Monday's update for SIRIUS (Mazda owners)

Update Wed 10/4

Ok, I got an idiot CSR this time. I could barely understand him.
I was told,
"We is workin own it. It am just gonna take am couple mo days."

When SIRIUS sends me any more emails, I will post them right away.
Just got off my daily call, and boy it was brutal! The CSR I spoke with had no clue, and all she could say is "We are working on it." I raised a little stink with her and got a month credit to my account.

That's all I got for today. It was good to see that Tankerman actually got an email from Sirius. That gives us a little hope!
Quick question for you existing customers, when you get an update, how long does it usually take before the update is complete?

In other words - how much time should I give my unit each time before assuming that the fix is not yet in? As I am checking each time I get in the car, three times a day I give it about a minute before trying to find a tollerable station on FM. Is that enough time?

Thanks all - great to have company in my misery.

skacey said:
Quick question for you existing customers, when you get an update, how long does it usually take before the update is complete?

In other words - how much time should I give my unit each time before assuming that the fix is not yet in? As I am checking each time I get in the car, three times a day I give it about a minute before trying to find a tollerable station on FM. Is that enough time?

Thanks all - great to have company in my misery.


From my past experience, it should take about 5 min (8 max).
Also, during a normal update, your radio will still have audio.
Anyone else have different thoughts?

But, I wouldn't expect anything before Friday.
It's a shame that they can't just give us the old software back, until they find a fix for this.
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Sirius update

It's my understanding that it should take no longer then 5 minutes for the update, but during the update you should be able to get channel 184 and hear the voiceover. I don't expect they will have a quick fix on Friday. I spoke with the Tech Service staff at Sanyo and this is a big deal with them and quite a few other manufacturers. I don't believe there will be a fix without swapping out hardware. I think they are working on the logistics on how to do it.
VMG said:
It's my understanding that it should take no longer then 5 minutes for the update, but during the update you should be able to get channel 184 and hear the voiceover. I don't expect they will have a quick fix on Friday. I spoke with the Tech Service staff at Sanyo and this is a big deal with them and quite a few other manufacturers. I don't believe there will be a fix without swapping out hardware. I think they are working on the logistics on how to do it.

I sure hope you are wrong! I am not ready to wait in line at a Mazda dealership to get my dash torn apart again.
Latest news: Spoke with local Mazda Service manager - he recieved a preliminary notification from Mazda that 6000 Sirius modules are affected nation wide and will require replacement. He didn't have all the details yet, but says it will be handled by a Tech Service Bulliten and believes it will happen within the next 2 weeks. I think the hang up is getting these 6,000 replacement units. You may want to check with your local dealership to see if they are saying the same thing.
Friday's update:
Called my Mazda dealership, they said that they are aware of the problem.
They said that there will not be a swap out on the radios.
They also said that this is a Sirius software issue.

Called Sirus Tech Support.
Told them that we have not received any information, other than the email that I received the other night. The email stated that we would receive information by the end of the week. Where is it?

I got put on hold while he talked to his supervisor. Came back and told me that they are going to be sending out a new update to ALL radios, that will fix this problem, and hopefully not affect any others. He also told me that this is the first major problem that they have had since they went into business.

Everyone will get a months worth of credit on their account (as long as you've called in to complain).
I told him it's not a money issue. It's a customer service issue. We as paying customers need to be updated as to what is going on.

That's all I've got for today.
Great News (I think)

I just got an automated voicemail from Michael Moore (a VP at Sirius) stating that they have finally isolated the issue, and it's not a Sirius related issue, but rather a hardware issue, which I think we all knew. Anyway, he said they have a solution in place and we should all have Sirius back and running no later than next week!! We shall see if this actually happens.
Friday Email

Dear SIRIUS Satellite Radio Subscriber:

Thank you for your continued patience as we work with Mazda to correct
the problem that has interrupted service to some SIRIUS subscribers.

We have determined that the problem is not related to the SIRIUS
broadcast system; however, Mazda and SIRIUS technical experts have
isolated the issue, which is related to select radios on the following

Mazda 3
Mazda 5

We have identified a solution, which we expect to implement no later
than next week, that should allow you to resume your Sirius service.

Once more, we apologize for this inconvenience, and we will update you
again early next week. Ensuring affected customers are satisfied will
remain our top priority.


Michael Moore
VP/Customer Service

Please note: this is not a promotional e-mail. As a SIRIUS subscriber, you will periodically receive service notices via e-mail. These service notices are intended to provide you with helpful information that will facilitate and enhance your SIRIUS listening experience.
Mazada Satellite radio problem

Just had radio installed in new 2007 Miata last evening; radio is still "updating" to my dismay. Please send me the telephone number if it's not working by Sunday. It's very disappointing to see the lack of urgency & customer sensitivity from a company whose struggling to make it

tankerman said:
Well, after 3 days, and four 30+ minute calls to Sirius. I think we finally have some help on the way.

I guess I'm the only person in this forum with this problem.

My Mazda factory radio has been flashing "updating" since Tuesday morning.
After some searching on the internet, I found that everyone with this model radio is having the same problem.

On my last phone call to Sirius today, they finally admitted that THEY did something wrong. Bad software, I guess?

They said the radio should be working again by Sat or Sunday.
They are giving me a one week extention on that subscription.

They also gave me a special phone number to call on Monday morning, if it's still not working.

If anyone else is in need of this phone number, send me a PM, and I'll give it to you.
I also received tonight's email and voice mail from our friend Michael Moore.
If they had just sent it an hour earlier I wouldn't have called and bitched them out.

Next week? We shall see.

If you read the email it doesn't say if it's a hardware or a software issue.
It only states that "the problem is not related to the SIRIUS broadcast system".
Meaning, this is not our fault.

If it was a hardware issue, they would have to swap out radios.
But the email says that they've "identified a solution".

I take that as saying: We are going to send you a new upadate.
An update always includes software.

So maybe Sanyo didn't build they're radios to Sirius specs?
That would make the problem Sanyo's fault.

If it is Sanyo's fault, it appears that SIRIUS will be able to fix it for them.

I have called everyday. I'm tired of calling.
Since we received a new email, I will give them until Wed 10/11, before I call anymore.

EDIT: If you are one of the people that are still "updating", and are not receiving emails or voice mails,
this means you are not on the"list". Call SIRIUS to be put on the list, and ask for a credit to your account.
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sidd said:
Just had radio installed in new 2007 Miata last evening; radio is still "updating" to my dismay. Please send me the telephone number if it's not working by Sunday. It's very disappointing to see the lack of urgency & customer sensitivity from a company whose struggling to make it

WHA? Its a Mazda factory radio hardware issue as said above; not a Sirius specific issue; it seems to be up to Mazda (or who ever builds their radios) to get it right. And how would Mazda be a company strugeling to make it?
2006 mazda 3

I am having the same issue with my satellite radio in my 2006 mazda 3. what is also happening now is that if I turn me car off in satellite mode, my presets on my radio reset. is anyone having this problem.
The $12.95/month goes to Sirius (not Mazada); without everyones $12.95 Sirius could not make it; having "poor" customer service answers and a lack of customer sensitivity to the issue is a reflection on Sirius. My miata and the AM/FM radio work fine; I don't need Sirius but they need me! as ell as the others on this Forum!

charper1 said:
WHA? Its a Mazda factory radio hardware issue as said above; not a Sirius specific issue; it seems to be up to Mazda (or who ever builds their radios) to get it right. And how would Mazda be a company strugeling to make it?
Mazada Miata Sirius Problem

Does anyone know if the 2007 Miata Radio can be converted over to XM instead of Sirius, which we continue to have problems with?
sidd said:
The $12.95/month goes to Sirius (not Mazada); without everyones $12.95 Sirius could not make it; having "poor" customer service answers and a lack of customer sensitivity to the issue is a reflection on Sirius. My miata and the AM/FM radio work fine; I don't need Sirius but they need me! as ell as the others on this Forum!

You pay for THEIR subscription services YES, but hardware is the company selling it and / or the manufacturing name on it; be it Mazda, XACT, JVC, or whomever. If they have faulty gear or faulty chips in the gear, its THEIR problem really, not the subscription service's. People ultimately place it there because that's where they send monthly money /provides the content. BUT you paid a hefty marked up price for the factory radio that happens to have Sirius in it (with the price of the car) so thats where the most blame should be. I know its frustrating to not have your radio, but you got to really look at the details of who is really providing what, and Sirius is providing content to the radio, not the chips in the hardware.

If your TV (the box not the content) goes out do you call ABC, CBS or FOX to complain? No, you call the place you bought it or maybe the maker, like Phillips or RCA, etc.

If you home develops a leak do you call the bank or mortgage company to complain? No, you call the warranty or insurance who in turn gets to the builders.

If your PC or laptop crashes do you call to complain to your ISP? No, you once again call who sold it or built it.

One has to understand where the problem really lies, not just always complaining to the place where the subscription money is because its not always to right place. The fact that their typical CSRs do not know how to resolve your factory radio problem is NO SURPRISE, and they do all they can do, which is credit your service until MAZDA replaces your faulty radio.
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sidd said:
The $12.95/month goes to Sirius (not Mazada); without everyones $12.95 Sirius could not make it; having "poor" customer service answers and a lack of customer sensitivity to the issue is a reflection on Sirius. My miata and the AM/FM radio work fine; I don't need Sirius but they need me! as ell as the others on this Forum!

If you don't need Sirius, it's very easy to take care of that.
Just cancel your subscription.
There are still be 5,099,999 of us who like our Sirius service.
We are just having a small problem right now.

As for Sirius having poor customer service, that's actually far from the truth.
Over all Sirius has the best customer service of any company that I've ever dealt with.

Do you mean to tell us, that your cable or satellite tv never go out.
Try dealing with Dish Network one time, and you'll appreciate the folks at Sirius.

And yes you can convert your equipement to XM. Go for it.
You'll be back.

Most of the rest of us will wait it out, while you convert to XM.
And in a week we will be enjoying our great service from Sirius.
The same won't be said for you.

Good luck with that.
sidd said:
The $12.95/month goes to Sirius (not Mazada); without everyones $12.95 Sirius could not make it; having "poor" customer service answers and a lack of customer sensitivity to the issue is a reflection on Sirius. My miata and the AM/FM radio work fine; I don't need Sirius but they need me! as ell as the others on this Forum!

Sidd has a point here guys (and girls). I work in the sales group for Dell Computers. As most of you know, we recently had a massive battery recall of ~5 million batteries. Were these batteries manuafactured by Dell? Heck no they weren't! They were manuafactured by Sony. Who is taking it on the chin though? That would be Dell, not Sony (although Sony is feeling it in their pocketbooks). We stepped up to the plate and were the first in the industry to announce a PROACTIVE recall. Now all computer manuafactures are following our lead. What does this have to do with our Sirius issue you may ask? Well a whole heck of a lot. Sirius decided to push out an update. Our radios worked flawlessly BEFORE this update. Now after Sirius did this update, our radios are not functioning. Therefore, who needs to step to the plate and fix it. That would be Sirius, who decided to push out an update that is not compatible with our perfectly well manuafactured radios. So I don't know what all the chatter is here, but this is definately a Sirius issue, that I hope will really be fixed next week as they have promised.

All that aside, I love Sirius and consider this a bump in the road and feel like they will make this right, just as Dell did with our battery recall.
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Sirius Radio problems

Everyone; here's my point, based on everything I've read here and on Sirius radios worked until September 26th, so it does not sound like a radio problem BUT there is alot of finger pointing - Sirius, Mazda, Sanyo and no answers. Apparently Sirius is now starting to focus on the software not the hardware; in fact I just sent an email to CEO and President of Operations about the negative publicity they are getting on the internet due to "lack of information" or"incorrect information". I personally spent an hour and half at dealership, trying to get radio updated per customer service instructions, Another instruction was disconnect radio from battery, which again took time.

This is all about Customer Expectations and understanding them. customers "do not" want to deal with inaccurate information or installation of a product that does not work correctly; especially after paying $500 for it. Alot of different players here but the major culprit, in my opinion is Sirius. If I learn that it was a hardware issue, I will apologize but thus far all I've read leads me to believe it's a software issue.

Hope others support my view!

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