vurbano said:
Not gonna happen. D* has exclusive rights to it for a period of years each time its up for negotiation. It sucks that the NFL doesnt sell it to all sat providers. But I think that there are other reasons too. Rupert Murdoch owns newscorp, FOX and Directv. WHo covers 1/2 of the NFL games? Rupert. I think he has an advantage in the bidding.
Good point but really sucks, the Candian customers pay 30% less then the us customers. for the same service after the exchange rate. 179 Candian per year. == about 148.00 US
Dan Berndt said:
To be Fair and balanced: That's old new's: and what's the point?" AH heck" how about all of the people who spent > 600.00 for " VOOM", I did and no problem with that.... I also spent >2000.00 on DTV, 3000.00, on "E" and a 1000.00 for primestar":,
and not 1$ did i feel spent incorrectly: Just looking for the best service????
kelljc said:
To be Fair and balanced: That's old new's: and what's the point?

This may be old news but relates to March and WE ARE IN March. The point is that there has been no retraction on this press release. We are starting to get new channels now and this might be first of all these new channels.

Wouldn't you like to get 200 new SD channels and some 30 plus new HD channels? The technical plans for this to happen in March have been in place for a long time. I understand that there may be some delay because of the CVC boardroom battle but I know of no technical reason why we can't get the new channels and VOOM has made no statement that we won't get the new channels.
Dan Berndt said:
This may be old news but relates to March and WE ARE IN March. The point is that there has been no retraction on this press release. We are starting to get new channels now and this might be first of all these new channels.

Wouldn't you like to get 200 new SD channels and some 30 plus new HD channels? The technical plans for this to happen in March have been in place for a long time. I understand that there may be some delay because of the CVC boardroom battle but I know of no technical reason why we can't get the new channels and VOOM has made no statement that we won't get the new channels.
Thank You: but you forgot my whole stament: to be Fair and Truthful, don't you think it all should have been quoted:?
Give me some hope for VOOM

Somebody please give me some hope. I was one of the first voom subcribers. The picture is fantastic. Going ack to regular would be like going back to dial up modems or bread before it was sliced. If I had $600,000 I'd send it to Charles Dolan - well maybe not! but you get the point
kelljc said:
Thank You: but you forgot my whole stament: to be Fair and Truthful, don't you think it all should have been quoted:?

NOT MY FAULT! I guess I quoted before the entire posting made it on the server. Sorry. :cool:
Dan Berndt said:
NOT MY FAULT! I guess I quoted before the entire posting made it on the server. Sorry. :cool:
Good : thank you, but if you quote a person don't you think it should be the complete statement?:"Edit " adding a happy Face" :)
just talked to csr...........(I know) but!!!!!!

Just talked to a csr and I requested that they send me a new channle list.
she said she can't release it because it is being updated?
whtsantafe said:
Just talked to a csr and I requested that they send me a new channle list.
she said she can't release it because it is being updated?
Good Post: and What are you trying to say??. that the CSR's don't have a clue: or what: and why does it matter
inkpump said:
Somebody please give me some hope...
Welcome to the forum, inkpump!
As discussed in another thread, Chuck Dolan just bet $10 million on VOOM's survival. Pretty re-assuring for me!
Ilya said:
Welcome to the forum, inkpump!
As discussed in another thread, Chuck Dolan just bet $10 million on VOOM's survival. Pretty re-assuring for me!
Excellent Post: a VOOMER:. but you forgot to say < we can all go back to nothing and pay more for it::::

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