MPEG4 HD DVR and Home Media Center news:

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Kentstater72 said:
... if they cut off OTA that takes away any advantage D* has over cable and puts E* on top in my situation.

That's one of the reasons I am taking a good look at Verizon's FIOS offering (which will soon be available in my area). The other main reason is that if the new HD DVR is anything like the R15, then it will SUCK big-time (IMO).
Thanks for the link. That certainly makes me feel better. I can't see them pulling OTA right now until everyone in the country can receive local channels through them.
uncrules said:
According to this link, the HD-DVR will have two ATSC tuners. Pictures are also found within.

I'm glad to see that, as the article reports, DirecTV will be replacing my HD-Tivo with the new HD-DVR free of charge. I'm not sure it was worth the $1000 cost to me to have HD for a year, when waiting to upgrade to the new unit would have only cost me $200. But, at least I won't have to worry about sinking even more money to get the new unit. :)
vurbano said:
The article says 2 ethernet ports but I only see one. I do see 2 COM ports? above the sat feeds connects

Yes, I noticed that too. Looks like DB-9 (or the same as whats on your video card). Also that article stated that everything was an input, but I think they meant out. I mean, why I do want an HDMI input on a box that can potentially receive 4 HD streams internally. Also, is that only 1 USB port , looks kinda fuzzy to me.

But I think the real question is, if I lease this thing, it is free (as in beer). No residual upfront or rebates. I just call them up, get this, the AT-9 (I would be willing to pay the 50 or 99 for installation of the 5-LNB dish) & awaaay we go. Exit, stage left even (sorry, I could not resist :))
elephant98 said:
I'm glad to see that, as the article reports, DirecTV will be replacing my HD-Tivo with the new HD-DVR free of charge. I'm not sure it was worth the $1000 cost to me to have HD for a year, when waiting to upgrade to the new unit would have only cost me $200. But, at least I won't have to worry about sinking even more money to get the new unit. :)

A no-charge unit isn't because they want to "do the right thing" for the HR20-owners, it's just because the lease-only plan starts on 3/1 and the replacement won't reach the market until later than March 1.
HMC is the Home Media Center, kinda a super-DVR. Rumored to have 4 tuners, bigger hard disk, and able to feed streams to client boxes. Most HMC users would have one HMC to record everything and a client at each TV.

tibber said:
HMC is the Home Media Center, kinda a super-DVR. Rumored to have 4 tuners, bigger hard disk, and able to feed streams to client boxes. Most HMC users would have one HMC to record everything and a client at each TV.

I think a more accurate definition of the HMC (at least for right now) is....

Someone in the know told me it might now be late fall before we see the HR20-250. Anyone care to comment?

YankeeFan said:
I think a more accurate definition of the HMC (at least for right now) is....

At this point yes. They are still evaluating networking technologies for this. I'd be surprised if you see it before 2007.
It does sound like Vaporware.

My Media Center 2005 with XBox 360's are not. I have 2 SD D* tuners, 2 HD local tuners and glorious Media Center over network to 2 rooms in my house. My basement has a direct feed off the Media Center so I can watch HD/SD in 3 rooms simultaneous off the same server/tuners. The only thing missing is direct HD from D* for things like ESPN, Universal, etc. Other than that, I love this thing.

So its all possible. I am just waiting for D* cablecard as promised at CES. I will be happier than a pig in mud. It will complete the circle. Now I gotta get my CD's converted. I got all my pics but lagging in the music since I have Sirius and Rhapsody. CD conversion hasnt been priority.
Brewer4 said:
It does sound like Vaporware.

My Media Center 2005 with XBox 360's are not. I have 2 SD D* tuners, 2 HD local tuners and glorious Media Center over network to 2 rooms in my house. My basement has a direct feed off the Media Center so I can watch HD/SD in 3 rooms simultaneous off the same server/tuners. The only thing missing is direct HD from D* for things like ESPN, Universal, etc. Other than that, I love this thing.

So its all possible. I am just waiting for D* cablecard as promised at CES. I will be happier than a pig in mud. It will complete the circle. Now I gotta get my CD's converted. I got all my pics but lagging in the music since I have Sirius and Rhapsody. CD conversion hasnt been priority.

They are working with Microsoft now. I'm curious to see how it shakes out.
Same here. The idea of having a PVR that's essentially D* or cablecard agnostic is a BIG plus.
djsmokyc said:
Sorry to dig up this old thread, but it seemed the most on-topic.

LonghornXP, Robert of Value Electronics recently posted that the MPEG4 HD DVR release date has been pushed back to November 06. Can you confirm that date?


Robert is hoping November of 2006 but as with everything else this company is doing nobody has any idea what is going on. Do you know I've been told at least 10 different dates so far. I would rather not say anymore the dates I hear because they most likely won't be correct. But yes the last I heard was 4Q 2006.
Please reply by conversation.

I am about to throw my DirecTV system out the door!!!!

H20 & AT9 Installed perspective
