Montana Provider to Pull Plug on Video

Fairfield, Montana is hardly a bellwether. Montana (and Wyoming) are TV hell. They've experienced thousands of customers already dropping video offerings, so it is way too late to salvage. The question then becomes whether they can remain competitive in a more cutthroat market of broadband where they couldn't hack it in franchised television service.
But I remember reading somewhere on here that video makes more money than internet.

Internet is way more profitable.

Once you bring in a big fiber backbone, what you collect from the customer is pure profit.

There are no programming providers to deal with, and things get a lot easier.

You'll likely see the company partnering up with Dish or Directv as a retailer and they will push their customer base to that.

The problem with a small system of 15,000 potential customers you have very limited options on technology, such as on demand, DVR, and HD.

I bet you they are still running analog with that small of a customer base.
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Makes me wonder when the local telephone company back home is going to pull the plug on their cable system. Surprisingly they have a decent channel lineup but their tech, features, and HD lineup is lacking...

Altice One Optimum prices?

Cable still struggles to satisfy customers
