Besides the Seattle Mariners, what other team has never been to the World Series now?
The Montreal Expos/Washington Nationals.
Besides the Seattle Mariners, what other team has never been to the World Series now?
On the east coast. Here on the west coast it is late afternoon.I read the game was going to be on prime time.
The Montreal Expos/Washington Nationals.
I hope game one of the World Series is between Cliff Lee versus "Big Time Timmy Jim 'the Freak'" Lincecum.
Fear the Beard!
Fear? How about luck. A line drive double play to get out of the eighth, and a favorable strike three call in to end the gameFear the Beard!
Fear? How about luck. A line drive double play to get out of the eighth, and a favorable strike three call in to end the game
Fear? How about luck. A line drive double play to get out of the eighth, and a favorable strike three call in to end the game
Sure Dodgers fans, it was all luck.That's how we got there. Look at the pitching, that might give you a hint.
Bye Bye Phillies.. you choked just as bad as the NY Skanks did LMAO
Giants Win Series 4-2
Texas Rangers @ S.F Giants in the 2010 World Series = Priceless
Is another EarthQuake just around the corner ?
Is another EarthQuake just around the corner ?
California earthquakes are as normal as Buckeyes winning every saturday hehe..
We have many more quakes than that every day. Most of them cannot be felt though. California-Nevada Fault MapsSo you have an Earthquake 11, 12 times a football season ?