To start off let me tell you that I know very little about choosing an antenna. That is why I have included the information from TV fool. I am trying to get as many stations in as possible but while trying to stay under $75. I have looked around in the other posts and there are two antenna's that fall in that price range and overall has good reviews. I have seen some big one's on the Walmart website two look big but I just don't know if it will do the job. Can someone please guide me in the right direction. Antenna will be on the roof about 15ft up.
In advance
Thank You
These are the antenna's:
Antennas Direct 91XG
Winegard HD9095P
From Walmart:
Channel Master 2020 DIGITAL ADVANTAGE
Channel Master 2016 DIGITAL ADVANTAGE
In advance
Thank You
These are the antenna's:
Antennas Direct 91XG
Winegard HD9095P
From Walmart:
Channel Master 2020 DIGITAL ADVANTAGE
Channel Master 2016 DIGITAL ADVANTAGE