MPEG4 HD DVR and Home Media Center news:

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hancox said:
Same here. The idea of having a PVR that's essentially D* or cablecard agnostic is a BIG plus.

Thats just it. I think this has a better chance of happening than the Home Media Center. I can almost guarantee we will see some sort of direct HD capturing (more than just OTA) in a Windows Media Center by years end.
Am I actually reading on this thread that someone had an expectation or belief that DirecTV would do something on or before the dates originally forecast?

Really, you really thought that?:)
Happy Camper said:
Am I actually reading on this thread that someone had an expectation or belief that DirecTV would do something on or before the dates originally forecast?
No, but in the analyst's call TWO WEEKS ago, the CEO or CTO said 2Q. What on earth could have happened in 2 weeks to make the thing slip 2 quarters?
Sorry if this question has been answered. :o But will the MPEG4 HD DVR have a feature that will let you set event reminders; TUNE TO A STATION/SHOW w/o having to record "said" show?

Many thanks! - Mateo (matthew)
herdfan said:
No, but in the analyst's call TWO WEEKS ago, the CEO or CTO said 2Q. What on earth could have happened in 2 weeks to make the thing slip 2 quarters?

Given the latest round of corporate scrutiny, I would tend to go with the dates announced to the financial types, and not something coming from elsewhere. No offense to anyone with other info, but raising red flags with analysts will more than likely result in lowering the value of their D* stock :)
Brewer4 said:
Thats just it. I think this has a better chance of happening than the Home Media Center. I can almost guarantee we will see some sort of direct HD capturing (more than just OTA) in a Windows Media Center by years end.

I'd say CableCard is 100% certainty by year's end. D*, on the other hand, I'm getting less and less faith in.
LonghornXP said:
Robert is hoping November of 2006 but as with everything else this company is doing nobody has any idea what is going on. Do you know I've been told at least 10 different dates so far. I would rather not say anymore the dates I hear because they most likely won't be correct. But yes the last I heard was 4Q 2006.

Thanks for the response, LonghornXP.

I wonder how a 4Q 06 release date affects the possibility of NFL Sunday Ticket in MPEG4.

I can't see myself subscribing to NFL ST (especially SuperFan) without a HD-DVR.
djsmokyc said:
Thanks for the response, LonghornXP.

I wonder how a 4Q 06 release date affects the possibility of NFL Sunday Ticket in MPEG4.

I can't see myself subscribing to NFL ST (especially SuperFan) without a HD-DVR.

D* had better get their s**t together quick, or they are going to fall behind and lose a lot of customers. :mad: The DVR is becoming an essential piece of hardware for a lot of people, and what's the sense of offering all these new HD local channels if you can't record them. Comcast offers an HD-DVR right now. I think Dish does too. If D* takes another year to get this thing out, a lot of people are gonna get sick of waiting (me included).

It's especially aggravating considering that, once D* does get this thing out, it's going to take at least another 3-6 months to work out all the bugs.

I'm growing very tired of waiting. I've given up on OTA HD, so as soon as a better solution comes along, D* is getting unplugged at my house.
djsmokyc said:
I wonder how a 4Q 06 release date affects the possibility of NFL Sunday Ticket in MPEG4.

I can't see myself subscribing to NFL ST (especially SuperFan) without a HD-DVR.

That's a good point. I wasn't thinking about that yet. It's bad enough the crap they're pulling with the SuperFan add-on. But not having an HD-DVR during NFL season would really suck.

Please reply by conversation.

I am about to throw my DirecTV system out the door!!!!

H20 & AT9 Installed perspective
