New channels coming soon?

Dan Berndt said:
You know, it occurs to me that we are all a little late in telling VOOM what channels we want. We should have been telling VOOM last November what we wanted when they released that they were going to add 200+ channels. Now, if we are going to be getting all those channels in the near future, all the deals are already made and all the contracts are signed. Hopefully enough of us told VOOM what we wanted last November that some of what we want will come true soon.

We have been suggesting channels for months. Voom did the right thing by adding Lifetime, it has saved a lot of nagging from our wives about how they can't watch the biography of Diane Sawyer. The problem with the rest of the channels added is that they please a very small audience.

C'mon am I going to watch National Geographic in SD when I have Equator and Discovery HD? :no
IMO Sports is one of the main reasons I bought an HDTV! I can't get enough. I don't even like basketball but I will watch it when it is on in HD. Even people who are not into sports cannot pass up a sports game of any kind when they are showing off their TV to friends.

Do I think their is a need for another ESPN HD channel? No

Do I think Voom should carry ESPN2HD? Without a Doubt!

If Voom picked up ESPN2HD it would set them apart yet again from others. It sucks that a majority of the programming on both ESPNHD & ESPN2HD is in SD, but it is such an important market I don't think any provider should be without either channel if they expect HD to take off. These channels are very important to the success of HD in general but Voom could be the first to offer ESPN2HD. ESPN knows this and is just waiting for someone to break down and add it...the others will have no choice but to follow.
If I were the decision maker, I'll add ESPN2-HD NOW just because DirectTV announced it in January and still hasn't deliver it - with all the College Basketball this month, that would be a punch in their face
kelljc said:
I think you're way out their, very few if any people buy Satellites for " FSN ", Maybe "NFL" but not " FSN ", most if not all will get their game from " OTA ", or at least were I live we do:

I'm not sure where you live, but here is the St. Louis Cardinals tv schedule.

FOX (10 games)
WB11 (41 games)
FSN Midwest (110 games)

I guess it varies by market, but I need FSN if I want to watch most of the games.
Rocker74 said:
I'm not sure where you live, but here is the St. Louis Cardinals tv schedule.

FOX (10 games)
WB11 (41 games)
FSN Midwest (110 games)

I guess it varies by market, but I need FSN if I want to watch most of the games.
In Detroit, for the Tigers' games:
Fox Sports Detroit.....110 games
everyone else .............0 games
Everybody wants a different channel--a particular HD channel or SD channel or sports channel or ota's.
I wonder if Voom ever did focus groups concerning what they should carry? Did they get a mix and cross section of HD fans and those with only SD, sports fans, movie fans, and others and ask them what they want to see and what is important to them? Or did some execs come up with this entire plan and concept, good, bad, ugly and otherwise?
Or, I wonder if they intend on doing this in the future? Or should we, like good boys and girls, be happy and thankful for what we have? You know, Voom, love it or leave it. Just kind of brainstorming. I'm pretty satisfied with what I have. Anything else is just a bonus.
elocs said:
Everybody wants a different channel--a particular HD channel or SD channel or sports channel or ota's.
I wonder if Voom ever did focus groups concerning what they should carry? Did they get a mix and cross section of HD fans and those with only SD, sports fans, movie fans, and others and ask them what they want to see and what is important to them? Or did some execs come up with this entire plan and concept, good, bad, ugly and otherwise?
Or, I wonder if they intend on doing this in the future? Or should we, like good boys and girls, be happy and thankful for what we have? You know, Voom, love it or leave it. Just kind of brainstorming. I'm pretty satisfied with what I have. Anything else is just a bonus.
Oh, overall I'm very happy with what I have. If I wasn't, I'd dump Voom. It's pretty to think they did focus groups and have some sort of plan, but I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if they're just kinda makin' it up as they go along -- lookin' in their wallet and then seeing' what channels they can get for cheap! :p
Dan Berndt said:
You know, it occurs to me that we are all a little late in telling VOOM what channels we want. We should have been telling VOOM last November what we wanted when they released that they were going to add 200+ channels. Now, if we are going to be getting all those channels in the near future, all the deals are already made and all the contracts are signed. Hopefully enough of us told VOOM what we wanted last November that some of what we want will come true soon.

I've actively been saying things to voom since last november begging for Fox Sports West, as well as constantly writing fox sports.
TheTimm said:
In Detroit, for the Tigers' games:
Fox Sports Detroit.....110 games
everyone else .............0 games

Wow!! I actually went to the Tiger's website, because I didn't believe it. I know the Tiger's are bad, but not 1 game on a local station? :(
Rocker74 said:
I'm not sure where you live, but here is the St. Louis Cardinals tv schedule.

FOX (10 games)
WB11 (41 games)
FSN Midwest (110 games)

I guess it varies by market, but I need FSN if I want to watch most of the games.
Live in Columbus Ohio, No sports teams, Never Watch the "REDS", or that team from Cleveland, so I don't need "FSN", I may be a selfish, on this.
I still can't believe how many still can't be patient. Currently there is still not enough bandwith to satisfy every request but it will come. It seems many in this thread act like a little child. "I want my Maypo." VOOM can do only so much at one time. I have been on this forum since before I got VOOM which is about a year now. From day one I have heard the same blasts of hot hair. The RSN's will come and if little Jimmy hadn't pulled his trick of selling Echostar R1, we might have been a bit closer. So there is a little back tracking now to get caught up again. DVR is not in VOOM's hands but in Motorola's hands who build it. I don't want them rushing that to market with bugs either. I want RSN Ohio but I will wait and enjoy what I have. And when they do add it, I hope VOOM increases the price to cover it too.
gutter said:
I still can't believe how many still can't be patient. Currently there is still not enough bandwith to satisfy every request but it will come. It seems many in this thread act like a little child. "I want my Maypo." VOOM can do only so much at one time. I have been on this forum since before I got VOOM which is about a year now. From day one I have heard the same blasts of hot hair. The RSN's will come and if little Jimmy hadn't pulled his trick of selling Echostar R1, we might have been a bit closer. So there is a little back tracking now to get caught up again. DVR is not in VOOM's hands but in Motorola's hands who build it. I don't want them rushing that to market with bugs either. I want RSN Ohio but I will wait and enjoy what I have. And when they do add it, I hope VOOM increases the price to cover it too.

I understand about the being patient part, what gets me mad is VOOM is adding channels people don't want. Add the FSRN channels BEFORE you add NGC. We already have Discovery HD and Equater HD. We don't have RSN.
That is what gets me steaming about VOOM.
Freezetime...I understand your feelings. I don't want the golf channel and a lot of others that have been broadcast. I don't listen to the music channels either but I guess someone does.
This thread is getting out of hand again. This thread was created for those that wanted to know what new channels were going to be added next. Again this is speculation but it does seem as if this list is legit considering if you call the csr or you the live help (off the website) and they'll give you the same list.

This thread was also created for people to talk about the channels being added and to let us know what type of programing is on those channels and what makes them great.

If you don't like the channels being added, please leave and go start a complaint thread.

Thank you for your understanding,
freezetime said:
I understand about the being patient part, what gets me mad is VOOM is adding channels people don't want. Add the FSRN channels BEFORE you add NGC. We already have Discovery HD and Equater HD. We don't have RSN.
That is what gets me steaming about VOOM.

Boo hoo hoo.... :rolleyes:
What ever happened to the rumor that VOOM was increasing their HD programming to about 70 channels?
That seems to be a lofty goal, but at least adding some of the HD channels that the other providers have would be great, since they are quality channels.

* BBC America
* CNN International
* Discovery Home
* Discovery Kids
* Discovery Times
* DIY - Do It Yourself Network
* Fox Movie Channel
* FSN Bay Area
* FSN New England
* FSN New York
* FSN Ohio
* GAC - Great American Country
* History International
* Military Channel
* MSG Network
* National Geographic Channel
* Reality 24-7
* Sunshine Network
* Superstation WGN
* The Science Channel
* Turner South

----- Is it possible that some of these channels are being added as part of a package deal? Discovery may require the addition of their less popular channels if a provider wants to carry their HD or more popular channels. They may not be at the top of my request list, but I am willing to give them a chance. A few years ago I would have said there were a lot of channels that I thought were a waste, but now are some of my favorites.
losvideo said:
What ever happened to the rumor that VOOM was increasing their HD programming to about 70 channels?
That seems to be a lofty goal, but at least adding some of the HD channels that the other providers have would be great, since they are quality channels.

It's not a rumor, it's in the VOOM press release issued November 22. That press release is still on the VOOM web site. The press release states that VOOM will have 350 SD channels and 70 HD channels in March.

We are digressing, this issues was discussed several pages back.

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