I don't know what most eletricians(they do the prewire in most new homes) are instaling these days..I doubt it is the 3ghz swept RG-6...swept to 2250mhz is fine as long as it's at least 60% AL braid.....BTW, the cricket package requires the world direct dish with the 95 orbital.
Also, Time Warner wire is VERY common in the satellite buz. they get it, tw installers, free and sell it to dtv customers for 20 bucks. saves the installer 30-40 bucks.
However you will continue to have problems because the TW comscope cable may have problems passing the frequencies required for the 95 band. (this is very true in KAKU)
Give them the second shot, then call Directv and insist upon an HSP installer. The original installers will get charged back 100 bucks for this.