I cannot stand anyone associated or affiliated with Tokyo Joe. And Martin has always came off as a whiner since their MWR stunt at Richmond. I was ecstatic to see Furniture Row shutting down at the end of this year. The owner sold his soul to Tokyo Joe, bought his Championship and now no longer wants to use more of his own money to fund the team. Good for him.
The awesome finish Sunday was product of short track racing and this championship format. The racing was really no different than Kyle Larson and Kyle Busch a few months ago. I'll never understand NASCAR fans, 20-25 years ago when Old Ralphie was using the chrome horn on his #3 Government Motors Goodwrench car he was celebrated, he was the 'The Intimidator', 'the man in black'. Fast forward to today and when Logano or Busch do something similar they are vilified. Joey did not punt Crybaby Martin, he did didn't wreck him, he didn't put him into the wall. There is no other driver that won't do the same, and while I didn't see them, I have seen mentions that there were interviews done with the drivers, and they all said they would move someone out of the way if a win is at stake. Fans love that stuff when it's said, but not when it actually happens.
As for Kamikaze Kenseth, what he did was pure BS. He was multiple laps down and used his car as a weapon. To yell you the truth, I hope Crybaby Marty does the same thing next week as Kamikaze did. That way he'll be parked for two weeks.
Crybaby Marty is the Ronda Rousey of NASCAR. A one trick pony, Rousey had one move to defeat her opponents, the arm bar, Crybaby primarily only wins on 1.5 mile tracks. They both cry and sulk when they don't win. Crybaby Marty sounded like a 12 year old girl who got her iPhone taken away from her for acting out during his post-race interview and I enjoyed every second of it.
Joey had an opportunity to win and he did what he needed to do. I was extremely disappointed in him a few weeks back at I think it was at Dover where there was a late race restart and he had the opportunity to charge ahead and put a few noses the bumpers and win but didn't. I thought is heart just wasn't in it anymore.