Monday's update for SIRIUS (Mazda owners)

It doesn't matter anymore whose faulty it is.
Everyone just sit back and chill out.
Sirius is taking care of it (no matter who's faulty it is).
You read the emails.
It's going to be fixed.
End of subject.
sidd said:
This is all about Customer Expectations and understanding them. customers "do not" want to deal with inaccurate information or installation of a product that does not work correctly; especially after paying $500 for it. Alot of different players here but the major culprit, in my opinion is Sirius. If I learn that it was a hardware issue, I will apologize but thus far all I've read leads me to believe it's a software issue.

Hope others support my view!

Sid, I totally see your point and agree. Just as I said above, our radio's worked fine before the update. Sirius needs to get it right, and I firmly beleive they are heading down the right path to get us all back online!
If it was a software only issue, you would see MUCH more than just those Mazda factory radios where the chipsets are likely all the same having issues. BUT what exactly do you want a content provider to do about hardware? A perfect software update can hit bad hardware and "poof" to the bad hardware, but with good hardware it went right in just fine, the bad hardware just got exposed. With the Dell/Sony example, you are talking about 2 hardware providers; so the example is not apples to apples Dell had access to tons of replacement hardware because that is exactly what they do this is NOT what Sirius does. BUT as just stated you guys need to chill, things, regardless of fault take time, and that doesn't mean a few days.
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On a lighter note...


Can't we all just get along?

EDIT: Sorry, I thought I was posting on Stern Fan Network...
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charper1 said:
you guys need to chill, things, regardless of fault take time, and that doesn't mean a few days.

I'm about as chilled as they come...Like I said, I believe Sirius will get it right, doesn't mean I can't vent my frustrations. I also believe my Dell/Sony example is quite applicable in this scenario. But to each his own.
Wow- this is getting heated. Hardware vs Software. How about we get a pool going.Closest guess wins. I vote hardware affecting mostly Clarion units being fixed by Mazda.
My unit is a Sanyo. I am chilled out, it's just the fact that Customer Service in this country is falling by the the way side
My unit is a Sanyo. I am chilled out, it's just the fact that Customer Service in this country is falling by the the way side
sidd said:
My unit is a Sanyo. I am chilled out, it's just the fact that Customer Service in this country is falling by the the way side

You just hit the nail on the head.
There really is no such thing as good customer service anymore.
BTW mine is a Sanyo too.

Just wondering, are you a new Sirius customer?
If you are, in just a few more days, you will be enjoying a great sevice.
And you will probably never have to call them for anything ever again.

I know it's got to be very disapointing. Just buying a new car, and something you were looking forward to, doesn't work.
Let Sirius handle this for you. They said they are working on it. And they are. They told us so.
Why would they lie to us?

You are going to love your Sirius service.
Give it til the end of next week. After that you will be enjoying Sirius for the rest of your life.
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I did not sign -up yet since Sirius radio was just connected? Thursday night . Since it's been updating since then, I never have got a chance to officially sign up. I do have the unit that broadcasts thru the FM station 88.1 from my other car so I do like Sirius
charper1 said:
You pay for THEIR subscription services YES, but hardware is the company selling it and / or the manufacturing name on it; be it Mazda, XACT, JVC, or whomever. If they have faulty gear or faulty chips in the gear, its THEIR problem really, not the subscription service's. People ultimately place it there because that's where they send monthly money /provides the content. BUT you paid a hefty marked up price for the factory radio that happens to have Sirius in it (with the price of the car) so thats where the most blame should be. I know its frustrating to not have your radio, but you got to really look at the details of who is really providing what, and Sirius is providing content to the radio, not the chips in the hardware.

If your TV (the box not the content) goes out do you call ABC, CBS or FOX to complain? No, you call the place you bought it or maybe the maker, like Phillips or RCA, etc.

If you home develops a leak do you call the bank or mortgage company to complain? No, you call the warranty or insurance who in turn gets to the builders.

If your PC or laptop crashes do you call to complain to your ISP? No, you once again call who sold it or built it.

One has to understand where the problem really lies, not just always complaining to the place where the subscription money is because its not always to right place. The fact that their typical CSRs do not know how to resolve your factory radio problem is NO SURPRISE, and they do all they can do, which is credit your service until MAZDA replaces your faulty radio.
Being as I've been dealing with this in other forums and have spoken with people in the Sirius upper management I feel I can chime in.

First of all, this IS a Sirius issue. Is it happening with only our receivers? At this point yes. However, the receivers worked fine until SIRIUS pushed an improperly tested (admitted by Sirius upper management, btw) update. How on earth that's Mazda's or Sanyo's or Clarion's (yes, Clarion made some Mazda units and are experiencing trouble as well from what I've read) fault is beyond me. Did they make the receivers to spec? I've got to guess so or Sirius wouldn't (or shouldn't) have let them sell them. Sirius didn't test the update properly before pushing it anymore than they properly tested the, "update," with their online player, which, btw, is STILL causing many problems for many people.

You ask if my tv went out would I contact ABC/CBS/NBC/etc and blame them. I would if they sent something to my tv to make it stop working. Sirius did that to my receiver (and many others). From what I understand (again, from inside people) Mazda wasn't the only one they had problems with, we are (unfortunately) the only ones they haven't been able to fix yet. So, again, the update wasn't properly tested before pushing it out to us.

With that said, the Sirius cust service isn't so much the problem. It's been the lack of communication which has shown the lack of care by Sirius to get this problem fixed. It was brought up elsewhere that, if Sportsters were having this problem I'll bet the problem would have been fixed sooner. I tend to agree with that. Because it is a small percentage of overall Sirius subs being affected, we are not a priority. Is that the right business decision? I have no idea. But what I do know is it's pissed off a LOT of subs out there. I have 2 other subs. Honestly, if XM didn't suck so badly (my opninion) I'd have canceled days ago. I know of many who have canceled/will not sub once their free time is up. At a time when Sirius has such momentum, it hasn't been handled well at all.

I'm gonna guess if you call cust service right now they'll tell you everything from:

-Your receiver needs to be reset (impossible with this receiver).
-I've never heard about this problem before, you're the first caller with this problem.
-It's Mazda's fault.
-You need to go to the dealer for this problem (see the first response).
-And many other things.

The problem isn't the people answering the phone, the higher-ups are NOT getting the information out to them and the general public. This is bad customer support...PERIOD.

Again, this is Sirius' fault, they pushed the update, they caused my receiver to go dead. Taking two weeks to fix it has been unacceptable...

I was told by someone in Sirius Corporate that there would 1st be a temporary fix as in a new signal sent out sometime next week(hopefully Monday am) and then the units would have to be replaced. Supposedly, we will receive something in the mail from Mazda explaining this. You can find the Sirius Corporate Tel # by a simple Google search. Most of the CSR's in Texas,Carribean,NY and Nova Scotia are uninformed. If you call the Sirius help line you should ask to speak to a supervisor. At least they are a little more informed.
I also contacted the Mazda hdqts. in CA and found someone who was very helpful and informed.
Everyone should at least get 1 free month if not something else for the inconvenience.

I have to say that the lack of communication was the most frustrating part of this. Had someone at Sirius been able to tell me from the get-go that there was a problem instead of having me go through countless resending of the signals and sitting waiting in my car for 30 minutes at a time not to mention taking the car back to the dealer then I would have been more patient.

Listening to am-fm radio in the car once you've been exposed to Satellite is torturous. I missed out on 2 weeks of football Sundays, have fallen behind on Howard Stern, and have been forced to break out the ipod and cd's.

Hopefully this problem will be fixed by next week.
limmylo said:
I was told by someone in Sirius Corporate that there would 1st be a temporary fix as in a new signal sent out sometime next week(hopefully Monday am) and then the units would have to be replaced.

Just wondering? Did you read the whole thread from the beginning?
Everybody here has different opinions on what's going to happen.

I've said since my 1st post that this is a software issue.
And I still stand by that.
Sometime this week (but not on Monday), we will get new software, in an update, that is going to solve this whole problem.
There will be no swapping out radios.

There won't be a temporary fix. They are going to fix it correctly the first time.
That's what's taking so long.

Most of us have not been speaking to the regular CSRs.
We've been calling Tech Support directly.
And we've now received 2 emails from Sirius.

It's almost over...
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I read every post on this thread...Not only did I speak to about 40 CSR's and about 10 Supervisors but I was in direct contact with at least 3 people in the Corporate office in NYC. I received both emails from Michael Moore et al.
Obviously there will be different opinions regarding software-hardware and I appreciate your optimistic attitude but unfortunately it looks as if the radios might have to be replaced eventually by Mazda. I too am hoping that it's just a software issue and that a simple resend of the signal will be enough but I am just relaying what I was told.
We will soon see.........
charper1 said:
Someone always has an inside source? LOL
Uh yes. I spoke with Jim Meyer who is the President of Sales and some other things. I emailed him directly and received a phone call from him and I have exchanged emails with him. So, I'd consider him in the know wouldn't you?

Anyway, we're now 2 full weeks without service. I really wish they'd get this worked out. Although I'm a huge Sirius fan (the programming anyway), I'm getting closer to canceling all 3 of my subs and just dealing with my iPod. It's totally unacceptable for them to have taken this long to fix this problem.
I agree, it's taken far too long to get this resolved. I get the feeling they have the fix, but are stuck on who will eventually pay for it. Unfortunately we the subscribers ( I have 2 subs) are the ones caught in the middle.
I received an email from Sirius this morning apologizing for the problem and saying I could call customer service to get a new update that would fix the problem. I did this, and the rep was completely clueless. He sent the activation message several times, and nada. He suggested I cut the power to the tuner by removing the fuse; this was something I had suggested to them 10 days ago, and they said it would void the warranty. Anybody had a similar experience? Where do we stgand now?
Mazda 3 Sirius Upgrade Problem

I was told to bring my car in to the dealer and have the Sirius radio reset, then call Sirius and have them send a signal to my car. Anyone else try this??
Has anyone else recieved an email from Sirius today? I recieved the first 2, but nothing today. Is this the fix that Sirius was talking about - reset the radio and wait for an update. This is old crap! It didn't work 2 weeks ago and it won't work now.

SIRIUS Sportster 5?

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