I generally avoid signing petitions, mostly because of what happened to someone I knew once who signed one. 'Nother story for a different day. But today, I was approached outside a supermarket by a young lady in a low cut blouse who asked if my wife and I would like to sign a petition to encourage more train traffic and less car traffic. Thinking this might translate into an expanded metro (subway) system around here, I considered signing. Right at the top, I noticed "electors" and "Ralph Nader." I said I thought this was a petition for more trains, and she said, with some guy who appeared (& may have been coaching her) that these people at the top would work for more trains (or some such).
Realizing she was lying to me, and the petition was to get enough signatures to get Ralphie on the Virginia ballot, I handed it back to her and went inside to buy one thing. I saw someone who looked official, and asked if they were a manager. "No, but he's right outside." I told them what was going on, and that person went to share with the manager outside. As we checked out and were leaving, I was informed that the manager said he had not authorized them to do anything and they were gone.
So Ralph Nader's people are so desperate they're trying deceit to get his name on the ballot?
If you want to vote for a Ralphie for president, vote for Ralphie May. It takes a big man to be president.
Realizing she was lying to me, and the petition was to get enough signatures to get Ralphie on the Virginia ballot, I handed it back to her and went inside to buy one thing. I saw someone who looked official, and asked if they were a manager. "No, but he's right outside." I told them what was going on, and that person went to share with the manager outside. As we checked out and were leaving, I was informed that the manager said he had not authorized them to do anything and they were gone.
So Ralph Nader's people are so desperate they're trying deceit to get his name on the ballot?
If you want to vote for a Ralphie for president, vote for Ralphie May. It takes a big man to be president.