MLB 2010 Season

On the twelfth day of Strasmas,
my pitcher gave to me...

So far, two hits, five strikeouts, no walks and one run through four innings, leading 5-1.
Salsa, is Florida doing better under the new manager or worse than the old one?

The manager was not the issue, it has been the reilef pitching all year. I over heard the other day during a game that Josh Johnson gave the game over to the relief corp 8 times WITH the lead...and they blew it BEFORE the closer could come in. Johnson could be somewhere in the 15-18 win and THE front runner in the National League for the Cy Young award and the Marlins would have been within striking distance. :rant::rant::rant:

...but...."shoulda, coulda, woulda....and if my aunt had balls....she'd be my uncle..." LOL!
Marlins waived VERY well liked Cody Ross..which in turn, was claimed by the Giants. They were making room for Cameron Mayben. This was a very popular player by both the players and fans.
Not one word on Strasburg? Poor kid. He looked like the real deal, now he can't stay healthy. What a shame.

That is what happens when the franchise has very little talent at the major league level and needs something...ANYTHING to get people in the stands. Personally, it is VERY hard to get two franchise in a city that does not have atleast 6 million people. ONE franchise is difficult enough.
That is what happens when the franchise has very little talent at the major league level and needs something...ANYTHING to get people in the stands. Personally, it is VERY hard to get two franchise in a city that does not have atleast 6 million people. ONE franchise is difficult enough.

I love Strasburg, but I consistently maintained that it was stupid of the Nationals to take him. They need several more players, and they could have traded the rights to him to the Yankees for three or four lesser but very good prospects.
I love Strasburg, but I consistently maintained that it was stupid of the Nationals to take him. They need several more players, and they could have traded the rights to him to the Yankees for three or four lesser but very good prospects.

Ya, thats all the yankees need, Number 1 first round pick.

You MUST be a yankee fan.

Btw, the yankees can't possibly have much more in thier minors that are top quality players after the trades thay have made the last year.
That is what happens when the franchise has very little talent at the major league level and needs something...ANYTHING to get people in the stands. Personally, it is VERY hard to get two franchise in a city that does not have atleast 6 million people. ONE franchise is difficult enough.

I'm a little confused. What city are you talking about that has two franchises? :confused:

I'm a little confused. What city are you talking about that has two franchises? :confused:


NYC, Chicago, LA, Baltimore-DC.... I was trying to say that those cities that have 2 have decades and in some cases centuries of tradition and fan base. It is a tough cell in the Baltimore-DC area to try to get enough people to fill both of those stadiums. BUT, like I said before....if you win...they will come.
NYC, Chicago, LA, Baltimore-DC.... I was trying to say that those cities that have 2 have decades and in some cases centuries of tradition and fan base. It is a tough cell in the Baltimore-DC area to try to get enough people to fill both of those stadiums. BUT, like I said before....if you win...they will come.

Baltimore and DC are two completely separate DMA's. Close geographically, but not the same as two teams in NYC, Chicago, etc.

The difference is 34 miles and they are competing for the same baseball dollar.

Yes and no. While they are very close (the difference is usually rounded to 40 miles, but I suppose it depends WHERE in Baltimore and DC you are measuring from), as I said, they are two completely separate DMA's. There is much more of a geographical divide between the fans of these teams and fans of, say, the Yankees and the Mets.

If they put a winner on the field, I'm confident the population of those two cities (1,385,275 combined!) would be enough to fill both stadiums.

Very true. But if only one team has a winner it's not like all the fans in DC are going to flock to Baltimore, or vice versa if the winning team is in DC. They are close but definitely separate.

If they put a winner on the field, I'm confident the population of those two cities (1,385,275 combined!) would be enough to fill both stadiums.

But you are assuming that everyone is a baseball fan. Considering the fact that the original Senators were moved to Texas and the DC area did not have a franchise(per say) for almost 40-50 really cannot say that. IF you use that same logic, there is no reason that the A's/Giants(damn, I forgot about them, two teams, they are even closer at 11 miles) is full to capacity that they are turning people away for ever single game.
Very true. But if only one team has a winner it's not like all the fans in DC are going to flock to Baltimore, or vice versa if the winning team is in DC. They are close but definitely separate.


You know, I would not be surprised that would happen in the case of the Baltimore/D.C. situation, simply because they had no franchise there for a long time and many of those older baseball fans that might have been Senator fans became Oriole fans.

Othere cities like Met/Yanks, Cubs/Sox hate each other and would never root for the other team to do well....from what I have seen.
Very true. But if only one team has a winner it's not like all the fans in DC are going to flock to Baltimore, or vice versa if the winning team is in DC. They are close but definitely separate.


Also, it's worth mentioning that like any heavily populated urban city, 40 miles is a hell of a lot different from other areas in the world. I don't know if any of you have driven through DC/Baltimore area, but it would take well over 1.5 to 2 hours just to go such a short distance. Traffic is an absolute nightmare there.
You know, I would not be surprised that would happen in the case of the Baltimore/D.C. situation, simply because they had no franchise there for a long time and many of those older baseball fans that might have been Senator fans became Oriole fans.

Definitely possible. Plus Angelos has done everything in his power to alienate Oriole fans. But they are still two completely separate DMA's, which will keep many (except perhaps those directly in the Baltimore/Washington corridor) aligned with their own team.

Anything is possible, though, there are actually tons of Red Sox fans in the New York area, and I would imagine also tons of Yankee fans around Boston.

Also, it's worth mentioning that like any heavily populated urban city, 40 miles is a hell of a lot different from other areas in the world. I don't know if any of you have driven through DC/Baltimore area, but it would take well over 1.5 to 2 hours just to go such a short distance. Traffic is an absolute nightmare there.

LOL good point but the 40 mile separation is actually not through an urban area, it's just a highway (actually two highways) that connect the cities just like the NJ Turnpike connects New York and Philly.

The pain points when traveling in that area are the Fort McHenry tunnel area in Baltimore, and the DC beltway during rush hour. And rush hour lasts a lot longer there!


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