how long before let baby cat explore outside

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I went ahead and spoke to the veterinarian today and decided to take her in. They told me over the phone that, even with a kitten of six - seven weeks, a constant meow (even after a spray of water or a firm, but voice-raised "shhh" for several days) might indicate a problem. His comparison was to that of us humans when we were a baby: "You didn't have any way of communicating a problem unless you cried". They have gone ahead and tested her for various things and I should know something by tomorrow or, at worse, Monday. I did go ahead and get her booster shot and informed the vet that she might also be an outdoor cat once she was a bit older. He is a bit concerned about the knot in her upper stomach and said that tests would reveal any problem. I'll keep you guys posted with any other information and thanks for being here. I've got my fingers crossed that it's a simple situation that can be easily fixed.
man, im sorry about this. :( i didnt really want to say anyhthing but its like i said in a previous post that the only one i ever had to meow in constants had a problem. thanks for the pm. the whole part about her choking sometimes when she is eating is just a concern that she probaly isnt that healthy. keep us all informed bc this really does seem to be a tigth knit family aorund here. god bless you.
Something for the OP. I suggest you google the terms "life expectancy of outdoor cat" (don't include the quotes). You will see articles cited from several reputable sources saying the average life expectancy of an outdoor cat is anywhere from 18 months to 5 years, depending on source. Indoor cats can expect a life expectancy of 14-18 years.

If you like kittens, but not so much adult cats, let them roam. If they are family, keep them in, happy and safe.
Good advice in some previous posts. My cats didn't go out until they were probably 7-8 months old. I really had to watch them close as they would try to wonder into the neighbor's yard where he had a big dog.

You will have to spend some time with them and teach them where then can and can't go.
I would not turn them out and leave for work yet.

Be sure since they may be inside/outside cats that you get their FIV immunizations.
There are diseases they can catch from other cats and the soil. Feline leukemia vaccinations, feline immunovirus vaccines too.

Your vet will know what they need. It's definitely worth the money if you have ever seen a cat die a slow death from one of the above diseases. I would not put my worst enemy throught that.

My cats are both indoor and outdoor. They have excellent indoor behavior. They do not get on the furniture or dining room table. They have their own spare bedroom and like to watch animal planet (I have a 4dtv receiver in that room for them).

Outside in the back yard they have a cedar doghouse with a small deck and 5000 btu A/C /Heat pump unit. The temp in the doghouse is always 68 degrees F. When they are out
in the yard and it is cold or hot they have a nice place to go.

I have a 13 year old Orange tabby Female, 16 year old toiroise shell tabby female.

They are in excellent physical condition and are very active.
They have their own spare bedroom and like to watch animal planet (I have a 4dtv receiver in that room for them).

Outside in the back yard they have a cedar doghouse with a small deck and 5000 btu A/C /Heat pump unit. The temp in the doghouse is always 68 degrees F. When they are out
in the yard and it is cold or hot.
Don't tell my cats--they would be soooo jealous!!:D
I thought "teach them where then can and can't go" was hilarious. And then I read about the heat pump. Yep, you're one of us. In fact, you're the Monsignor!
i dont beleive in letting one roam outside until after it has had sugery. mine was nuetard last week. hes about twelve weeks old is it time for him to start being let out during a day at work? i live in a rural area and havnt ever had luck leting one stay inside all the time.
If you live in the city that has a leash law for dogs IMHO you shouldn't let your cat roam. What is good for the goose is good for the gander.

Still looking for a shock device I can hook up to my Jeep that will shock the cat that likes to play tiddlywinks on it at night.
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hello from kansas city

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