Monday's update for SIRIUS (Mazda owners)

Don't waste your time pulling a fuse, disconnecting the battery or anything like that. Don't waste your time going to the dealer either. They can't help you either. Sirius is the one who must initiate the fix and nobody seems to know what that fix is.

I think it's a bit premature to think Sirius has a fix but is bickering over who should pay. I don't believe that anyway. I honestly think they don't know how to fix it. However, I'm not convinced they're making this as much of a priority as it would be if this problem were affecting all of the Sportsters out there or some other more common Sirius receiver. However, I have NO evidence to support that feeling, it is purely just my opinion.

The Rickster
Sirius Update

Sirius AND Mazda have both said that they have figured out a solution and that we will be contacted by either email, snail mail OR phone call. It is a good idea to at least contact the corporate office of Sirius so you can be on their email list. It sounds like we will hear by Wed-Fri sometime. I think that the customer service has been horrendous. Mistakes will happen but for a company that is struggling to stay affloat and going head to head with XM I would think that CS would be a priority.
Everyone you call keeps saying that they're working on it and will contact you. What a bunch of BS. We have the right to be given more information than that.
I would love to threaten to cancel my 4 subscriptions but I really like and want the service.
I was told on Saturday what I mentioned before. That there will be a temporary fix as in a new signal sent out....but ultimately the units will have to be replaced. I hope this is not true but at this stage that would be better than this waiting game.
I still think it is a good idea to call every day to push the issue. Does everyone have the tel # for the corporate office of Sirius and the 1-800 # for Mazda. They are both easy to find.
I've had this issue since the 26th last month, but I got in my car today and it worked. I was amazed that I could hear the 184 channel and then I started flipping channels around in amazement. Seems to be working very well for me. :)

I own a '06 Mazda3 that had the factory Sirius Radio installed.
dynamitega said:
I've had this issue since the 26th last month, but I got in my car today and it worked. I was amazed that I could hear the 184 channel and then I started flipping channels around in amazement. Seems to be working very well for me. :)

I own a '06 Mazda3 that had the factory Sirius Radio installed.

Wow, I read your post, and I literally ran out to my 3. To my dismay, still "Updating Screen of Death!" Will it ever end?
I don't believe the guy with the Mazda 3. When I hear it from some of the others or if mine starts working I'll believe it then. By now both Mazda and Sirius know what styles of modules work and which do not. Just give me one of the types that does and they can figure out on their own time why the others do not. This has gone on long enough.
swt_man99 said:
Wow, I read your post, and I literally ran out to my 3. To my dismay, still "Updating Screen of Death!" Will it ever end?

It didn't work the first time, it did the "Updating" routine, then I flipped to AM, then back and it worked. It shocked me because I heard talking but it didn't sound like ESPN Radio (what I had it tuned to on the regular radio) and it was amazingly clear, so I looked back at the console and it said "Weatherwatch" or something like that. This was about 1pm pacific time that this happened and I'm in So Cal.

I had called them about it last night to get on "the list" that everyone was talking about here and the Rep told me that they have people working on it. He seemed to know what I was talking about and tried to get me some extra service time (I'm on the 6 months free thing already), but he couldn't, but he added me to the email list. Maybe that had something to do with it, I have no idea. Watch, when I go out next time, it'll be back, but it worked on my drive home pretty well, it was nice to not have static for a change.

I didn't look for the new channels that we were supposed to get to see if I got the update (I forget their numbers and they didn't look like anything I'd want to listen to anyways). Hopefully some others out there get fixed soon... I find it strange that only mine worked (yay Howard Stern and NFL Radio).
Yea - adding to the email list, that must be it. How about we all go outside and give the finger to the satelite, maybe that will work too.
MAzda 3 working now??

I have a 2006 Mazda 3 s with the 2.3L engine. Are both 2006 Mazda 3 and Mazda 3s equipped with the same stereo?
When this guy said that his all of a sudden started working it sounds like a different problem than I have had. Mine has been stuck on updating but NO SOUND and NO STATIC. This guy said that he had static??

According to MAzda and Sirius this afternoon, nothing has happened yet>
limmylo said:
I have a 2006 Mazda 3 s with the 2.3L engine. Are both 2006 Mazda 3 and Mazda 3s equipped with the same stereo?
When this guy said that his all of a sudden started working it sounds like a different problem than I have had. Mine has been stuck on updating but NO SOUND and NO STATIC. This guy said that he had static??

According to MAzda and Sirius this afternoon, nothing has happened yet>

No static... I had no sound or anything either. When I mentioned static, I was talking about the regular AM/FM radio. I had the same problem as you, just mine works now. And it still worked just now when I was driving around listening to the NFL game on 124.
VMG said:
Yea - adding to the email list, that must be it. How about we all go outside and give the finger to the satelite, maybe that will work too.

I guess you can't read because I said maybe my call to them did something because it was just funny that it started working about 16 hours after I called them. Maybe something happened between then and when it started working. All I know is that I'm glad it's working for me now, I'm not sure what the problem is but it fixed on mine and I just made this account here to tell everyone because I thought everyone would be fixed. I've been reading this thread since around the 28th because I had the same problem, so I don't need your stupid sarcastic remarks because I went out of my way to maybe try to help some of you or at least let you know that someone's radio works now. I'm happy because I'm going on a long road trip this weekend.

To give you a little clue on the model I have: I bought my car about 2 months ago, I'm not sure what Sirius receiver it is, though it is located in the trunk. It's a Mazda3 S Grand Touring, if that helps. I wish I could say that I did something abnormal to fix it, but I didn't, I've been just trying it everyday. When it worked, it didn't say updating at all, just went to "Weatherwatch" and then I was able to switch stations. I was stoked so I wanted to relay the good news.
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Getting more fed up. Just sent this email to Mel Karmazin:

Mr. Karmazin:

I recently wrote you concerning an update Sirius sent which has disabled a large number of Mazda OEM receivers. It has now been 2 weeks and we still cannot listen to Sirius in our Mazda vehicles. Honestly, this is unacceptable. I have been a loyal subscriber for over a year now and (currently) have 3 subscriptions (including the Mazda subscription). In other words, I'm a huge fan of your service. However, I am quickly losing faith in Sirius' ability to fix this problem. If this issue isn't resolved soon I know many people will be canceling their subscriptions--myself included. At a time when you're fighting for all of the market share you can get I'm sure that's not what you want to hear.

Let me explain exactly why I am so upset. I am not the only one who feels this way. The main problem--besides not being able to receive the service which many of us are paying for--is the lack of caring from Sirius. I also had written Jim Meyer (President of Sales and Operations--I believe) and Jim has been kind enough to respond to my emails and even called me on a Sunday. Jim is doing what it takes to keep your customers happy, however, that's where it has ended. The people on the customer support lines are clueless. I'm not trying to make them sound bad, rather, I'm trying to illustrate just how badly the bulk of your management has handled this situation. It's obvious to everyone affected your customer support representatives have NOT been informed on what's happening. They are still telling people to take their vehicle back to their dealership to have their receiver, "reset," something which is not even possible. Also, Michael Moore has emailed us twice now saying they're working on the problem.If he is sending out an email to us, why hasn't this information gotten to the people who are answering your phones? I find it hard to understand why this is happening.

The last email (on Friday I believe) from Mr. Moore explained they have identified a fix but wouldn't be trying it out until, "sometime next week." I'm not sure exactly what that means but it doesn't sound good. Why would it take so long to try out a fix? Has it not been tested properly (like the original update)? If so, why tell us there's a fix if there really isn't yet? After everything I have been told I do not believe much of anything I'm being told about this problem.

I have to wonder, if this problem were affecting the Sportster or some other popular receiver, would we still be waiting for a fix? Right now, us Mazda owners feel as if we've been left out in the cold. A formal announcement from yourself and/or some other REAL communication would go a long way to keep your unhappy subscribers from canceling their subscriptions. More importantly, getting this problem fixed right now would actually make us happy again. I don't know what's taking so long to identify and implement a fix. Two weeks (and counting) is WAY too long.

I, and many other people, have been extremely patient with Sirius throughout this ordeal. However, my patience is wearing thin. How about treating us like Sirius actually cares about us?

Rick Farmer
I just took it upon myself to try calling Customer Service to see if they had any update. The CSR I talked to was dumber than a rock, but nonetheless I spoke with him. He initially was like "Oh yes, that has been fixed sir." I quickly said "No it hasn't." He put me on hold to talk to his supervisor. He came back and said "Yes sir, you are correct, we are still having the issue and you need to take your car to the dealership and have your radio replaced." I blew a gasket and hung up before all the explicit language spewed from my mouth...Sirius has no clue about how to fix this issue and the BS voicemails and emails we have received from Michael Moore are bogus! This is over the top frustrating!
I called the Mazda 1-800-222-5500 Tech Service number to see if they had any new info and was told that the current fix was that Sirius was going to send an update to the affected modules that would reset them to the old channel configuration while the problem with the new update was being resolved. In this way we could start recieving the signal again. This sounded somewhat plausible so I called Sirius. I spoke with a supervisor and he never heard of this. In fact he stated that there is only one type of signal that they can send out. Which makes sense; they cancelled channel 30 amoung other things so resetting my reciever to the original configuration won't bring it back. The point is and I agree with Rick this has gone on way too long and to be jerked around like this is unacceptable. Unfortunately the only recourse we have at this point is to cancel the subs and let people know the type of treatment we have been recieving.
dynamitega said:
All I know is that I'm glad it's working for me now, I'm not sure what the problem is but it fixed on mine and I just made this account here to tell everyone because I thought everyone would be fixed. I've been reading this thread since around the 28th because I had the same problem, so I don't need your stupid sarcastic remarks because I went out of my way to maybe try to help some of you or at least let you know that someone's radio works now. I'm happy because I'm going on a long road trip this weekend.

Thanks for the post.
Glad your radio is working.
Everyone is just really pissed of right now.
If anyone else's radio starts working again,
please let us know.
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Gadget Rick...........

I was talking to someone today who works in the cell phone industry and he was shocked when I told him what was happening with Sirius. I agreed with him when he told me this would never happen in his industry. Could you imagine if people were without their cell phones for 2 weeks. Or computers, cable tv, gas and electric or any service for that matter.
I called the Corporate office(1-212-584-5100) again today and had no luck. Nobody knows anything. You can ask for Michael Moore if you call this number and at least get his VM. I also called Mazda(1-800-222-5500) and told them there needs to be a greater sense of urgency. They always agree but dont offer anything more than that.
I've tried the Sirius warranty dept(1-866-257-7726) and product support(1-800-869-5590) but had no luck. You are on hold forever. I have also been pestering the local Mazda dealership I bought the car from.
Other Sirius hdq. numbers are (1-646-313-2000) and (1-646-313-2497).
Calling the main CS # (1-888-539-7474) is a joke! How can these people be so uninformed!
I will continue to pester these people until this problem is resolved. I don't know what else to do. I don't really want to cancel my subscriptions because I enjoy it. I wish there was a competitor with the same programming.
Is This The Fix We've Been Waiting For?

Ok, If this is not the fix, please don't shoot the messenger!

I hope this is not a cruel joke (by the XM people)

I just found this on


Mazda Updating Fix


Mazda Updating Procedure

Summary: Procedure for SPs to explain to Mazda automobile owners to eliminate the continuous "Updating" message in SAT mode, and get their Sirius Radios operational again. This procedure will reestablish the customers satellite radio services after 6:00 AM Eastern Time Wednesday October 11th, 2006.

1. Ensure vehicle has full view of the open sky, with no over head blockage of the satellites overhead.

2. Turn the ignition and radio on.

3. Switch the radio to SAT mode.

4."UPDATING", "CH184" or "Invalid Channel" will be displayed on the radio without audio.

5. Wait 5 minutes. It's normal for the radio to continue to display the above status messages prior to switching modes in step 6.

6. Switch radio mode to FM for 30 seconds.

7. Return the radio to SAT Mode.

8. "Updating" may be seen momentarily followed by the audio and normal operation from the satellite radio.
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SIRIUS Sportster 5?

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