MLB 2013 Season

It amazes me that a franchise like the Yankees employ such a clown to do the radio broadcasts. His girlfriend Waldmyn is just as bad.
The most annoying thing is, "Theeeeeee Yankeessss Winnnnnnnnnnn!!!" Not because it is the Yankees, it is because it just sounds horrible.

A lot of teams have lame announcers. The Dodgers have Steiner who can be over dramatic at times. The White Sox have the biggest homer around, Harrelson. The Red Sox have an announcer, Orsillo, that sounds like he is always announcing a golf match that puts people to sleep.

The best current announcing team IMO, believe it or not, are the Giants Krukow and Kuiper. This is coming from a Dodgers fan who does not like the Giants.


I don't hear you complaining when Vin Scully announces baseball games like they are golf matches.
Kershaw will be missing his start this time around because they want him to be strong and well rested for the playoffs. He has pitched too many innings and is starting to fatigue. He will be getting only one more short outing start about a week before the playoffs start.

The Reds are doing something similar in pushing back everybody for an extra day rest.
The most annoying thing is, "Theeeeeee Yankeessss Winnnnnnnnnnn!!!" Not because it is the Yankees, it is because it just sounds horrible.

A lot of teams have lame announcers. The Dodgers have Steiner who can be over dramatic at times. The White Sox have the biggest homer around, Harrelson. The Red Sox have an announcer, Orsillo, that sounds like he is always announcing a golf match that puts people to sleep.

The best current announcing team IMO, believe it or not, are the Giants Krukow and Kuiper. This is coming from a Dodgers fan who does not like the Giants.

It is very annoying.


I don't hear you complaining when Vin Scully announces baseball games like they are golf matches.
The best announcer in the history of the game, whose calls are heard on many of the most dramatic plays in history, from Aaron's 615th HR to Buckner's error to Gibson's HR to Montana to Clark "The Catch", who is best known for putting the proper response and tone to each play, announces like a golf announcer? That is the funny thing I heard.

Sure Vinny can sound like he is doing a golf game at times. But that is when the game has an atmosphere of a golf game. My critique is when an announcer sounds like they are announcing a golf game even when one of the most exciting things happens in the game; when they call a game winning hit or HR as if it was just a routine out.

You know what else is funny? I can give a negative assessment of 10 announcers on 10 different teams, and give a positive assessment of 10 announcers; if one of those announcers happens to be a Red Sox announcer, that is the only thing people focus on, negative or positive. Heck, my post was a reply to someone even more critical of the Yankee announcers.
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Ken Harrelson was a pretty good Red Sox announcer. He wasn't a homer back then like he is now. He sucked up to Jim Rice, because they are buddies, but other than that, he cut it pretty much down the middle. He had Dick Stockton for his TV partner and they despised one another. They had to make small talk with one another during a two or three hour rain delay and it was ungodly painful. Every once in a while, the centerfield camera would point towards their booth and we could see that they had actually turned their chairs so that they were back to back with one another.

Red Sox announcer John Miller did a better Vin Scully than Vin Scully does.

Bob Starr may have been the dumbest announcer I have ever heard. Joe Castiglione got passed over for the #1 announcer designation because he had a nasal voice, so they brought in Starr. He didn't understand what a fielder's choice was and didn't know the difference between a ground rule double and fan interference. Once, a player had been replaced early in the game but Starr kept naming the removed player when he came to bat and when balls were hit to him in the field. Even when Castiglione tried to get him off the hook and the start of one late game at-bat there was a pause and then Starr indignantly boomed , "What are you pointing at on my score card?"
Don't get me wrong. Orsillo is an all around good guy. I know he is admired in NE. I am glad you guys have an announcer that is very well liked and respected. I just personally do not care for the way he calls plays. That is just my own opinion.

The same with Harrelson in Chicago. I am sure many of you Red Sox fans agree with me about Harrelson.
Ken Harrelson was a pretty good Red Sox announcer. He wasn't a homer back then like he is now. He sucked up to Jim Rice, because they are buddies, but other than that, he cut it pretty much down the middle. He had Dick Stockton for his TV partner and they despised one another. They had to make small talk with one another during a two or three hour rain delay and it was ungodly painful. Every once in a while, the centerfield camera would point towards their booth and we could see that they had actually tutned their chairs so that they were back to back with one another.

Red Sox announcer John Miller did a better Vin Scully than Vin Scully does.

Bob Starr may have been the dumbest announcer I have ever heard. Joe Castiglione got passed over for the #1 announcer designation because he had a nasal voice, so they brought in Starr. He didn't understand what a fielder's choice was and didn't know the differenc e between a ground rule double and fan interference. Once, a player had been replaced early in the game but Starr kept naming the removed player when he came to bat and when balls were hit to him in the field. Even when Castiglione tried to get him off the hook and the start of one late game at-bat there was a pause and then Starr indignantly boomed , "What are you pointing at on my score card?"
I heard some of Starr when I was little. I do not remember enough about him to say one way or another.

Wasn't he more of a football guy than a baseball guy though?

BTW, I do like John Miller as well, even though he is a Giants announcer
I got your "Golf Game" announcing right here. :p

Vin Scully's Top 5 Calls.

5. Buckner's Error
4. Henry Aaron's 715 HR
3. "The Catch" - Montana to Clarke
2. Koufax no hitter
1. Gibson 1988 Game 1 World Series HR

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I like him, I just don't like a 1 man booth.

I guess I understand, but I would much rather have someone talking to ME the viewer/listener than 2 or 3 guys carrying on between them about everything BUT what is going on down on the field. Orsillo and Remy are notorious for that. Hawk & Stone talk about the game all the time...the game when THEY played ball 50 years ago!!! I could go on and on about multi-manned booths and how they detract from the game being played. The only exception I would add would be SNY's Gary Cohen, Keith and Ron. They have melded into a cohesive unit that works pretty well...unless Hernandez goes off pontificating about something!
Ken Harrelson was a pretty good Red Sox announcer. He wasn't a homer back then like he is now. He sucked up to Jim Rice, because they are buddies, but other than that, he cut it pretty much down the middle. He had Dick Stockton for his TV partner and they despised one another. They had to make small talk with one another during a two or three hour rain delay and it was ungodly painful. Every once in a while, the centerfield camera would point towards their booth and we could see that they had actually turned their chairs so that they were back to back with one another.

Red Sox announcer John Miller did a better Vin Scully than Vin Scully does.

Bob Starr may have been the dumbest announcer I have ever heard. Joe Castiglione got passed over for the #1 announcer designation because he had a nasal voice, so they brought in Starr. He didn't understand what a fielder's choice was and didn't know the difference between a ground rule double and fan interference. Once, a player had been replaced early in the game but Starr kept naming the removed player when he came to bat and when balls were hit to him in the field. Even when Castiglione tried to get him off the hook and the start of one late game at-bat there was a pause and then Starr indignantly boomed , "What are you pointing at on my score card?"

If anything, Hawk was critical of the Red Sox (in particular Haywood Sullivan) when he had to be. That's what ultimately got him out of the Red Sox TV gig. What he became as a White Sox announcer is a joke. When people compare him to Johnny Most, I get pissed off. Yes, Most was a homer but Johnny did it with more humor, constantly berating the opponents players and refs.

Anyway, as far as the Red Sox go, my favorite all time announcing team was Jim Woods and Ned Martin....BY FAR!! Unfortunately, they only did a few seasons together on Red Sox radio in the 70's, but I can still hear them on a warm summer evening! :)
Saltalamacchia just stole third, with a right handed batter in the box, and he stole home the other day. Ortiz has stolen third at least twice this year. I know that some great base stealers have said it is easier to steal third than second, but this is ridiculous.
Jarrod Saltalamacchia has four stolen bases in his last eight games. He had one in 580 games prior to that.

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