I think that names like Justin and Trevor are strange names. When I was in school in the late 1960s, there were only about three dozen names for all 700 guys in my high school. They were just regular names like John, Bob, Mike, Larry, Fred, Bill, Tom. I was in one class of just 21 students that had six Johns, four Mikes, two Jims and two Darrells. NASCAR drivers still have names like that. When we had our first graduation rehersal and most of us heard the vice-principal read "Newell James Hayes, Jr.", half the class broke up laughing because we couldn't possibly have anyone with a name like that
There was a hilarious scene in an episode of the show, Psych, where someone was dreaming that he was watching a mid-1990s sitcom on UPN, and all the characters were black with big smiles and they all had these names that no one had ever heard of that you just knew could only be names for black characters on a UPN sitcom.
Zaid Abdul Aziz used to be Don Smith.
A critic said I wasn't tall enough to be a rock-and roll star. So I'm not Abdul Kamal, or whatever his name is
- non-basketball fan Phil Collins