My Windows Phone Review


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Aug 28, 2007
Well it has been two weeks with my Windows Phone (HTC7 Pro), so I feel that I can finally give a honest review. The new is lessened that gives so many of us the "this is the best" feeling that we get with any new product.

I will say up front that the OS is not perfect by any means. On the other hand, it is much better than I expected based on my past experience with Windows Mobile (which is a totally different animal, even if windows is getting bad feelings off of it still).

I hate the lack of true multi tasking with it coming from an android phone. I dont like having to reopen IM apps to finish a conversation if I had to go do something else. I dont like the lack of IM apps in general. The selection is paltry at best. Nearly all of the big names are lacking. For a name brand OS, to not have name brand IM apps is darn near inexcusable. If they werent available on every major platform....but they are.

As far as other apps, when it comes to stuff that you will actually use, they are not lacking. At least in my experience, and the ones that are there are top notch. Above, in nearly every comparative situation to the android counterparts and at the very least equal to the best iOS versions. I am very impressed with the quality of the apps, even if the quantity is lacking in some cases. Obviously this will change when (if) the platform grows.

I like the fact that there is far less fragmentation than there is with android. It remains to be seen if there will be as streamlined of a process with upgrades (and apps being available for all) as apple gives, but for the most part, hardware so far is equal, so if you can get it, so can I.
Android is great, but this is one huge flaw for them. Maybe they will fix it, but i am going off of now.

I have had numerous android phones, and have an Ipod touch and an Ipad, so as far as hardware, I have a general idea of what processor can do what with a given operating system.

That said, I will say that among the droids, the snapdragon soc is below the hummingbird, and even the omap used by motorola when you get to the 1 ghz versions.

Running WP7, the exact same chip, is a different beast. It is smoother than both of the above mentioned, which I can only attribute to the OS.
Anyone that has had or has android, of any version that I have had access to knows that from time to time, there is lag. Not saying that with the best hardware and newer software that it is bad. I am simply saying that it exists.

With iOS, it is virtually non existent, and the same is true with wp7. It is buttery smooth. As good as iOS in this regard? Not yet, but it is close.

All in all, I am highly impressed, with not only the hardware on this phone, it is built like a tank, but mainly with the software. And the live tiles, while not widgets, are a nice compromise between the simple app icon, and the widget.

This is NOT your old windows mobile software. It works, and works well. It is not as customizable as android, but it is a smoother experience.

It is not at the level of iOS when it comes to buttery smoothness, but you can make it more your own.

It is a fantastic compromise that IMO deserves a serious open minded look.
Nice review. Hopefully they'll improve the im options.

That and add some othe official apps. Like xm. That's another I miss. I assume those will come, and if they match the quality of others, they will be good.

Obvious room for improvement.
That and add some othe official apps. Like xm. That's another I miss. I assume those will come, and if they match the quality of others, they will be good.

Obvious room for improvement.
does kik work well on there? Were you able to get sling going like you had on your Android?
Sling works better. The app is great. Kik works good but is limited like any other im app.
Finally a post we can all agree with. :eek::D:D

Well we all know quadrant scores are fodder for the weak minded right? They literally have no bearing on real world performance.

You android sheep......:D
msmith198025 said:
Well we all know quadrant scores are fodder for the weak minded right? They literally have no bearing on real world performance.

You android sheep......:D

You're talking about lag and smoothness.
Good review Todd.

Buttery smooth, but not as buttery smooth as iOS. Love it.


And there are advantages to iOS.

I think I hit it as honestly as possible. Most know I've had experience with all of them. Hopefully this helps.
rockymtnhigh said:
Good review Todd.

Buttery smooth, but not as buttery smooth as iOS. Love it.

Explain what you mean by fragmentation.

I'm telling you my phone is so smooth I can't believe its not butter.
msmith198025 said:
True. I'm not sure how quadrant relates in real worl experience there.

It runs a benchmark how well your phone reacts, they test the memory, CPU, sd card and fps. Oh you can't have a sd card right?

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