BUCKEYES, baby!!!!!!
They just mentioned this on ESPN.
Which College Football Team Has The Biggest Fan Base?
It's a debate almost as old as the game itself… Who has the best fans? It's an easy debate, because there is no definitave answer. But the biggest fan base…. that's one you can at least tackle. And tackle it we have.
First we took something that was posted on ESPN…. a list that combined TV viewing in areas all across the country, revenue generated, and attendance. We then combined this with the amount of online traffic to the various forums and messege boards online; a very good indicator of a fan base.
The results were surprising. Some teams you'd never expect have massive online followings; Rutgers, South Carolina, Iowa. Others might surprise you with how little traffic there is; LSU and Virginia Tech Come to mind.
At any rate, here's what we found, by combining the factors mentioned: the 100 biggest fan bases in college football.
1. Ohio State
2. Alabama
3. Oklahoma
3. Michigan
4. USC
5. Auburn
6. Nebraska
6. (tie) Texas
7. South Carolina
8. Florida State
9. Wisconsin
10. West Virginia
See the whole list-
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