Monsters HD online petition

No benefits to customers, how do you figure in your own words 95% of customers dont care about Voom so addition of main stream HD channels is a benefit.

But they did not have to cut the Voom channels to add these new channels. The proof of that is that ALL of the channels were on air for a few hours before Voom went dark. They tried to say they needed to cut Voom due to bandwidth but the facts don't back that up.

I'd also argue that whether the new channels are "mainstream" is debatable, especially considering most don't broadcast 2/47 HD, but that's for a different thread.
I would love to have MonstersHD back, but do online petitions do anything? I think everyone needs to move on.

Charlie was gonna keep MonstersHD, but VOOM said all or nothing... so there it goes.
Doug if you're only going to dangle flame bait then please leave the thread. If this banter doesn't interest you then don't come in here.

I understand it's a public forum - it's the exact reason why I outted you as a troll to begin with.

When you have a solid answer as to why unsatisfied customers shouldn't take their money elsewhere I'll be glad to listen.

You outted me? Thats some news.

You going to pwn me next?

I will answer your question as to why people shouldn't take their money else where when you direct me to the post where I said "YOU PEOPLE CAN'T TAKE YOUR MONEY ELSEWHERE".

I simply stated that all these posts of people running out the door slamming it behind them, are amusing to me, and as a few others stated, its funny to them too.

In looking at your posts, you are a HUGE Monster Channel "fanboy". (to contunue using uber cool net terms) So I understand why you are so upset.

Either way, I hope you don't Rick Roll me too.

Anyways, I am a troll, I am outted, I best be on my way before someone hands out those bannings.


It's not impacting anyone's lives, it's more a matter of extremely POOR and SLEAZY tactics on how Dish has handled this and how they tried to shove a big B.S. sandwich down everyone's (mainly new subscriber's) throats, assuming they're ignorant to the truth. Given Charlie's horrendous performance in the past and now this, what can and will he do next? He obviously has no idea how to engage in positive PR...He had everyone begging his praises when the 22 newb's hit, but in a matter of 24-48hrs, he has taken another step backward. It's always 2 steps forward, 3 steps back with him.

I probably take a little more offense to this, because Monsters was BY FAR my favorite channels. But, the real problem I have is what I stated above.

But, not to troll again, I have to point out, LEGALLY, they were most likely not able to talk about this prior to it happening.

And I don't think that making sure they activated 16 or so other HD channels to pacify is a "SLEAZY" or "Poor" tactic.

It wasn't a step backward, it was a side step at the least. And again, this befitted MORE people then it hurt.

I would bet the house on there being more people in the Essentials pack (Benefiting from the added channels) then there are people in the Ultimate pack. (who side stepped)

If you think about it, really hard, they were more then fair. It was a business decision, and in the long run, it hurt a small segment of their user base.

But what do I know, I am a troll.
I simply stated that all these posts of people running out the door slamming it behind them, are amusing to me, and as a few others stated, its funny to them too.

But what do I know, I am a troll.

I'm not going to flame anyone, but don't you see how these kinds of comments can be taken as trolling? Sure, you don't care about the channels we lost, but some people do. Why do you feel the need to kick sand in their face when they're down?

Sure, this isn't going to impact anyone's life, but it will impact our enjoyment of our sat services and that's something a lot of us spend considerable money on. Coming into a thread like this and saying something like "VOOM sucked anyway and no one watched it so we're better off that they dropped it" would be akin to a Giants fan going on a Patriots message board after the Superbowl and posting "Who cares that the Pats lost. They were a bunch of overrated pansies and the entire country hated them anyway so screw you if you're upset that the Giants won."

That would be trolling, wouldn't it?
I'm not going to flame anyone, but don't you see how these kinds of comments can be taken as trolling? Sure, you don't care about the channels we lost, but some people do. Why do you feel the need to kick sand in their face when they're down?

Sure, this isn't going to impact anyone's life, but it will impact our enjoyment of our sat services and that's something a lot of us spend considerable money on. Coming into a thread like this and saying something like "VOOM sucked anyway and no one watched it so we're better off that they dropped it" would be akin to a Giants fan going on a Patriots message board after the Superbowl and posting "Who cares that the Pats lost. They were a bunch of overrated pansies and the entire country hated them anyway so screw you if you're upset that the Giants won."

That would be trolling, wouldn't it?

Very good point Tony. It's not ruining my life by any stretch but has severely impacted my viewing enjoyment. Unfortunately, people like Doug seem to get an immeasurable amount of enjoyment out of our predicament. I would never go in a thread and piss on somebody's parade just because I can. It is the internet after all and you cannot avoid people like Doug. Best to try your best and ignore him and others like him. I know it's difficult but it can be done.
Based on your theory I suppose it would be okay with you to allow the government to pass a bill that only allows one presidential vote per household.
People have every right to downgrade their package or leave because of this.!
First off only 1 vote per household is different. You can't vote untill your 18. And then you are a tax payer. Tax payers have a right to say who they can Vote for . Dishnetwork subscribers have a right to Vote for Vooms return. When I keep seeing double names ,Thats Bogus! And No one said you don't have a right to downgrade your package. But Just because you and 250 other people are downgrading $10 isn't hurting anyone. So get over it . you want to prove something ? Gets some balls and Drop your service. While your threating to downgrade $10 small dollars, I just upgraded $50. So don't think for 1 second your $10 means S%^&.
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You outted me? Thats some news.

You going to pwn me next?

I will answer your question as to why people shouldn't take their money else where when you direct me to the post where I said "YOU PEOPLE CAN'T TAKE YOUR MONEY ELSEWHERE".

I simply stated that all these posts of people running out the door slamming it behind them, are amusing to me, and as a few others stated, its funny to them too.

In looking at your posts, you are a HUGE Monster Channel "fanboy". (to contunue using uber cool net terms) So I understand why you are so upset.

Either way, I hope you don't Rick Roll me too.

Anyways, I am a troll, I am outted, I best be on my way before someone hands out those bannings.


But, not to troll again, I have to point out, LEGALLY, they were most likely not able to talk about this prior to it happening.

And I don't think that making sure they activated 16 or so other HD channels to pacify is a "SLEAZY" or "Poor" tactic.

It wasn't a step backward, it was a side step at the least. And again, this befitted MORE people then it hurt.

I would bet the house on there being more people in the Essentials pack (Benefiting from the added channels) then there are people in the Ultimate pack. (who side stepped)

If you think about it, really hard, they were more then fair. It was a business decision, and in the long run, it hurt a small segment of their user base.

But what do I know, I am a troll.

You outted me? Thats some news.

You going to pwn me next?

I will answer your question as to why people shouldn't take their money else where when you direct me to the post where I said "YOU PEOPLE CAN'T TAKE YOUR MONEY ELSEWHERE".

I simply stated that all these posts of people running out the door slamming it behind them, are amusing to me, and as a few others stated, its funny to them too.

In looking at your posts, you are a HUGE Monster Channel "fanboy". (to contunue using uber cool net terms) So I understand why you are so upset.

Either way, I hope you don't Rick Roll me too.

Anyways, I am a troll, I am outted, I best be on my way before someone hands out those bannings.


But, not to troll again, I have to point out, LEGALLY, they were most likely not able to talk about this prior to it happening.

And I don't think that making sure they activated 16 or so other HD channels to pacify is a "SLEAZY" or "Poor" tactic.

It wasn't a step backward, it was a side step at the least. And again, this befitted MORE people then it hurt.

I would bet the house on there being more people in the Essentials pack (Benefiting from the added channels) then there are people in the Ultimate pack. (who side stepped)

If you think about it, really hard, they were more then fair. It was a business decision, and in the long run, it hurt a small segment of their user base.

But what do I know, I am a troll.

Yes I am a MonstersHD fanboy. I've been avid fan of horror movies for 30 years. I suppose there's something wrong with that though. I switched to Dish in 05 becasue of MonstersHD.

Since when is the word "outed" a super cool uber word to use? Regardless of your child like "pwning" of me I'm smart enough to wait this out and find out if a resolution surfaces before slamming the door. If I'm still unsatisfied then I'll walk.

By the way Doug you need to catch up on your internet lingo by googling the word Troll. It's unfortunate, but fits what you're doing perfectly.
Here is my problem with the whole thing. On Sunday they said this.

"We are excited to extend our competitiveness in HD by enhancing our already comprehensive HD lineup with these 22 channels, bringing our total HD lineup to over 95 channels,'' said Eric Sahl, senior vice president of programming for DISH Network. ``These launches, along with other recent additions such as the New England Sports Network (NESN) HD, reinforce our commitment to offer the best in entertainment.'' I got this from TVPredictions

On Monday they took the Voom channels down. Could they not say they were doing it? Maybe. But unless no one at dish network knew until Monday that they were taking the channels down the press release was at least misleading. Then they said the took them down to make room for the channels they put up. I think that's what it said on the scrolling banner. Then they said it was for future hd releases.

So 1 they lied or 2 no at dish knows whats going on. Personally the only channel I watched was Monsters but I understand why a lot of people are upset.
Here is my problem with the whole thing. On Sunday they said this.

"We are excited to extend our competitiveness in HD by enhancing our already comprehensive HD lineup with these 22 channels, bringing our total HD lineup to over 95 channels,'' said Eric Sahl, senior vice president of programming for DISH Network. ``These launches, along with other recent additions such as the New England Sports Network (NESN) HD, reinforce our commitment to offer the best in entertainment.'' I got this from TVPredictions

On Monday they took the Voom channels down. Could they not say they were doing it? Maybe. But unless no one at dish network knew until Monday that they were taking the channels down the press release was at least misleading. Then they said the took them down to make room for the channels they put up. I think that's what it said on the scrolling banner. Then they said it was for future hd releases.

So 1 they lied or 2 no at dish knows whats going on. Personally the only channel I watched was Monsters but I understand why a lot of people are upset.

There is no debate whatsoever as to whether DISH handles this badly. they did. we also understand why people are upset. The only real questions are whether it really makes sense to submit a petition and whether it amkes sense todiscuss the topic in so many threads.

pesoanlly I think that people have a right to express their opinion----but that applies to both sides. I also think personally that the petition will not be effective (but go right ahead and sign it if you disagree with me) and that some people are accusing others of emotional behavior when they themselves are just as guilty.
Monsters and Kung-Fu. Kung-Fu was the only channel showing Akira Kurosawa classic films in HD. Glad I recorded them on my external hard drive. I also liked FILMFESt which showed international film from film festivals. I would venture that due to the fact that everyone's tastes are not the same some people liked other VOOM channels. I think the petition should be just to bring back VOOM. Without VOOM this turns DISH into "just another sat-cable carrier. They are no different from DirecTV now. And DirecTv is cheaper for the same channel. I called them and and for what I am paying on Dish ($142) would only cost me $87 on DirecTV. Will switch on June 1.
First off only 1 vote per household is different. You can't vote untill your 18. And then you are a tax payer. Tax payers have a right to say who they can Vote for . Dishnetwork subscribers have a right to Vote for Vooms return. When I keep seeing double names ,Thats Bogus! And No one said you don't have a right to downgrade your package. But Just because you and 250 other people are downgrading $10 isn't hurting anyone. So get over it . you want to prove something ? Gets some balls and Drop your service. While your threating to downgrade $10 small dollars, I just upgraded $50. So don't think for 1 second your $10 means S%^&.

Hmmm suppose my wife and I split the bill? Are we both allowed to sign it? Call it bogus if you want, but anyone that is affected by an action is allowed to express their disatisfaction in reference to said action. Don't give me that household sh*t.

Believe me I'm not shedding tears over this, and I'm waiting to see if it's resolved before "I get some balls" and drop the service.
Hmmm suppose my wife and I split the bill? Are we both allowed to sign it? Call it bogus if you want, but anyone that is affected by an action is allowed to express their disatisfaction in reference to said action. Don't give me that household sh*t.

Believe me I'm not shedding tears over this, and I'm waiting to see if it's resolved before "I get some balls" and drop the service.
You and your Wife have the same name? I didn't think so!:rolleyes:
the right to vote is not tied to paying taxes.

but the same person posting or signinga petition under multiple names is wrong.

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